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Penelope Sibun (sibun)

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    Meteer, Marie W., McDonald, David D., Anderson, S. D., Forster, D., Gay, L. S., Huettner, A. K. and Sibun, Penelope. 1987. MUMBLE-86: Design and Implementation.” 87–87. Amherst, Massachusetts: COINS, University of Massachusetts.
    Sibun, Penelope. 1990. The Local Organization of Text.” in INLG’90. Proceedings of the Fifth International Workshop on Natural Language Generation, edited by Kathleen R. McKeown, Johanna D. Moore, and Sergei Nirenburg, pp. 120–127. New Brunswick, New Jersey: Association for Computational Linguistics.
    Sibun, Penelope. 1991. Locally Organized Text Generation.” PhD dissertation, Amherst, Massachusetts: Linguistics Department, University of Massachusetts. Technical Report COINS–91–73.
    Sibun, Penelope. 1992. Generating Text without Trees.” Computational Intelligence 8(1): 102–122. Special issue on Natural Language Generation. .