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Hichem Naar (naar)

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Thumos Seminar 2024

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    Milona, Michael and Naar, Hichem. 2020. Sentimental Perceptualism and the Challenge from Cognitive Bases.” Philosophical Studies 177(10): 3071–3096, doi:10.1007/s11098-019-01360-7.
    Naar, Hichem. 2013a. A Dispositional Theory of Love.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 94: 342–357.
    Naar, Hichem. 2013b. A Defence of Sentiments: Emotions, Dispositions, and Character.” PhD dissertation, Manchester: Philosophy Department, University of Manchester.
    Naar, Hichem. 2017. Subject-Relative Reasons for Love.” Ratio 30(1): 197–214.
    Naar, Hichem. 2018. Sentiments.” in The Ontology of Emotions, edited by Hichem Naar and Fabrice Teroni, pp. 149–168. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/9781316275221.
    Naar, Hichem. 2019. Emotion: Animal and Reflective.” The Southern Journal of Philosophy 57(4): 561–588, doi:10.1111/sjp.12359.
    Naar, Hichem. 2020. The Real Issue with Recalcitrant Emotions: Reply to Grzankowski (2017).” Erkenntnis 85(5): 1035–1040, doi:10.1007/s10670-018-0063-z.
    Naar, Hichem. 2021. The Fittingness of Emotions.” Synthese 199(5-6): 13601–13619, doi:10.1007/s11229-021-03391-2.
    Naar, Hichem. 2022a. The Rationality of Love. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198862642.001.0001.
    Naar, Hichem. 2022b. Emotion: More like Action than Perception.” Erkenntnis 87(6): 2715–2744, doi:10.1007/s10670-020-00324-2.
    Naar, Hichem. 2022c. Do Emotions Represent? in A Tribute to Ronald de Sousa, edited by Julien Amos Deonna, Christine Tappolet, and Fabrice Teroni. Genève: University of Geneva,
    Naar, Hichem and Tappolet, Christine. 2017. Review of Roeser and Todd (2014).” Analysis 77(3): 675–678.
    Naar, Hichem and Teroni, Fabrice, eds. 2018a. The Ontology of Emotions. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/9781316275221.
    Naar, Hichem and Teroni, Fabrice. 2018b. Introduction.” in The Ontology of Emotions, edited by Hichem Naar and Fabrice Teroni, pp. 1–13. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/9781316275221.

Further References