Charles Sanders Peirce (peirce-cs)
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Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1867a. “On an Improvement in Boole’s Calculus of Logic.” Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 7: 250–261. Reprinted in Peirce (1933a, 1–19) and in Peirce (1984a, 12–23).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1867b. “On the Natural Classification of Arguments.” Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 7: 261–287. Reprinted in Peirce (1932, 461–516) and in Peirce (1984a, 23–49).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1867c. “On a New List of Categories.” Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 7: 287–298. Reprinted in Peirce (1931, 545–559), in Peirce (1984a, 49–59) and in Peirce (1992a, 1–10).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1867d. “Upon the Logic of Mathematics.” Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 7: 402–412. Reprinted in Peirce (1933a, 20–44) and in Peirce (1984a, 59–69).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1867e. “Upon Logical Comprehension and Extension.” Proceedings of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 7: 416–432. Reprinted in Peirce (1932, 391–426) and in Peirce (1984a, 391–426).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1867f. “Review of Venn, The Logic of Chance.” North American Review 105: 317–321. Reprinted in Peirce (1958b, 1–6) and in Peirce (1984a, 98–103).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1868a. “Nominalism versus Realism.” The Journal of Speculative Philosophy 2(1): 57–61. Reprinted in Peirce (1935b, 619–624) and in Peirce (1984a, 144–153).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1868b. “Questions Concerning Certain Faculties Claimed for Man.” The Journal of Speculative Philosophy 2(2): 103–114. Reprinted in Peirce (1935a, 213–263), in Peirce (1984a, 193–211) and in Peirce (1992a, 11–27).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1868c. “Some Consequences of Four Incapacities.” The Journal of Speculative Philosophy 2(3): 140–157. Reprinted in Peirce (1935a, 264–317), in Peirce (1984a, 211–242) and in Peirce (1992a, 28–55).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1868d. “What is Meant by ‘Determined’ .” The Journal of Speculative Philosophy 2(3): 190–191. Reprinted in Peirce (1935b, 625–630) and in Peirce (1984a, 155–157).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1869. “Grounds of Validity of the Laws of Logic: Further Consequences of Four Incapacities.” The Journal of Speculative Philosophy 2(4): 193–208. Reprinted in Peirce (1935a, 318–357), in Peirce (1984a, 242-272-) and in Peirce (1992a, 56–82).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1870. “Description of a Notation for the Logic of Relatives, Resulting from an Amplification of the Conceptions of Boole’s Calculus of Logic.” Memoirs of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences 9: 317–378. Reprinted in Peirce (1933a, 45–149) and in Peirce (1984a, 359–429-).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1871. “Review of Fraser, The Works of George Berkeley.” North American Review 113: 449–472. Reprinted in Peirce (1958b, 7–38) and in Peirce (1984a, 462–486).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1876. “Logical Contraposition and Conversion.” Mind 1(3): 424–425.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1877. “The Fixation of Belief.” Popular Science Monthly 12: 1–15. Reprinted in Peirce (1935a, 358–387), in Peirce (1986a, 242–257) and in Peirce (1992a, 109–123).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1878a. “How to Make Our Ideas Clear.” Popular Science Monthly 12: 286–302. Reprinted in Peirce (1935a, 388–410), in Peirce (1986a, 257–276) and in Peirce (1992a, 124–141).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1878b. “The Doctrine of Chances.” Popular Science Monthly 12: 604–615. Reprinted in Peirce (1932, 645–668), in Peirce (1986a, 276–290) and in Peirce (1992a, 142–154).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1878c. “The Probability of Induction.” Popular Science Monthly 12: 705–718. Reprinted in Peirce (1932, 669–693) and in Peirce (1992a, 155–169).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1878d. “The Order of Nature.” Popular Science Monthly 13: 203–217. Reprinted in Peirce (1935b, 395–427) and in Peirce (1992a, 170–185).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1878e. “Deduction, Induction, and Hypothesis.” Popular Science Monthly 13: 470–482. Reprinted in Peirce (1932, 619–644) and in Peirce (1992a, 186–199).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1878f. “Comment se fixe la croyance.” Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger 6: 553–569.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1879. “Comment rendre nos idées claires.” Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger 7: 39–57.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1880. “On the Algebra of Logic.” American Journal of Mathematics 3(1): 15–57. Reprinted in Peirce (1989, 163–208), doi:10.2307/2369442.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1881. “On the Logic of Number.” American Journal of Mathematics 4(1): 85–95. Reprinted in Peirce (1933a, 252–288), in Peirce (1989, 299–309) and in Ewald (1996, 598–608), doi:10.2307/2369151.
Peirce, Charles Sanders, ed. 1883a. Studies in Logic by Members of the Johns Hopkins University. Boston, Massachusetts: Little, Brown; Company.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1883b. “A Theory of Probable Inference.” in Studies in Logic by Members of the Johns Hopkins University, edited by Charles Sanders Peirce, pp. 126–181. Boston, Massachusetts: Little, Brown; Company. Reprinted in Peirce (1932, 694–754) and in Peirce (1989, 408–450).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1883c. “Note A [‘On a Limited Universe of Marks’].” in Studies in Logic by Members of the Johns Hopkins University, edited by Charles Sanders Peirce, pp. 182–186. Boston, Massachusetts: Little, Brown; Company. Reprinted, in revised form, in Peirce (1932, 517–531).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1883d. “Note B [‘The Logic of Relatives’].” in Studies in Logic by Members of the Johns Hopkins University, edited by Charles Sanders Peirce, pp. 187–203. Boston, Massachusetts: Little, Brown; Company. Reprinted in Peirce (1933a, 328–358) and in Peirce (1989, 453–466).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1885a. “On the Algebra of Logic: A Contribution to the Philosophy of Notation.” American Journal of Mathematics 7(2): 180–196. Continued by Peirce (1885b), reprinted in Peirce (1933a, 210–238), Peirce (1993, 162–190) and in Ewald (1996, 608–632), doi:10.2307/2369451.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1885b. “On the Algebra of Logic: A Contribution to the Philosophy of Notation (continued).” American Journal of Mathematics 7: 197–202, doi:10.2307/2369269.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1887a. “Contribution XX [‘Science and Immortality’].” in Science and Immortality: The Christian Register Symposium, Revised and Enlarged, edited by Samuel J. Barrows, pp. 69–76. Boston, Massachusetts: Geo H. Ellis. Reprinted in Peirce (1935b, 548–556).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1887b. “Logical Machines.” American Journal of Psychology 1(1): 165–170.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1891. “The Architecture of Theories.” The Monist 1(2): 161–176. Reprinted in Peirce (1935b, 7–34), in Peirce (1992a, 285–297) and in Peirce (2009, 89–110).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1892a. “The Doctrine of Necessity Examined.” The Monist 2(3): 321–337. Reprinted in Peirce (1935b, 35–65), in Peirce (1992a, 298–311) and in Peirce (2009, 111–125).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1892b. “The Law of Mind.” The Monist 2(4): 533–559. Reprinted in Peirce (1935b, 102–163), in Peirce (1992a, 312–333) and in Peirce (2009, 135–157).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1892c. “Man’s Glassy Essence.” The Monist 3(1): 1–22. Reprinted in Peirce (1935b, 238–271), in Peirce (1992a, 334–351) and in Peirce (2009, 165–183).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1893a. “Evolutionary Love.” The Monist 3(2): 176–200. Reprinted in Peirce (1935b, 287–317), in Peirce (1992a, 352–372) and in Peirce (2009, 124–205).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1893b. “Reply to the Necessitarians.” The Monist 3(4): 526–570. Reprinted in Peirce (1935b, 588–618).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1896. “The Regenerated Logic.” The Monist 7(1): 19–40. Reprinted in Peirce (1933a, 425–455).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1897. “The Logic of Relatives.” The Monist 7(2): 161–217. Reprinted in Peirce (1933a, 456–552).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1898. “The Logic of Mathematics in Relation to Education.” Educational Review, 209–216. Reprinted in Peirce (1933a, 553–562) and in Ewald (1996, 632–637).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1901a. “ ‘Individual’ (in logic).” in Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, volume I, edited by James Mark Baldwin, pp. 537–538. London: MacMillan Publishing Co.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1901b. “ ‘Insolubilia’ .” in Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, volume I, edited by James Mark Baldwin, pp. 554. London: MacMillan Publishing Co.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1901c. “ ‘Intention’ .” in Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, volume I, edited by James Mark Baldwin, pp. 561. London: MacMillan Publishing Co.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1901d. “ ‘Laws of Thought’ .” in Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, volume I, edited by James Mark Baldwin, pp. 641–644. London: MacMillan Publishing Co.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1902a. “ ‘Logic’ (exact).” in Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, volume II, edited by James Mark Baldwin, pp. 23–27. London: MacMillan Publishing Co.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1902b. “ ‘Matter and Form’ .” in Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, volume II, edited by James Mark Baldwin, pp. 50–55. London: MacMillan Publishing Co.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1902c. “ ‘Nota notae’ .” in Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, volume II, edited by James Mark Baldwin, pp. 183. London: MacMillan Publishing Co.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1902d. “ ‘Parsimony’ (law of).” in Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, volume II, edited by James Mark Baldwin, pp. 264. London: MacMillan Publishing Co.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1902e. “ ‘Reasoning’ .” in Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, volume II, edited by James Mark Baldwin, pp. 426–428. London: MacMillan Publishing Co.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1902f. “ ‘Relatives’ (logic of).” in Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, volume II, edited by James Mark Baldwin, pp. 447–450. London: MacMillan Publishing Co.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1902g. “ ‘Representationism’ .” in Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, volume II, edited by James Mark Baldwin, pp. 464–465. London: MacMillan Publishing Co.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1902h. “ ‘Scientific Method’ .” in Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, volume II, edited by James Mark Baldwin, pp. 500–503. London: MacMillan Publishing Co.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1902i. “ ‘Signification’ (and ‘Application,’ in logic).” in Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, volume II, edited by James Mark Baldwin, pp. 528–529. London: MacMillan Publishing Co.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1902j. “ ‘Synechism’ .” in Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, volume II, edited by James Mark Baldwin, pp. 657. London: MacMillan Publishing Co.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1902k. “ ‘Truth’ (Logical).” in Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, volume II, edited by James Mark Baldwin, pp. 718–720. London: MacMillan Publishing Co.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1902l. “ ‘Unity’ (and Plurality).” in Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, volume II, edited by James Mark Baldwin, pp. 734–735. London: MacMillan Publishing Co.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1902m. “ ‘Whole’ (and Parts).” in Dictionary of Philosophy and Psychology, volume II, edited by James Mark Baldwin, pp. 814–815. London: MacMillan Publishing Co.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1903. A Syllabus of Certain Topics of Logic. Boston: Alfred Mudge & Son. Reprinted in Peirce (1998a, 258–299),
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1905a. “What Pragmatism Is.” The Monist 15(2): 161–181. Reprinted in Peirce (1935a, 411–437).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1905b. “Issues of Pragmaticism.” The Monist 15(4): 481–499. Reprinted in Peirce (1935a, 438–463).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1906a. “Mr. Peterson’s Proposed Discussion.” The Monist 16(1): 147–151. Reprinted in Peirce (1935a, 610–614).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1906b. “Prolegomena to an Apology for Pragmaticism.” The Monist 16(4): 492–546. Reprinted in Peirce (1933b, 530–572).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1908a. “A Neglected Argument for the Reality of God.” The Hibbert Journal 7: 90–112. Reprinted, including the unpublished part, in Peirce (1935b, 452–485) and in Peirce (1998a, 434–450).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1908b. “Some Amazing Mazes.” The Monist 18(2): 227–241. Reprinted in Peirce (1933b, 585–593).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1908c. “Some Amazing Mazes (Conclusion), Explanation of Curiosity the First.” The Monist 18(3): 416–464. Reprinted in Peirce (1933b, 594–642).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1909. “Some Amazing Mazes, A Second Curiosity.” The Monist 19(1): 36–45. Reprinted in Peirce (1933b, 643–646).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1931. Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, vol. 1: Principles of Philosophy. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Edited by Charles Hartshorne and Paul Weiss.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1932. Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, vol. 2: Elements of Logic. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Edited by Charles Hartshorne and Paul Weiss.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1933a. Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, vol. 3: Exact Logic. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Edited by Charles Hartshorne and Paul Weiss.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1933b. Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, vol. 4: The Simplest Mathematics. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Edited by Charles Hartshorne and Paul Weiss.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1935a. Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, vol. 5: Pragmatism and Pragmaticism. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Edited by Charles Hartshorne and Paul Weiss.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1935b. Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, vol. 6: Scientific Metaphysics. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Edited by Charles Hartshorne and Paul Weiss.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1935c. “Judgment and Assertion.” in Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, vol. 5: Pragmatism and Pragmaticism, pp. 385–387. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Said to be from a fragment, c. 1908.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1958a. Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, vol. 7: Science and Philosophy. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Edited by Arthur W. Burks.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1958b. Collected Papers of Charles Sanders Peirce, vol. 8: Reviews, correspondence and bibliography. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Edited by Arthur W. Burks.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1980. Selected Writings. Mineola, New York: Dover Publications. Edited by Philip P. Wiener.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1982. The Writings of Charles Sanders Peirce: 1857–1866. Writings of Charles S. Pierce: A chronological edition n. 1. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press. Edited by Max H. Fisch.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1984a. The Writings of Charles Sanders Peirce: 1867–1871. Writings of Charles S. Pierce: A chronological edition n. 2. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press. Edited by Edward C. Moore.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1984b. Textes anticartésiens. Paris: Aubier. Présentation et traduction de Joseph Chenu.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1986a. The Writings of Charles Sanders Peirce: 1872–1878. Writings of Charles S. Pierce: A chronological edition n. 3. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press. Edited by Max H. Fisch.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1986b. Philosophical Writings of Peirce. 2nd ed. Mineola, New York: Dover Publications. Edited by Justus Buchler.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1989. The Writings of Charles Sanders Peirce: 1879–1884. Writings of Charles S. Pierce: A chronological edition n. 4. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press. Edited by Max H. Fisch.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1991. Peirce on Signs: Writings on Semiotic. North Carolina: ? Edited by James Hoopes.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1992a. The Essential Peirce: Selected Philosophical Writings. Volume 1 (1867–1893). Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press. Edited by Nathan Houser and Christian Kloesel.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1992b. “Sur l’algèbre de la logique.” in Logique et fondements des mathématiques, Anthologie (1850–1914), edited by François Rivenc and Philippe de Rouilhan, pp. 143–172. Paris: Payot. Traduction partielle de Peirce (1885a).
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1993. The Writings of Charles Sanders Peirce: 1884–1886. Writings of Charles S. Pierce: A chronological edition n. 5. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press. Edited by Max H. Fisch.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1998a. The Essential Peirce: Selected Philosophical Writings. Volume 2 (1893–1913). Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press. Edited by the Peirce Edition Project, introduction by Nathan Houser.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1998b. Chance, Love, and Logic: Philosophical Essays. Nebraska: ? Edited by Morris R. Cohen.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 1999. The Writings of Charles Sanders Peirce: 1886–1890. Writings of Charles S. Pierce: A chronological edition n. 6. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press. Edited by Nathan Houser.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 2009. The Writings of Charles Sanders Peirce: 1890–1892. Writings of Charles S. Pierce: A chronological edition n. 8. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press.
Peirce, Charles Sanders. 2010. Philosophy of Mathematics. Selected Writings. Bloomington, Indiana: Indiana University Press. Edited by Matthew E. Moore.
Further References
Ewald, William Bragg, ed. 1996. From Kant to Hilbert: A Source Book in the Foundations of Mathematics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.