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Arthur Norman Prior (prior-an)

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    Lemmon, Edward John, Meredith, Carew Arthur, Meredith, David, Prior, Arthur Norman and Thomas, Ivo. 1969. Calculi of Pure Implication.” in Philosophical Logic, edited by John W. Davis, D. T. Hockney, and W. Kent Wilson, pp. 215–250. Synthese Library n. 20. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co., doi:10.1007/978-94-010-9614-0.
    Meredith, Carew Arthur and Prior, Arthur Norman. 1996. Interpretations of Different Modal Logics in the ‘Property Calculus’ .” in Logic and Reality: Essays on the Legacy of Arthur Prior, edited by B. Jack Copeland, pp. 133–134. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1937. The Nation and the Individual.” Australasian Journal of Psychology and Philosophy 15: 294–298.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1942. Can Religion be Discussed? Australasian Journal of Psychology and Philosophy 15: 141–151. Reprinted in Flew and MacIntyre (1955, 141–151).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1944. The Meaning of Good.” Australasian Journal of Psychology and Philosophy 22: 170–174.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1945. The Subject of Ethics.” Australasian Journal of Psychology and Philosophy 23: 78–84.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1946. Eighteenth Century Writers on Twentieth Century Subjects.” Australasian Journal of Psychology and Philosophy 24: 168–182.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1947. Review of Popper (1945).” Landfall 1: 136–142.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1948a. Facts, Propositions and Entailment.” Mind 57(225): 62–68.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1948b. Adam Gib and the Philosophers.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 26: 73–93.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1949a. Logic and the Basis of Ethics. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198241577.001.0001.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1949b. Determinables, Determinates and Determinants. Part I.” Mind 58(229): 1–20.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1949c. Determinables, Determinates and Determinants. Part II.” Mind 58(230): 178–194.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1949d. Categoricals and Hypotheticals in George Boole and His Successors.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 27: 171–196.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1949e. Argument A Fortiori.” Analysis 9(3): 49–50.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1951a. The Ethical Copula.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 29: 137–154. Reprinted in Prior (1976b, 9–24).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1951b. The Virtue of the Act and the Virtue of the Agent.” Philosophy 26(97): 121–130.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1952a. In What Sense is Modal Logic Many-Valued? Analysis 12(6): 138–143.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1952b. Łukasiewicz’s Symbolic Logic.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 30: 33–46.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1952c. The parva logicalia in Modern Dress.” Dominican Studies 5: 78–87.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1952d. Modality de dicto and Modality de re.” Theoria 18(3): 174–180.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1952e. Review of Quine (1950).” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 30: 200–202.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1953a. On Propositions Neither Necessary nor Impossible.” The Journal of Symbolic Logic 18: 105–108.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1953b. The Logic of Negative Terms in Boethius.” Franciscan Studies 13(1): 1–6.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1953c. On some Consequentiae in Walter Burleigh.” The New Scholasticism 27(4): 433–446.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1953d. Three-valued Logic and Future Contingents.” The Philosophical Quarterly 3(13): 317–326.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1953e. Negative Quantifiers.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 31: 107–123.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1954a. Entities.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 32: 159–168. Reprinted in Prior (1976b, 25–32).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1954b. The Interpretation of two Systems of Modal Logic.” The Journal of Computing Systems 2: 201–208.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1954c. The Paradoxes of Derived Obligation.” Mind 63(249): 64–65.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1955a. Formal Logic. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198241560.001.0001.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1955b. Curry’s Paradox and Three-Valued Logic.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 33: 177–182.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1955c. English and Ontology.” The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 6(21): 64–65.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1955d. Diodoran Modalitites.” The Philosophical Quarterly 5(20): 205–213.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1955e. Many-Valued and Modal Systems: An Intuitive Approach.” The Philosophical Review 64(4): 626–630.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1955f. Is Necessary Existence Possible? Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 15(4): 545–547.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1955g. Berkeley in Logical Form.” Theoria 21: 117–122. Reprinted in Prior (1976b, 33–38).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1955h. Review of von Freytag Löringhoff (1953).” The Journal of Symbolic Logic 20(1): 55.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1956a. Logicians at Play: Or Syll, Simp and Hilbert.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 34: 182–192.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1956b. Modality and Quantification in S5.” The Journal of Symbolic Logic 21(1): 60–62.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1956c. The Consequences of Actions.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 30: 91–99. Reprinted in Prior (2003, 65–72).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1956d. A Note on the Logic of Obligation.” Revue philosophique de Louvain 54: 86–89.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1956e. Definitions, Rules and Axioms.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 56: 199–216. Reprinted in Prior (1976b, 39–55).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1957a. Time and Modality. Oxford: Oxford University Press. John Locke Lectures for 1955–6 delivered in the University of Oxford.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1957b. Is It Possible That One and the Same Individual Should Cease to Exist and Later on Start to Exist Again.” Analysis 17(6): 121–123. Report on Analysis Problem No. 11.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1957c. Opposite Number.” The Review of Metaphysics 11(2): 196–201. Reprinted in Prior (1976b, 64–69).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1957d. Review of Tarski (1956).” Mind 66(263): 401–410.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1958a. Escapism: The Logical Basis of Ethics.” in Essays in Moral Philosophy, edited by Abraham Irving Melden, pp. 135–146. Washington, D.C.: University of Washington Press.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1958b. Łukasiewicz’s Contributions to Logic.” in Philosophy in the Mid-Century. A Survey. Logic and Philosophy of Science, volume 1, edited by Raymond Klibansky, pp. 53–55. Scandicci, Firenze: La Nuova Italia.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1958c. The Good Life.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 36: 1–13.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1958d. The Syntax of Time-Distinctions.” Franciscan Studies 18(2): 105–120.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1958e. Peirce’s Axioms for Propositional Calculus.” The Journal of Symbolic Logic 23(2): 135–136.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1958f. Epimenides, the Cretan.” The Journal of Symbolic Logic 23(3): 261–266. Reprinted in Prior (1976b, 70–77).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1958g. Time after Time.” Mind 67(266): 244–246.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1958h. Diodorus and Modal Logic: A Correction.” The Philosophical Quarterly 8(32): 226–230.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1958i. Contemporary British Philosophy.” Philosophy 33(127): 361–364.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1959a. Thank Goodness That’s Over.” Philosophy 34(128): 12–17. Reprinted in Prior (1976b, 78–84), doi:10.1017/s0031819100029685.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1959b. Notes on a Group of New Modal Systems.” Logique et Analyse [N.S.] 2(6–7): 122–127.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1959c. Mr. Cohen on thanking goodness that \(p\) and \(q\) [reply to Cohen (1959)].” Philosophy 34(131): 362–363.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1959d. Formalised Syllogistic.” Synthese 11(3): 265–273.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1960a. The Runabout Inference-Ticket.” Analysis 21(2): 38–39. Reprinted in Prior (1976b, 85–87), doi:10.1093/analys/21.2.38.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1960b. Identifiable Individuals.” The Review of Metaphysics 13(4): 684–696. Reprinted in Prior (2003, 81–92).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1960c. The Autonomy of Ethics.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 38: 197–206. Reprinted in Prior (1976b, 88–96).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1960d. Review of Halldén (1957).” Philosophy 35(135): 359–361.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1961a. On a Family of Paradoxes.” Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 2(1): 16–32. Reprinted in Bartlett (1992).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1961b. Symmetry, Transitivity and Reflexivity.” Journal of the Philosophical Association (Bombay) 7: 67–69.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1961c. On a Difference Between ‘Betweens’ .” Mind 70(277): 83–84.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1961d. Some Axiom-Pairs for Material and Strict Implication.” Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 7: 61–65.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1962a. Formal Logic. 2nd ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Revised.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1962b. Changes in Events and Changes in Things. University of Kansas: Department of Philosophy. The Lindley Lecture for 1962, reprinted in Prior (1968a), Le Poidevin and Macbeath (1993, 35–46) and Prior (2003, 7–20).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1962c. Nonentities.” in Analytical Philosophy, First Series, edited by Ronald J. Butler, pp. 120–132. New York: Barnes; Noble. Reprinted in Prior (1976b, 109–121).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1962d. Quantification and L-Modality.” Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 3(3): 142–147.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1962e. Possible Worlds.” The Philosophical Quarterly 12(46): 36–43.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1962f. The Formalities of Omniscience.” Philosophy 37(140): 114–129. Reprinted in Prior (2003, 39–58).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1962g. Limited indeterminism.” The Review of Metaphysics 16(1): 55–61. Reprinted in Prior (2003, 73–80).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1962h. Tense-Logic and the Continuity of Time.” Studia Logica 13: 133–148.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1963a. Is the Concept of Referential Opacity Really Necessary? in Proceedings of a Colloquium on Modal and Many-Valued Logics, Helsinki, 23-26 August, 1962, edited by Societas Philosophica Fennica, pp. 189–199. Acta Philosophica Fennica n. 16. Helsinki: Societas Philosophica Fennica, Akateeminen Kirjakauppa.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1963b. Indirect Speech Again.” Philosophical Studies 14(1–2): 12–14.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1963c. Rejoinder to Professor Lachs on Omniscience.” Philosophy 38(146): 365–366.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1963d. The Theory of Implication.” Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 9: 1–6.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1963e. Oratio Obliqua.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 37: 115–126. Reprinted in Prior (1976b, 147–158).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1963f. Some Problems of Self-Reference in John Buridan.” Proceedings of the British Academy 48: 281–296. Reprinted in Prior (1976b, 130–146).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1964a. Some Exercises in Epistemic Logic.” in Knowledge and Experience: Proceedings of the 1962 Oberlin Colloquium in Philosophy, edited by C. D. Rollins, pp. 21–27. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: University of Pittsburgh Press.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1964b. The Algebra of the Copula.” in Studies in the Philosophy of Charles Sanders Peirce, edited by Edward C. Moore and Richard S. Robin, pp. 79–94. Second Series. Amherst, Massachusetts: University of Massachusetts Press.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1964c. Conjunction and Contonktion Revisited.” Analysis 22(6): 191–195. Reprinted in Prior (1976b, 159–164).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1964d. Two Additions to Positive Implication.” The Journal of Symbolic Logic 29(1): 31–32.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1964e. On the Unity of Professor Carnap.” Mind 73(290): 268–269.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1964f. The Done Thing.” Mind 73(291): 441–442.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1964g. Axiomatisations of the Modal Calculus Q.” Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 5(3): 215–217.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1964h. K1, K2 and Related Modal Systems.” Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 5(4): 299–304.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1964i. Indirect Speech and Extensionality.” Philosophical Studies 15(3): 35–37.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1965a. Existence in Lesniewśki and in Russell.” in Formal Systems and Recursive Functions (Proceedings of the Eighth Logic Colloquium, Oxford, July 1963), edited by John Newsome Crossley and Michael A. E. Dummett, pp. 149–155. Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics n. 40. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1965b. The Cogito of Descartes and the Concept of Self-Confirmation.” in The Foundation of Statements and Decisions, Proceedings of the International Colloquium on Methodology of Science, Warsaw, 18–23 Sept. 1961, edited by Kazimierz Ajdukiewicz, pp. 47–55. Warszawa: Państwow Wydawnictwo Naukowe (PWN). Reprinted in Prior (1976b, 165–175).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1965c. The Theory of Implication: Two Corrections.” Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 11: 381–382.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1966a. Postulates for Tense-Logic.” American Philosophical Quarterly 3(2): 153–161.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1966b. Time, Existence and Identity.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 66: 183–192. Reprinted in Prior (2003, 93–102).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1967a. Past, Present and Future. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198243113.001.0001.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1967b. Correspondence Theory of Truth.” in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, volume 2, edited by Paul Edwards, pp. 223–232. New York: Macmillan; the Free Press. reprinted in the second edition (borchert:2005?).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1967c. Existence.” in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, volume 3, edited by Paul Edwards, pp. 141–147. New York: Macmillan; the Free Press. reprinted in the second edition (borchert:2005?).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1967d. Logic, Deontic.” in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, volume 4, edited by Paul Edwards, pp. 509–513. New York: Macmillan; the Free Press.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1967e. Logic, Many-Valued.” in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, volume 5, edited by Paul Edwards, pp. 1–5. New York: Macmillan; the Free Press.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1967f. Logic, Modal.” in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, volume 5, edited by Paul Edwards, pp. 5–12. New York: Macmillan; the Free Press.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1967g. Logic, Traditional.” in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, volume 5, edited by Paul Edwards, pp. 34–45. New York: Macmillan; the Free Press. reprinted in the second edition (borchert:2005?).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1967h. Negation.” in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, volume 5, edited by Paul Edwards, pp. 458–463. New York: Macmillan; the Free Press. reprinted in the second edition (borchert:2005?).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1967i. Russell, Bertrand A.W.: Logic and Mathematics.” in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, volume 7, edited by Paul Edwards, pp. 256–258. New York: Macmillan; the Free Press. reprinted in the second edition (borchert:2005?).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1967j. On Spurious Egocentricity.” Philosophy 42(162): 326–335. Reprinted in Prior (2003, 27–38).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1967k. Stratified Metric Tense Logic.” Theoria 33: 28–38. Reprinted in Prior (2003, 159–170).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1967l. Logic, History of: Modern Logic: the Boolean Period; Johnson, Keynes, Peirce, the Heritage of Kant and Mill.” in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, volume 2, edited by Paul Edwards, pp. 513–571. New York: Macmillan; the Free Press. reprinted in the second edition (borchert:2005?).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1968a. Papers on Time and Tense. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1968b. Contemplation and Action.” in Papers on Time and Tense, pp. 45–50. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Reprinted in Prior (2003, 59–64).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1968c. The Logic of Ending Time.” in Papers on Time and Tense, pp. 98–115. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Reprinted in Prior (2003, 139–158).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1968d. Tense Logic and the Logic of Earlier and Later.” in Papers on Time and Tense, pp. 116–134. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Reprinted in Prior (2003, 117–138).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1968e. Quasi-Propositions and Quasi-Individuals.” in Papers on Time and Tense, pp. 135–144. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Reprinted in Prior (2003, 213–222).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1968f. Tense Logic for Non-Permanent Existents.” in Papers on Time and Tense, pp. 145–160. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Reprinted in Prior (2003, 257–274).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1968g. Imperatives and Truths.” in Akten des 14. Internationalen Kongresses für Philosophie, 2.-9. September 1968, volume 2, edited by Leo Gabriel, pp. 291–296. Wien: Herder.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1968h. The Logic of Tenses.” in Akten des 14. Internationalen Kongresses für Philosophie, 2.-9. September 1968, volume 2, edited by Leo Gabriel, pp. 638–640. Wien: Herder.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1968i. Intentionality and Intensionality.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 42: 91–106. Reprinted in Prior (1976b, 187–201).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1968j. Fugitive truth.” Analysis 29(1): 5–8. Reprinted in Prior (2003, 21–26).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1968k. ‘Now’ .” Noûs 2(2): 101–119. Reprinted in Prior (2003, 171–194).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1968l. Egocentric logic.” Noûs 2(3): 191–207. Reprinted in Prior and Fine (1977, 28–45) and in Prior (2003, 223–240).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1968m. ‘Now,’ Corrected and Condensed.” Noûs 2: 411–412.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1968n. Time and Change.” Ratio 10: 173–177.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1968o. Modal Logic and the Logic of Applicability.” Theoria 34: 183–202. Reprinted in Prior and Fine (1977, 84–101) and in Prior (2003, 275–292).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1968p. Je.” Revue philosophique de la France et de l’étranger 93: 427–437.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1969a. The Possibly-True and the Possible.” Mind 78(312): 481–492. Reprinted in Prior (1976b, 202–214).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1969b. Recent Advances in Tense Logic.” The Monist 53(3): 325–339. Reprinted in Freeman and Sellars (1971) and in Prior (2003, 103–116).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1969c. Critical Notice of Gale (1968).” Mind 78(311): 453–460.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1969d. Worlds, Times and Selves.” L’Âge de la science 3: 179–191. Reprinted in Prior and Fine (1977, 51–66) and in Prior (2003, 241–256).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1969e. Tensed Propositions as Predicates.” American Philosophical Quarterly 6: 290–297. Reprinted in Prior and Fine (1977, 67–83) and in Prior (2003, 195–212).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1969f. Propositional Calculus in Implication and Non-Equivalence.” Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 10: 271–272.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1969g. On the Calculus MCC.” Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 10: 273–274.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1969h. Corrigendum to C.A. Meredith’s and my paper: Prior and Meredith (1968).” Analysis 30: 46–49.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1969i. Self-Perception and Contingency.” Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 10(3): 452. Reprinted in Prior (1976b, 215–218).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1969j. Extensionality and Propositional Identity.” Crı́tica: Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofı́a 3(7–8): 35–60.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1970a. I.” in Jowett Papers 1968–1969, edited by B. Y. Khanbai, R. S. Katz, and R. A. Pineau, pp. 1–10. Oxford: Basil Blackwell Publishers.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1970b. The Notion of the Present.” Studium Generale 23: 245–248. Reprinted in Fraser, Haber and Müller (1972, 320–323).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1970c. Logical Laws and Truth-Valueless Sentences.” Philosophical Studies 21(6): 95.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1970d. Review of von Wright (1951).” Ratio 12: 175–178.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1971. Objects of Thought. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by Peter Geach and Anthony Kenny, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198243540.001.0001.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1976a. The Doctrine of Propositions and Terms. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Edited by Peter Geach and Anthony Kenny.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1976b. Papers in Logic and Ethics. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Edited by Peter Geach and Anthony Kenny.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1976c. On some Proofs of the Existence of God.” in Papers in Logic and Ethics, pp. 56–63. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Edited by Peter Geach and Anthony Kenny.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1976d. It Was To Be.” in Papers in Logic and Ethics, pp. 97–108. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Edited by Peter Geach and Anthony Kenny.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1976e. What is Logic? in Papers in Logic and Ethics, pp. 122–129. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Edited by Peter Geach and Anthony Kenny.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1976f. What do General Statements Refer To? in Papers in Logic and Ethics, pp. 176–180. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Edited by Peter Geach and Anthony Kenny.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1976g. Things and Stuff.” in Papers in Logic and Ethics, pp. 181–186. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Edited by Peter Geach and Anthony Kenny.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1977a. Supplement to Prior (1968l).” in Worlds, Times and Selves, pp. 46–50. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Edited by Kit Fine; based on manuscripts by Prior with a preface and a postscript by Kit Fine.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1977b. The Parallel between Modal Logic and Quantification Theory.” in Worlds, Times and Selves, pp. 9–27. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Edited by Kit Fine; based on manuscripts by Prior with a preface and a postscript by Kit Fine.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1977c. Supplement to Prior (1968o).” in Worlds, Times and Selves, pp. 102–115. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Edited by Kit Fine; based on manuscripts by Prior with a preface and a postscript by Kit Fine.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1996a. A Statement of Temporal Realism.” in Logic and Reality: Essays on the Legacy of Arthur Prior, edited by B. Jack Copeland, pp. 45–46. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1996b. Some Free Thinking about Time.” in Logic and Reality: Essays on the Legacy of Arthur Prior, edited by B. Jack Copeland, pp. 47–51. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 1996c. Two Essays on Temporal Realism.” in Logic and Reality: Essays on the Legacy of Arthur Prior, edited by B. Jack Copeland, pp. 43–51. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 2003. Papers on Time and Tense. Oxford: Oxford University Press. New edition of Prior (1968a) by Per Hasle, Peter Øhrstrøm, Torben Braüner and Jack Copeland, doi:10.1093/oso/9780199256068.001.0001.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 2009. Carte blanche pour les inférences.” in Philosophie de la logique: Conséquence, preuve et vérité, edited by Denis Bonnay and Mikaël Cozic, pp. 141–143. Textes clés. Paris: Librairie philosophique Jean Vrin. Traduction de Prior (1960a).
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 2012a. Faith, Unbelief and Evil: A Fragment of a Dialogue.” Synthese 188(3): 381–397.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 2012b. The Paradox of the Prisoner in Logical Form.” Synthese 188(3): 411–416.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 2012c. The Logic of Obligation and the Obligations of the Logician.” Synthese 188(3): 423–448.
    Prior, Arthur Norman. 2012d. The Fable of the Four Preachers.” Synthese 188(3): 455–457.
    Prior, Arthur Norman and Fine, Kit. 1977. Worlds, Times and Selves. London: Gerald Duckworth & Co. Edited by Kit Fine; based on manuscripts by Prior with a preface and a postscript by Kit Fine.
    Prior, Arthur Norman and Meredith, Carew Arthur. 1963. Notes on the Axiomatics of the Propositional Calculus.” Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 4(3): 171–187.
    Prior, Arthur Norman and Meredith, Carew Arthur. 1964. Investigations into Implicational S5.” Zeitschrift für mathematische Logik und Grundlagen der Mathematik 10: 203–220.
    Prior, Arthur Norman and Meredith, Carew Arthur. 1965. Modal Logic with Functorial Variables and a Contingent Constant.” Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 6(2): 99–109.
    Prior, Arthur Norman and Meredith, Carew Arthur. 1968. Equational Logic.” Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 9: 212–226.
    Prior, Arthur Norman and Prior, Mary. 1955. Erotetic logic.” The Philosophical Review 64(1): 43–59.

Further References

    Bartlett, Steven J., ed. 1992. Reflexivity. A Source-book in Self-Reference. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co.
    Cohen, Laurence Jonathan. 1959. Professor Prior on Thanking Goodness That’s over [on Prior (1959a)].” Philosophy 34(131): 360–362.
    Flew, Antony Garrard Newton and MacIntyre, Alasdair C., eds. 1955. New Essays in Philosophical Theology. London: S.C.M. Press.
    Fraser, Julius Thomas, Haber, F. C. and Müller, Gert Heinz, eds. 1972. The Study of Time. Proceedings of the First Conference of the International Society for the Study of Time, Oberwolfach (Black Forest) – West Germany. New York: Springer.
    Freeman, Eugene and Sellars, Wilfrid, eds. 1971. Basic Issues in the Philosophy of Time. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
    von Freytag Löringhoff, Bruno. 1953. Zur Logik als Lehre von Identität und Verschiedenheit.” in Proceedings of the XIth International Congress of Philosophy, Brussels, August 20-26, 1953, volume 5, edited by anon, pp. 19–24. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co.
    Gale, Richard M. 1968. The Language of Time. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
    Halldén, Sören. 1957. On the Logic of “Better” . Lund: Library of Theoria.
    Le Poidevin, Robin and Macbeath, Murray, eds. 1993. The Philosophy of Time. Oxford Readings in Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Popper, Karl Raimund. 1945. The Open Society and Its Enemies: The Spell of Plato (Vol. 1). Princeton, New Jersey: Princeton University Press.
    Quine, Willard van Orman. 1950. Methods of Logic. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Fourth edition: Quine (1982).
    Quine, Willard van Orman. 1982. Methods of Logic. 4th ed. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. First edition: Quine (1950).
    Tarski, Alfred. 1956. Logic, Semantics, Metamathematics. Papers from 1923 to 1938. 1st ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Trans. J.H. Woodger, 2nd edition: Tarski (1983).
    Tarski, Alfred. 1983. Logic, Semantics, Metamathematics. 2nd ed. Indianapolis, Indiana: Hackett Publishing Co. Trans. J.H. Woodger, edited and introduced by John Corcoran, 1st edition: Tarski (1956).
    von Wright, Georg Henrik. 1951. An Essay in Modal Logic. Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics n. 5. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co.