Dana Kay Nelkin (nelkin-dk)
My contributions to Philosophie.ch
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Brink, David Owen and Nelkin, Dana Kay. 2013. “Fairness and the Architecture of
Responsibility.” in Oxford
Studies in Agency and Responsibility, volume I, edited by
David W. Shoemaker, pp. 284–314. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199694853.001.0001.
Nelkin, Dana Kay. 2000. “Two Standpoints and the Belief in Freedom.”
The Journal of Philosophy 97(10): 564–563.
Nelkin, Dana Kay. 2004a. “The Sense of Freedom.” in Freedom and Determinism, edited by Joseph
Keim Campbell, Michael O’Rourke, and David Shier, pp. 105–134. Topics
in Contemporary Philosophy n. 1. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The
MIT Press.
Nelkin, Dana Kay. 2004b. “Irrelevant Alternatives and Frankfurt
Counterfactuals.” Philosophical Studies 121(1):
Nelkin, Dana Kay. 2004c.
“Deliberative Alternatives.” Philosophical
Topics 32(1–2): 215–240.
Nelkin, Dana Kay. 2004d.
“Moral Luck.” in The
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California:
The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language;
Information, https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/spr2004/entries/moral-luck/.
Nelkin, Dana Kay. 2005. “Freedom, Responsibility and the Challenge of
Situationism.” in Midwest Studies
in Philosophy 29: Free Will and Moral Responsibility, edited
by Peter A. French and Howard K. Wettstein, pp. 181–206. Boston, Massachusetts:
Blackwell Publishers.
Nelkin, Dana Kay. 2007a. “Do we have a Coherent Set of Intuitions about Moral
Responsibility?” in Midwest
Studies in Philosophy 31: Philosophy and the Empirical,
edited by Peter A. French and Howard K.
Wettstein, pp. 243–259. Boston,
Massachusetts: Blackwell Publishers.
Nelkin, Dana Kay. 2007b. “Good Luck to Libertarians.”
Philosophical Explorations: An International Journal for the
Philosophy of Mind and Action 10(2): 173–184.
Nelkin, Dana Kay. 2008a. “Responsibility and Rational Abilities: Defending An
Asymmetrical View.” Pacific Philosophical
Quarterly 89: 497–515.
Nelkin, Dana Kay. 2008b.
“Moral Luck.” in The
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California:
The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language;
Information, https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/sum2008/entries/moral-luck/.
Nelkin, Dana Kay. 2009. “Responsibility, Rational Abilities, and Two Kinds of
Fairness Arguments.” Philosophical Explorations: An
International Journal for the Philosophy of Mind and Action 12(2):
Nelkin, Dana Kay. 2011. Making Sense of Freedom and Responsibility.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199608560.001.0001.
Nelkin, Dana Kay. 2013a. “Replies to Critics [McKenna (2013) and Speak
(2013)].” Philosophical Studies 163(1):
Nelkin, Dana Kay. 2013b. “Desert, Fairness, and Resentment.”
Philosophical Explorations: An International Journal for the
Philosophy of Mind and Action 16(2): 117–132.
Nelkin, Dana Kay. 2013c.
“Moral Luck.” in The
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California:
The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language;
Information, https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/sum2013/entries/moral-luck/.
Nelkin, Dana Kay. 2014. “Moral Responsibility, Conversation, and Desert: Comments
on Michael McKenna’s Conversation and Responsibility.”
Philosophical Studies 171(1): 63–72.
Nelkin, Dana Kay. 2015. “Friendship, Freedom, and Special
Obligations.” in Agency, Freedom,
and Moral Responsibility, edited by Andrei A. Buckareff, Carlos J. Moya, and Sergi Rosell, pp. 226–250. London: Palgrave
Nelkin, Dana Kay. 2017. “Fine Cuts of Moral Agency: Dissociable Deficits in
Psychopathy and Autism.” in Current Controversies in Bioethics, edited by
S. Matthew Liao and Collin O’Neil, pp. 47–65. Current
Controversies in Philosophy. New York: Routledge.
Nelkin, Dana Kay. 2019a.
“Moral Luck.” in The
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California:
The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language;
Information, https://plato.stanford.edu/archives/sum2019/entries/moral-luck/.
Nelkin, Dana Kay. 2019b. “Thinking outside the (Traditional) Boxes of Moral
Luck.” in Midwest Studies in
Philosophy 43: Moral Luck, edited by Peter A. French, Howard K. Wettstein, and Andrew C. Khoury, pp. 7–23. Malden, Massachusetts:
Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1111/misp.12101.
Nelkin, Dana Kay. 2020. “Equal Opportunity: A Unifying Framework for Moral,
Aesthetic, and Epistemic Responsibility.” Proceedings
of the Aristotelian Society 120(2): 203–235.
Nelkin, Dana Kay and Pereboom, Derk, eds. 2022. The Oxford Handbook of Moral Responsibility.
Oxford Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190679309.001.0001.
Nelkin, Dana Kay and Rickless, Samuel C. 2015. “So Close, Yet So Far: Why Solutions to the Closeness
Problem for the Doctrine of Double Effect Fall Short.”
Noûs 49(2): 376–409.
Nelkin, Dana Kay and Rickless, Samuel C. 2017. The Ethics and Law of Omissions. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780190683450.001.0001.
Warmke, Brandon, Nelkin, Dana Kay and McKenna, Michael, eds. 2021. Forgiveness and Its Moral Dimensions. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780190602147.001.0001.
Further References
McKenna, Michael. 2013. “Source Compatibilism and That Pesky Ability to Do
Otherwise: Comments on Dana Nelkin’s Making Sense of Freedom and
Responsibility.” Philosophical Studies 163(1):
Speak, Daniel. 2013. “On the Possibility of Making Even More Sense of Freedom
and Responsibility.” Philosophical Studies
163(1): 117–122.