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Alasdair M. Richmond (richmond-am)

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    Peacock, John and Richmond, Alasdair M. 2014. The Anthropic Principle and Multiverse Cosmology.” in Philosophy and the Sciences for Everyone, edited by Michaela Massimi, pp. 52–66. London: Routledge.
    Pritchard, Duncan and Richmond, Alasdair M. 2012. Hume on Miracles.” in The Bloomsbury Companion to Hume, edited by Alan Bailey and Dan O’Brien, pp. 227–244. London: Bloomsbury Academic.
    Richmond, Alasdair M. 2000a. Plattner’s Arrow: Science and Multi-Dimensional Time.” Ratio 13(3): 256–274.
    Richmond, Alasdair M. 2000b. Epicurean Evolution and the Anthropic Principle.” American Philosophical Quarterly 37(2): 149–161.
    Richmond, Alasdair M. 2001. Time-Travel Fictions and Philosophy.” American Philosophical Quarterly 38(4): 305–318.
    Richmond, Alasdair M. 2003. Recent Work: Time Travel.” Philosophical Books 44(4): 297–309.
    Richmond, Alasdair M. 2004a. Gödelian Time-Travel and Anthropic Cosmology.” Ratio 17(2).
    Richmond, Alasdair M. 2004b. Immortality and Doomsday.” American Philosophical Quarterly 41(3): 235–247.
    Richmond, Alasdair M. 2006. The Doomsday Argument.” Philosophical Books 47(2): 129–142.
    Richmond, Alasdair M. 2017a. Why Doomsday Arguments are Better than Simulation Arguments.” Ratio 30(3): 221–238.
    Richmond, Alasdair M. 2017b. On Behalf of Spore Gods.” Analysis 77(1): 98–104.
    Richmond, Alasdair M. 2019. Review of Wasserman (2017).” Analysis 79(1): 178–180.

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