Henry Sidgwick (sidgwick-h)
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Sidgwick, Henry. 1877. “Hedonism and Ultimate Good.” Mind 2(5): 27–38.
Sidgwick, Henry. 1880. “Mr. Spencer’s Ethical System.” Mind 5(18): 216–226.
Sidgwick, Henry. 1882a. “Incoherence of Empirical Philosophy.” Mind 7(28): 533–543.
Sidgwick, Henry. 1882b. “On the Fundamental Doctrines of Descartes.” Mind 7(27): 435–440.
Sidgwick, Henry. 1883a. “A Criticism of the Critical Philosophy.” Mind 8(29): 69–91.
Sidgwick, Henry. 1883b. “A Criticism of the Critical Philosophy [(II)].” Mind 8(31): 313–337.
Sidgwick, Henry. 1889. “Some Fundamental Ethical Controversies.” Mind 14(56): 473–487.
Sidgwick, Henry. 1892. “The Feeling-Tone of Desire and Aversion.” Mind 1(1): 94–101.
Sidgwick, Henry. 1893. “Unreasonable Action.” Mind 2(6): 174–187.
Sidgwick, Henry. 1894. “A Dialogue on Time and Common Sense.” Mind 3(12): 441–448.
Sidgwick, Henry. 1895. “The Philosophy of Common Sense.” Mind 4(14): 145–158.
Sidgwick, Henry. 1900. “Criteria of Truth and Error.” Mind 9(33): 8–25.
Sidgwick, Henry. 1902. Philosophy. It’s Scope and Limits. An Introductory Course of Lectures. London: MacMillan Publishing Co.
Sidgwick, Henry. 2000. Essays on Ethics and Method. British Moral Philosophers. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by Marcus G. Singer, doi:10.1093/0198250231.001.0001.