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Jerrold M. Sadock (sadock)

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    Cole, Peter and Sadock, Jerrold M., eds. 1977. Syntax and Semantics 8: Grammatical Relations. New York: Academic Press.
    Higgins, Derrick and Sadock, Jerrold M. 2003. A Machine Learning Approach to Modeling Scope Preferences.” Computational Linguistics 29(1): 73–73.
    Sadock, Jerrold M. 1971. Aspects of Linguistic Pragmatics.” Unpublished manuscript.
    Sadock, Jerrold M. 1972. Speech Act Idioms.” in CLS-8. Proceedings of the Eighth Regional Meeting of the Chicago Linguistics Society, edited by Paul M. Peranteau, Judith N. Levi, and Gloria C. Phares, pp. 329–339. Goodspeed Hall, 1050 East 59th Street, Chicago, Illinois: Chicago Linguistics Society.
    Sadock, Jerrold M. 1974. Towards a Linguistic Theory of Speech Acts. New York: Academic Press.
    Sadock, Jerrold M. 1976. On Significant Generalization: Notes on the Hallean Syllogism.” in Assessing Linguistic Arguments, edited by Jessica R. Wirth, pp. 85–94. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley; Sons, Inc.
    Sadock, Jerrold M. 1978. On Testing for Conversational Implicature.” in Syntax and Semantics 9: Pragmatics, edited by Peter Cole, pp. 281–297. New York: Academic Press.
    Sadock, Jerrold M. 1979. Figurative Speech and Linguistics.” in Metaphor and Thought, edited by Andrew Ortony, pp. 42–57. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Page references are to the second edition.
    Sadock, Jerrold M. 1981. Almost.” in Radical Pragmatics, edited by Peter Cole, pp. 257–270. New York: Academic Press.
    Sadock, Jerrold M. 1988. Speech Act Distinctions in Grammar.” in Linguistic Theory: Extensions and Implications, edited by Frederick J. Newmeyer, pp. 183–197. Linguistics: The Cambridge Survey, II. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Sadock, Jerrold M. 1990. Comments on Vanderveken (1990) and Cohen and Levesque (1990).” in Intentions in Communication, edited by Philip R. Cohen, Jerry L. Morgan, and Martha E. Pollack, pp. 257–270. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    Sadock, Jerrold M. 1994. Towards a Grammatically Realistic Typology of Speech Acts.” in Foundations of Speech Act Theory: Philosophical and Linguistic Perspectives, edited by Savas L. Tsohatzidis, pp. 393–406. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
    Sadock, Jerrold M. 2006. Motors and Switches: An Exercise in Syntax and Pragmatics.” in Drawing the Boundaries of Meaning. Neo-Gricean Studies in Pragmatics and Semantics in Honor of Laurence R. Horn, edited by Betty J. Birner and Gregory Ward, pp. 317–326. Studies in Language, Companion Series n. 80. Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Co., doi:10.1075/slcs.80.
    Sadock, Jerrold M. and Zwicky, Arnold M. 1985. A Note on \(xy\) Languages.” Linguistics and Philosophy 8(2): 229–236.
    Zwicky, Arnold M. and Sadock, Jerrold M. 1975. Ambiguity Tests and How to Fail Them.” in Syntax and Semantics 4, edited by John F. Kimball, pp. 1–36. New York: Academic Press.

Further References

    Cohen, Philip R. and Levesque, Hector J. 1990. Rational Interaction as the Basis for Communication.” in Intentions in Communication, edited by Philip R. Cohen, Jerry L. Morgan, and Martha E. Pollack, pp. 221–255. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    Vanderveken, Daniel. 1990. On the Unification of Speech Act Theory and Formal Semantics.” in Intentions in Communication, edited by Philip R. Cohen, Jerry L. Morgan, and Martha E. Pollack, pp. 195–220. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.