Gordon I. McCalla (mccalla)
Beiträge zu Philosophie.ch
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Cercone, Nick and McCalla, Gordon I., eds. 1987a. The Knowledge Frontier. Essays in the Representation of Knowledge. Berlin: Springer.
Cercone, Nick and McCalla, Gordon I. 1987b. “What is Knowledge Representation?” in The Knowledge Frontier. Essays in the Representation of Knowledge, edited by Nick Cercone and Gordon I. McCalla, pp. 1–43. Berlin: Springer.
Huang, Xueming, McCalla, Gordon I. and Neufeld, Eric. 1991. “Using Attention in Belief Revision.” in AAAI-91. Proceedings of the Ninth National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by Thomas L. Dean and Kathleen R. McKeown, pp. 275–280. Menlo Park, California: The AAAI Press.