Gert Heinz Müller (mueller-gh)
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Fraser, Julius Thomas, Haber, F. C. and Müller, Gert Heinz, eds. 1972. The Study of Time. Proceedings of the First Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time, Oberwolfach (Black Forest) – West Germany. New York: Springer.
Gonseth, Ferdinand and Müller, Gert Heinz. 1950. Philosophie mathématique. Chroniques de l’Institut international de philosophie. Paris: Hermann & cie.
Müller, Gert Heinz. 1950a. “Besprechung von Pietsch (1949).” Dialectica 4(13): 77.
Müller, Gert Heinz. 1950b. “Besprechung von Reichenbach (1949).” Dialectica 4(13): 80.
Müller, Gert Heinz. 1953a. “Review of Goodman (1951).” Dialectica 7(25): 70–77.
Müller, Gert Heinz. 1953b. “Besprechung von Dürr (1951).” Dialectica 7(25): 78–83.
Müller, Gert Heinz. 1953c. “Besprechung von Speiser (1952).” Dialectica 7(26): 179–182.
Müller, Gert Heinz. 1953d. “Zur Methodologie der Physik und zum Standpunkt von J.-L. Destouches (Destouches (1953)).” Dialectica 7(27): 255–275.
Müller, Gert Heinz. 1954a. “Besprechung von Bocheński (1951).” Dialectica 8(29): 78–80.
Müller, Gert Heinz. 1954b. “Besprechung von Boehner (1952) und Moody (1953).” Dialectica 8(29): 81–83.
Müller, Gert Heinz. 1954c. “Besprechung von Wein (1950).” Dialectica 8(29): 84–87.
Müller, Gert Heinz. 1954d. “Besprechung von Menger (1954).” Dialectica 8(31): 267–269.
Müller, Gert Heinz. 1954e. “Besprechung von Denjoy (1946).” Dialectica 8(31): 270–273.
Müller, Gert Heinz. 1954f. “Besprechung von Becker and Hofmann (1951).” Dialectica 8(31): 274.
Müller, Gert Heinz. 1954g. “Besprechung von Reidemeister (1953) und von Reidemeister (1954).” Dialectica 8(32): 366–368.
Müller, Gert Heinz. 1997. “Reflection in Set Theory. The Bernays-Levy Axiom System.” in Philosophy of Mathematics Today, edited by Evandro Agazzi and György Darvas, pp. 137–169. Episteme n. 22. Dordrecht: Springer.
Further References
Becker, Oskar and Hofmann, Jos. E. 1951. Geschichte der Mathematik. Frankfurt a.M.: Athenäeum Verlag.
Bocheński, Józef Martin. 1951. Ancient Formal Logic. Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics n. 2. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co.
Boehner, Philotheus. 1952. Medieval Logic – An Outline of its Development from 1250 to c. 1400. Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press.
Dürr, Karl. 1951. The Propositional Logic of Boethius. Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics n. 1. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co.
Goodman, Nelson. 1951. The Structure of Appearance. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
Menger, Karl. 1954. Géométrie générale. Mémorial des sciences mathématiques n. 124. Paris: Gauthier Villars Éditeur.
Moody, Ernest A. 1953. Truth and Consequence in Medieval Logic. Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics n. 11. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co.
Pietsch, E. 1949. Naturwissenschaft, Religion, Weltanschauung, Clausthaler Gespräch 1948. Clausthal-Zellerfeld: Gmelin-Verlag GmbH.
Reichenbach, Hans. 1944. Philosophic foundations of quantum mechanics. Berkeley, California: University of California Press.
Reichenbach, Hans. 1949. Philosophische Grundlagen der Quantenmechanik. Basel: Birkhäuser. Translation of Reichenbach (1944).
Reidemeister, Kurt. 1953. Geist und Wirklichkeit. Kritische Essays. Berlin: Springer.
Reidemeister, Kurt. 1954. Die Unsachlichkeit der Existenzphilosophie. Vier kritische Aufsätze. Berlin: Springer.
Wein, Hermann. 1950. Das Problem des Relativismus (Philosophie im Übergang zur Anthropologie). Berlin: de Gruyter.