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Szabolcs Mikulás (mikulas)

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    Andréka, Hajnal and Mikulás, Szabolcs. 1994. Lambek Calculus and its Relational Semantics: Completeness and Incompleteness.” Journal of Logic, Language, and Information 3(1): 1–37.
    Marx, Maarten and Mikulás, Szabolcs. 2003. An Elementary Construction for a Non-Elementary Procedure.” Studia Logica: An International Journal for Symbolic Logic 72(2): 253–263.
    Marx, Maarten, Mikulás, Szabolcs, Németi, István and Sain, Ildikó. 1996. Causes and Remedies for Undecidability in Arrow Logics and Multi-Modal Logics.” in Arrow Logic and Multimodal Logic, edited by Maarten Marx, László Pólos, and Michael Masuch, pp. 35–61. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications.
    Mikulás, Szabolcs. 1996. Complete Calculus for Conjugated Arrow Logic.” in Arrow Logic and Multimodal Logic, edited by Maarten Marx, László Pólos, and Michael Masuch, pp. 125–139. Stanford, California: CSLI Publications.
    Mikulás, Szabolcs. 2015. The Equational Theories of Representable Residuated Semigroups.” Synthese 192(7): 2151–2158.
    Mikulás, Szabolcs and Marx, Maarten. 1999. Undecidable Relativizations of Algebras of Relations.” The Journal of Symbolic Logic 64: 747–760.
    Mikulás, Szabolcs, Sain, Ildikó and Simon, András. 2015. Complexity of Equational Theory of Relational Algebras with Standard Projection Elements.” Synthese 192(7): 2159–2182.