Danièle Moyal-Sharrock (moyalsharrock)
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Moyal-Sharrock, Danièle. 2003. “Logic in Action: Wittgenstein’s Logical Pragmatism and the Impotence of Skepticism.” Philosophical Investigations 26(2): 125–148.
Moyal-Sharrock, Danièle, ed. 2004a. The Third Wittgenstein: The Post-Investigations Works. Farnham, Surrey: Ashgate.
Moyal-Sharrock, Danièle. 2004b. Understanding Wittgenstein’s On Certainty. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
Moyal-Sharrock, Danièle, ed. 2005a. Readings of Wittgenstein’s On Certainty. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
Moyal-Sharrock, Danièle. 2005b. “Quand les mots sont des actes : les ‘énoncés spontanés’ chez Wittgenstein et la dissolution du problème corps-esprit.” Revue de Théologie et de Philosophie 55(1): 1–17.
Moyal-Sharrock, Danièle. 2005c. “Unravelling Certainty.” in Readings of Wittgenstein’s On Certainty, edited by Danièle Moyal-Sharrock, pp. 76–100. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
Moyal-Sharrock, Danièle, ed. 2007. Perspicuous Presentations. Essays on Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Psychology. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
Moyal-Sharrock, Danièle. 2009. “The Fiction of Paradox: Really Feeling for Anna Karenina.” in Emotions and Understanding. Wittgensteinian Perspectives, edited by Ylva Gustafsson, Camilla Kronqvist, and Michael McEachrane, pp. 165–184. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
Moyal-Sharrock, Danièle. 2013a. “Wittgenstein’s Razor: The Cutting Edge of Enactivism.” American Philosophical Quarterly 50(3): 263–280.
Moyal-Sharrock, Danièle. 2013b. “On Coliva’s Judgmental Hinges [on Coliva (2010)].” Philosophia 41(1): 13–25.
Moyal-Sharrock, Danièle. 2013c. “Beyond Hacker’s Wittgenstein: Discussion of Hacker (2012).” Philosophical Investigations 36(4): 355–380.
Moyal-Sharrock, Danièle. 2013d. “Realism, but Not Empiricism: Wittgenstein versus Searle.” in A Wittgensteinian Perspective on the Use of Conceptual Analysis in Psychology, edited by Timothy P. Racine and Kathleen L. Slaney, pp. 153–171. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
Moyal-Sharrock, Danièle. 2017a. “Wittgenstein on Knowledge and Certainty.” in A Companion to Wittgenstein, edited by Hans-Johann Glock and John Hyman, pp. 547–562. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1002/9781118884607.
Moyal-Sharrock, Danièle. 2017b. “Fighting Relativism: Wittgenstein and Kuhn.” in Realism – Relativism – Constructivism. Proceedings of the 38th International Wittgenstein Symposium in Kirchberg, edited by Christian Kanzian, Sebastian Kletzl, Josef Mitterer, and Katharina Neges, pp. 215–232. Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society (new series) n. 24. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Moyal-Sharrock, Danièle, Munz, Volker A. and Coliva, Annalisa, eds. 2015. Mind, Language and Action. Proceedings of the 36th International Wittgenstein Symposium. Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society (new series) n. 22. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Sandis, Constantine and Moyal-Sharrock, Danièle, eds. 2022. Extending Hinge Epistemology. Anthem Studies in Wittgenstein. London: Anthem Press.
Further References
Coliva, Annalisa. 2010. Moore and Wittgenstein. Scepticism, Certainty and Common Sense. History of Analytic Philosophy. Basingstoke, Hampshire: Palgrave Macmillan.
Hacker, Peter M. S. 2012. “Wittgenstein on Grammar, Theses and Dogmatism.” Philosophical Investigations 35(1): 1–17.