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Jerome A. Shaffer (shaffer-ja)

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    Shaffer, Jerome A. 1962. Existence, Predication and the Ontological Argument.” Mind 71: 41–62. Reprinted in Penelhum and MacIntosh (1969, 123–142) and in Beck (1978, 156–165).
    Shaffer, Jerome A. 1971. The Philosophy of Mind and Some Ethical Implications.” Philosophic Exchange 2: 31–42.
    Shaffer, Jerome A. 1978. Sexual Desire.” The Journal of Philosophy 75(4): 175–189.

Further References

    Beck, Lewis White. 1978. Essays on Kant and Hume. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press.
    Penelhum, Terence and MacIntosh, John J. [Jack], eds. 1969. The First Critique: Reflections on Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. Wadworth Studies in Philosophical Criticism. Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Co.