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Donald Michie (michie-d)

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    Collins, N. L. and Michie, Donald, eds. 1967. Machine intelligence 1. Edinburgh: Oliver; Boyd.
    Elcock, Edward Wray and Michie, Donald, eds. 1977. Machine Intelligence 8. Chichester, West Sussex: Ellis Horwood, Ltd.
    Furukawa, Donald Michie, Michie, Donald and Muggleton, Stephen H., eds. 1999. Machine Intelligence 15: Intelligent Agents. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Furukawa, K., Michie, Donald and Muggleton, Stephen H., eds. 1994. Machine Intelligence 13: Machine Intelligence and Inductive Learning. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Furukawa, K., Michie, Donald and Muggleton, Stephen H., eds. 1995. Machine Intelligence 14: Applied Machine Intelligence. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Hayes, Jean Elisabeth, Michie, Donald and Richards, James, eds. 1988. Machine Intelligence 11: Logic and the Acquisition of Knowledge. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Lighthill, James, Sutherland, N. S., Needham, Roger M., Longuet-Higgins, H. Christopher and Michie, Donald, eds. 1973. Corpus Processing for Lexical Acquisition. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    Meltzer, Bernard and Michie, Donald, eds. 1969a. Machine Intelligence 4. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Meltzer, Bernard and Michie, Donald, eds. 1969b. Machine Intelligence 5. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Meltzer, Bernard and Michie, Donald, eds. 1972. Machine Intelligence 7. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Michie, Donald, ed. 1968. Machine Intelligence 3. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Michie, Donald. 1974. On Machine Intelligence. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley; Sons, Inc.
    Michie, Donald. 1979. Expert Systems in the Micro-Electronic Age. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
    Michie, Donald. 1982. Introductory Readings in Expert Systems. New York: Gordon & Breach.
    Michie, Donald. 1988. The Fifth Generation’s Unbridged Gap.” in The Universal Turing Machine: A Half-Century Survey, edited by Rolf Herken, 1st ed., pp. 467–489. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Second edition: Herken (1995).
    Michie, Donald. 1993. Turing’s Test and Conscious Thought.” Artificial Intelligence 60(1): 1–22. Reprinted in Millican and Clark (1996, 27–65).
    Michie, Donald. 1994a. Consciousness as an Engineering Issue (Part 1).” Journal of Consciousness Studies 1: 192–195.
    Michie, Donald. 1994b. Consciousness as an Engineering Issue (Part 2).” Journal of Consciousness Studies 2: 52–66.
    Michie, Donald and Johnston, Rory. 1984. The Creative Computer: Machine Intelligence and Human Knowledge. Middlesex: Harmondsworth.
    Michie, Donald and Johnston, Rory. 1985. The Knowledge Machine: Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Man. New York: William Morrow & Company.

Further References

    Millican, Peter J. R. and Clark, Andy, eds. 1996. Machines and Thought. The Legacy of Alan Turing, Volume 1. Mind Association Occasional Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press.