José Medina (medina-j)
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Kidd, Ian James, Medina, José and Pohlhaus, Gaile, Jr., eds. 2017a. The Routledge Handbook of Epistemic Injustice. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. London: Routledge.
Kidd, Ian James, Medina, José and Pohlhaus, Gaile, Jr. 2017b. “Introduction to The Routledge Handbook of Epistemic Injustice.” in The Routledge Handbook of Epistemic Injustice, edited by Ian James Kidd, José Medina, and Gaile Pohlhaus Jr., pp. 1–10. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. London: Routledge.
Medina, José. 2001. “Verificationism and Inferentialism in Wittgenstein’s Philosophy.” Philosophical Investigations 24(4): 304–313.
Medina, José. 2003. “Deflationism and the True Colours of Necessity in Wittgenstein’s Tractatus.” Dialectica 57(4): 357–386.
Medina, José. 2004. “The Meanings of Silence: Wittgensteinian Contextualism and Polyphony.” Inquiry 47(6): 562–579.
Medina, José. 2006. “What’s so Special about Self-Knowledge?” Philosophical Studies 129(3): 575–603.
Medina, José. 2013a. The Epistemology of Resistance: Gender and Racial Oppression, Epistemic Injustice, and the Social Imagination. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199929023.001.0001.
Medina, José. 2013b. “An Enactivist Approach to the Imagination: Embodied Enactments and ‘Fictional Emotions’ .” American Philosophical Quarterly 50(3): 317–335.
Medina, José. 2015. “The Will Not to Believe: Pragmatism, Oppression, and Standpoint Theory.” in Feminist Interpretations of William James, edited by Erin C. Tarver and Shannon Sullivan, pp. 255–260. Rereading the Canon. University Park, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press.
Medina, José. 2016. “Ignorance and Racial Insensitivity.” in The Epistemic Dimensions of Ignorance, edited by Rik Peels and Martijn Blaauw, pp. 178–201. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/9780511820076.
Medina, José. 2017. “Varieties of Hermeneutical Injustice.” in The Routledge Handbook of Epistemic Injustice, edited by Ian James Kidd, José Medina, and Gaile Pohlhaus Jr., pp. 41–52. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. London: Routledge.
Medina, José. 2018. “Epistemic Injustice and Epistemologies of Ignorance.” in The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of Race, edited by Paul C. Taylor, Linda Martı́n Alcoff, and Luvell Anderson, 3rd ed., pp. 247–260. Routledge Philosophy Companions. London: Routledge.
Medina, José. 2020. “Trust and Epistemic Injustice.” in The Routledge Handbook of Trust and Philosophy, edited by Judith Simon, pp. 52–63. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. London: Routledge.
Medina, José. 2021. “Vices of the Privileged and Virtues of the Oppressed in Epistemic Group Dynamics.” in The Routledge Handbook of Political Epistemology, edited by Michael Hannon and Jeroen de Ridder, pp. 336–346. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. London: Routledge.
Medina, José. 2022a. “Political Epistemology.” in The Political Turn in Analytic Philosophy. Reflections on Social Injustice and Oppression, edited by David Bordonaba-Plou, Vı́ctor Fernández Castro, and José Ramón Torices, pp. 55–76. EIDE – Foundations of Ontology n. 11. Berlin: de Gruyter, doi:10.1515/9783110612318.
Medina, José. 2022b. “Group Agential Epistemic Injustice: Epistemic Disempowerment and Critical Defanging of Group Epistemic Agency.” in Philosophical Issues 32: Epistemology, edited by John Greco and Deborah Perron Tollefsen, pp. 320–334. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley; Sons, Inc., doi:10.1111/phis.12221.
Medina, José. 2023. The Epistemology of Protest: Silencing, Epistemic Activism, and the Communicative Life of Resistance. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780197660904.001.0001.
Medina, José and Wood, David, eds. 2005. Truth. Engagements Across Philosophical Traditions. Blackwell Readings in Continental Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, doi:10.1002/9780470776407.
Pitts, Andrea J., Ortega, Mariana and Medina, José, eds. 2020. Theories of the Flesh. Latinx and Latin American Feminisms, Transformation, and Resistance. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780190062965.001.0001.