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Tom Roberts (roberts-to)

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    Colombetti, Giovanna and Roberts, Tom. 2015. Extending the Extended Mind: The Case for Extended Affectivity.” Philosophical Studies 172(5): 1243–1263.
    Roberts, Tom. 2012a. You Do the Maths: Rules, Extension, and Cognitive Responsibility.” Philosophical Explorations: An International Journal for the Philosophy of Mind and Action 15(2): 133–145.
    Roberts, Tom. 2012b. Exploring Enactive Realism.” International Journal of Philosophical Studies 20(2): 239–254.
    Roberts, Tom. 2016. A Breath of Fresh Air: Absence and the Structure of Olfactory Perception.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 97: 400–420.
    Ward, Dave, Roberts, Tom and Clark, Andy. 2011. Knowing What We Can Do: Actions, Intentions, and the Construction of Phenomenal Experience.” Synthese 181(3): 375–394.