Elisabeth Nemeth (nemeth-e)
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Galavotti, Maria Carla, Nemeth, Elisabeth and Stadler, Friedrich, eds. 2014. European Philosophy of Science – Philosophy of Science in Europe and the Viennese Heritage. Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook n. 17. Dordrecht: Springer.
Heinrich, Richard, Nemeth, Elisabeth, Pichler, Wolfram and Wagner, David, eds. 2011a. Image and Imagining in Philosophy, Science and the Arts. Volume 1. Proceedings of the 33\(^{rd}\) International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium in Kirchberg, 2010. Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society (new series) n. 16. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
Heinrich, Richard, Nemeth, Elisabeth, Pichler, Wolfram and Wagner, David, eds. 2011b. Image and Imagining in Philosophy, Science and the Arts. Volume 2. Proceedings of the 33\(^{rd}\) International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium in Kirchberg, 2010. Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society (new series) n. 17. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
Nemeth, Elisabeth. 1982. “Die Einheit der Planwirtschaft und die Einheit der Wissenschaft.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 16–17: 365–384. “Schlick und Neurath – Ein Symposium. Beiträge zum International philosophischen Symposion aus Anlass der 100. Wiederkehr des Geburtstages von Moritz Schlick (14.4.1882 – 22.6.1936) und Otto Neurath (10.12.1882 – 22.12.1945), Wien, 16.-20.6.1982,” ed. by Rudolf Haller.
Nemeth, Elisabeth. 1991a. “The Unity of Planned Economy and the Unity of Science.” in Rediscovering the Forgotten Vienna Circle. Austrian Studies on Otto Neurath and the Vienna Circle, edited by Thomas E. Uebel, pp. 275–284. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 133. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Nemeth, Elisabeth. 1991b. “Otto Neurath’s Utopias – The Will to Hope.” in Rediscovering the Forgotten Vienna Circle. Austrian Studies on Otto Neurath and the Vienna Circle, edited by Thomas E. Uebel, pp. 285–294. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 133. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Nemeth, Elisabeth, ed. 1994a. Otto Neurath oder die Einheit von Wissenschaft und Gesellschaft. Wien: Böhlau.
Nemeth, Elisabeth. 1994b. “Empiricism and the Norms of Scientific Knowledge: Some Reflections on Otto Neurath and Pierre Bourdieu.” in Norms, Value and Society, edited by Herlinde Pauer-Studer, pp. 23–32. Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook n. 2. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Nemeth, Elisabeth. 1996. “Otto Neurath’s Vision of Science between Utopia and Encyclopedia.” in Encyclopedia and Utopia. The Life and Work of Otto Neurath (1882-1945), edited by Elisabeth Nemeth and Friedrich Stadler, pp. 7–14. Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook n. 4. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Nemeth, Elisabeth. 2007a. “Logical Empiricism and the History and Sociology of Science.” in The Cambridge Companion to Logical Empiricism, edited by Alan W. Richardson and Thomas E. Uebel, pp. 278–302. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Nemeth, Elisabeth. 2007b. “ ‘Freeing up One’s Point of View’: Neurath’s Machian Heritage Compared with Schumpeter’s.” in Otto Neurath’s Economics in Context, edited by Elisabeth Nemeth, Stefan W. Schmitz, and Thomas E. Uebel, pp. 13–36. Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook n. 13. Dordrecht: Springer.
Nemeth, Elisabeth. 2011. “Scientific Attitude and Picture Language. Otto Neurath on Visualisation in Social Sciences.” in Image and Imagining in Philosophy, Science and the Arts. Volume 2. Proceedings of the 33\(^{rd}\) International Ludwig Wittgenstein Symposium in Kirchberg, 2010, edited by Richard Heinrich, Elisabeth Nemeth, Wolfram Pichler, and David Wagner, pp. 59–84. Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society (new series) n. 17. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
Nemeth, Elisabeth. 2013. “The Philosophy of the ‘Other Austrian Economics’ .” in New Challenges to the Philosophy of Science, edited by Hanne Andersen, Dennis Dieks, Wenceslao J. González, Thomas E. Uebel, and Gregory R. Wheeler, pp. 339–350. The Philosophy of Science in a European Perspective n. 4. Berlin: Springer.
Nemeth, Elisabeth. 2018. “Kants Erkenntnisvermögen als historische und soziologische Konzeption. Ein Versuch zu Edgar Zilsel und Michael Friedman.” in Natur und Freiheit. Akten des XII. Internationalen Kant Kongresses, volume I, edited by Violetta L. Waibel, Margit Ruffing, and David Wagner, pp. 577–594. Berlin: de Gruyter.
Nemeth, Elisabeth, Schmitz, Stefan W. and Uebel, Thomas E., eds. 2007a. Otto Neurath’s Economics in Context. Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook n. 13. Dordrecht: Springer.
Nemeth, Elisabeth, Schmitz, Stefan W. and Uebel, Thomas E. 2007b. “Introduction.” in Otto Neurath’s Economics in Context, edited by Elisabeth Nemeth, Stefan W. Schmitz, and Thomas E. Uebel, pp. 3–12. Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook n. 13. Dordrecht: Springer.
Nemeth, Elisabeth and Stadler, Friedrich, eds. 1996. Encyclopedia and Utopia. The Life and Work of Otto Neurath (1882-1945). Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook n. 4. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Romizi, Donata, Wulz, Monika and Nemeth, Elisabeth, eds. 2022. Edgar Zilsel: Philosopher, Historian, Sociologist. Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook. Dordrecht: Springer, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-93687-7.