Paul Marhenke (marhenke)
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Marhenke, Paul. 1928. “The Problem of Error.” in University of California Publications in Philosophy. Volume X, The Problem of Truth, Lectures delivered before the Philosophical Union, University of California, 1927–1928, edited by George P. Adams, Jacob Loewenberg, and Stephen C. Pepper, pp. 141–174. Berkeley, California: University of California Press.
Marhenke, Paul. 1929. “Belief and Fact.” in University of California Publications in Philosophy. Volume XI, Studies in the Nature of Truth, Lectures delivered before the Philosophical Union, University of California, 1928–1929, edited by George P. Adams, Jacob Loewenberg, and Stephen C. Pepper, pp. 167–198. Berkeley, California: University of California Press.
Marhenke, Paul. 1930. “The Reality of Relations.” in University of California Publications in Philosophy. Volume XIII, Studies in the Problem of Relations, Lectures delivered before the Philosophical Union, University of California, 1930, edited by George P. Adams, Jacob Loewenberg, and Stephen C. Pepper, pp. 165–188. Berkeley, California: University of California Press.
Marhenke, Paul. 1932. “Fact and Descriptive Reference.” in University of California Publications in Philosophy. Volume XIV, Studies in the Nature of Facts, Lectures delivered before the Philosophical Union, University of California, 1931, edited by George P. Adams, Jacob Loewenberg, and Stephen C. Pepper, pp. 117–148. Berkeley, California: University of California Press.
Marhenke, Paul. 1934. “Possibility and Significance.” in University of California Publications in Philosophy. Volume XVII, Possibility, Lectures delivered before the Philosophical Union, University of California, 1933, edited by George P. Adams, Jacob Loewenberg, and Stephen C. Pepper, pp. 153–176. Berkeley, California: University of California Press.
Marhenke, Paul. 1935. “McTaggart’s Analysis of Time.” in University of California Publications in Philosophy. Volume XVIII, The Problem of Time, Lectures delivered before the Philosophical Union, University of California, 1934, edited by George P. Adams, Jacob Loewenberg, and Stephen C. Pepper, pp. 149–174. Berkeley, California: University of California Press.
Marhenke, Paul. 1936. “The Constituents of Mind.” in University of California Publications in Philosophy. Volume XIX, The Nature of Mind, Lectures delivered before the Philosophical Union, University of California, 1935, edited by Philosophical Union of the University of California, pp. 169–208. Berkeley, California: University of California Press.
Marhenke, Paul. 1937. “Hume’s View of Identity.” in University of California Publications in Philosophy. Volume XX, The Problem of the Individual, Lectures delivered before the Philosophical Union, University of California, 1936, edited by Philosophical Union of the University of California, pp. 155–180. Berkeley, California: University of California Press.
Marhenke, Paul. 1939. “Rationality and Irrationality.” in University of California Publications in Philosophy. Volume XXI, Reason, Lectures delivered before the Philosophical Union, University of California, 1938, edited by Philosophical Union of the University of California, pp. 151–180. Berkeley, California: University of California Press.
Marhenke, Paul. 1942. “Moore’s Analysis of Sense-Perception.” in The Philosophy of G.E. Moore, edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp, pp. 253–280. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 4. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
Marhenke, Paul. 1950. “Phenomenalism.” in Philosophical Analysis: A Collection of Essays, edited by Max Black, pp. 280–301. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc.