James E. McGuire (mcguire-je)
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Bogen, James [Jim] and McGuire, James E., eds. 1985. How Things Are. Studies in Predication and the History of Philosophy and Science. Philosophical Studies Series n. 29. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
Krips, Henry, McGuire, James E. and Melia, Trevor, eds. 1995. Science, Reason, and Rhetoric. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Machamer, Peter K. and McGuire, James E. 2006. “Descartes’ Changing Mind.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 37(3): 398–419.
Machamer, Peter K. and McGuire, James E. 2009. Descartes’ Changing Mind. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
McGuire, James E. 1970. “Atoms and the ‘Analogy of Nature’: Newton Third Rule of Philosophizing.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 1: 3–58.
McGuire, James E. 1974. “Forces, Powers, Aethers, and Fields.” in Methodological and Historical Essays in the Natural and Social Sciences. Proceedings of the Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science 1969/1972, edited by Robert S. Cohen and Marx W. Wartofsky, pp. 119–160. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 14. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
McGuire, James E. 1976. “ ‘Labyrinthus Continui’: Leibniz on Substance, Activity, and Matter.” in Motion and Time, Space and Matter, edited by Peter K. Machamer and Robert G. Turnbull, pp. 290–326. Columbus, Ohio: Ohio State University Press.
McGuire, James E. 1983. “Space, Geometrical Objects and Infinity: Newton and Descartes on Extension.” in Nature Mathematized. Historical and Philosophical Case Studies in Classical Modern Natural Philosophy. Papers Deriving from the Third International Conference on the History and Philosophy of Science, Montréal, Canada, 1980. Volume I, edited by William R. Shea, pp. 69–112. The University of Western Ontario Series in Philosophy of Science n. 20. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
McGuire, James E. 1985. “Phenomenalism, Relations, and Monadic Representation: Leibniz on Predicate Levels.” in How Things Are. Studies in Predication and the History of Philosophy and Science, edited by James [Jim] Bogen and James E. McGuire, pp. 205–234. Philosophical Studies Series n. 29. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
McGuire, James E. 1990. “Predicates of Pure Existence: Newton on God’s Space and Time.” in Philosophical Perspectives on Newtonian Science, edited by Phillip Bricker and R. I. G. Hughes, pp. 91–108. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
McGuire, James E. 1994. “Natural Motion and Its Causes: Newton on the ‘Vis Insita’ of Bodies.” in Self-Motion. From Aristotle to Newton, edited by Mary Louise Gill and James G. Lennox, pp. 305–330. Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
McGuire, James E. 1995. Tradition and Innovation. Newton’s Metaphysics of Nature. The University of Western Ontario Series in Philosophy of Science n. 56. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
McGuire, James E. 2007. “A Dialogue with Descartes: Newton’s Ontology of True and Immutable Natures.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 45(1): 103–125.
McGuire, James E. and Slowik, Edward. 2012. “Newton’s Ontology of Omnipresence and Infinite Space.” in Oxford Studies in Early Modern Philosophy, volume VI, edited by Daniel Garber and Donald P. Rutherford, pp. 279–308. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199659593.001.0001.