Tilman Sauer (sauer-t)
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Nachdenken über Naturwissenschaften, Grandes Questions, Swiss Philosophical Preprint Series, Grosse Fragen, Themendossier Einstein und Philosophie?, Muss die Philosophie nach Einstein von neuen Prämissen ausgehen?Beiträge zu Philosophie.ch
Janssen, Michel, Norton, John D., Renn, Jürgen, Sauer, Tilman and Stachel, John J., eds. 2007a. The Genesis of General Relativity. Volumes 1 and 2. Einstein’s Zurich Notebook: Introduction and Source. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 250. Dordrecht: Springer.
Janssen, Michel, Norton, John D., Renn, Jürgen, Sauer, Tilman and Stachel, John J. 2007b. “Introduction to Volumes 1 and 2: The Zurich Notebook and the Genesis of General Relativity.” in The Genesis of General Relativity. Volumes 1 and 2. Einstein’s Zurich Notebook: Introduction and Source, edited by Michel Janssen, John D. Norton, Jürgen Renn, Tilman Sauer, and John J. Stachel, pp. 7–20. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 250. Dordrecht: Springer.
Janssen, Michel, Norton, John D., Renn, Jürgen, Sauer, Tilman and Stachel, John J. 2007c. “A Commentary on the Notes on Gravity in the Zurich Notebook.” in The Genesis of General Relativity. Volumes 1 and 2. Einstein’s Zurich Notebook: Introduction and Source, edited by Michel Janssen, John D. Norton, Jürgen Renn, Tilman Sauer, and John J. Stachel, pp. 489–714. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 250. Dordrecht: Springer.
Majer, Ulrich and Sauer, Tilman. 2006. “Intuition and the Axiomatic Method in Hilbert’s Foundation of Physics.” in Intuition and the Axiomatic Method, edited by Emily Carson and Renate Huber, pp. 213–234. The University of Western Ontario Series in Philosophy of Science n. 70. Dordrecht: Springer.
Renn, Jürgen and Sauer, Tilman. 2003. “Eclipses of the Stars: Mandl, Einstein, and the Early History of Gravitational Lensing.” in Revisiting the Foundations of Relativistic Physics: Festschrift in Honour of John Stachel, pp. 69–92. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 234. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Renn, Jürgen and Sauer, Tilman. 2007. “Pathways Out of Classical Physics: Einstein’s Double Strategy in his Search for the Gravitational Field Equation.” in The Genesis of General Relativity. Volumes 1 and 2. Einstein’s Zurich Notebook: Introduction and Source, edited by Michel Janssen, John D. Norton, Jürgen Renn, Tilman Sauer, and John J. Stachel, pp. 113–312. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 250. Dordrecht: Springer.
Sauer, Tilman. 2002. “Hopes and Disappointments in Hilbert’s Axiomatic ‘Foundations of Physics’ .” in History of Philosophy of Science, edited by Michael Heidelberger and Friedrich Stadler, pp. 225–238. Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook n. 9. Dordrecht: Springer.
Sauer, Tilman. 2007. “Einstein’s Equations and Hilbert Action: What is Missing on Page 8 of the Proofs for Hilbert’s First Communication on the Foundations of Physics.” in The Genesis of General Relativity. Volumes 3 and 4. Gravitation in the Twilight of Classical Physics: Between Mechanics, Field Theory, and Astronomy, edited by Jürgen Renn and Matthias Schemmel, pp. 975–988. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 250. Dordrecht: Springer.
Sauer, Tilman. 2013a. “(How) Did Einstein Understand the EPR Paradox?” in New Vistas on Old Problems – Recent Approaches to the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, edited by Tilman Sauer and Adrian Wüthrich, pp. 105–138. Max Planck Research Library for the History and Development of Knowledge Proceedings n. 3. Berlin: Edition Open Access.
Sauer, Tilman. 2013b. “Muss die Philosophie nach Einstein von neuen Prämissen ausgehen?” Philosophie.ch, the Swiss Portal for Philosophy, https://www.philosophie.ch/de/2013-03-20-sauer.
Sauer, Tilman. 2014. “Einstein’s Unified Field Theory Program.” in The Cambridge Companion to Einstein, edited by Michel Janssen and Christoph Lehner, pp. 281–305. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Sauer, Tilman and Scholl, Raphael, eds. 2016. The Philosophy of Historical Case Studies. Boston Studies in the Philosophy and History of Science n. 319. Dordrecht: Springer.
Sauer, Tilman and Wüthrich, Adrian, eds. 2013a. New Vistas on Old Problems – Recent Approaches to the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics. Max Planck Research Library for the History and Development of Knowledge Proceedings n. 3. Berlin: Edition Open Access.
Sauer, Tilman and Wüthrich, Adrian. 2013b. “Introduction.” in New Vistas on Old Problems – Recent Approaches to the Foundations of Quantum Mechanics, edited by Tilman Sauer and Adrian Wüthrich, pp. 1–10. Max Planck Research Library for the History and Development of Knowledge Proceedings n. 3. Berlin: Edition Open Access.