Jamieson John Carswell [Jack] Smart (smart-jjc)
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Mackie, John Leslie and Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack]. 1953.
“A Variant of the
‘Heterological’ Paradox.” Analysis
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1949. “The River of Time.”
Mind 58: 483–494. Reprinted in Flew (1956, 213–227).
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1950a. “Descartes and the Wax.”
The Philosophical Quarterly 1(1): 50–57. Reprinted in
Moyal (1991,
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1950b. “Reason and Conduct.”
Philosophy 25(94): 209–224.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1955. “Spatialising Time.” Mind 64:
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1959a. “Incompatible Colours.”
Philosophical Studies 10(3): 39–42.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1959b. “Ryle on Mechanism and
Psychology.” The Philosophical Quarterly 9(37):
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1959c. “Sensations and Brain
Processes.” The Philosophical Review 68(2):
141–156, doi:10.2307/2182164.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1960. “Sensations and Brain Processes: A
Rejoinder to D. Pitcher [Pitcher (1960)] and Mr. Joske [Joske
(1960)].” Australasian Journal of
Philosophy 38: 252–254.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1961a. An Outline of a System of Utilitarian
Ethics. Melbourne: Melbourne University Press.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1961b. “Further Remarks on Sensations and
Brain Processes.” The Philosophical Review 70.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1961c. “Gödel’s
Theorem, Church’s Theorem, and Mechanism.”
Synthese 13(2): 105–110.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1961d. “Dispositional Properties.”
Analysis 22(2): 44–46.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1961e. “Free-Will, Praise and
Blame.” Mind 70(279): 291–306, doi:10.1093/mind/lxx.279.291.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1962a. “Tensed Statements.” The
Philosophical Quarterly 12(48): 264–265.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1962b. “Brain Processes and Incorrigibility
[Reply to Baier
(1962)].” Australasian Journal of
Philosophy 40(1): 68–70.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1963a. Philosophy and Scientific
Realism. Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey: Humanities Press.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1963b. “Materialism.” The Journal of
Philosophy 60: 651–662.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1964. “Nonsense.” in Metaphysics and Explanation. Proceedings of the 1964
Oberlin Colloquium in Philosophy, edited by William H. Capitan and Daniel D. Merrill, pp. 20–28. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania:
University of Pittsburgh Press.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1965. “The Identity Thesis: A Reply to
Professor Garnett
(1965).” Australasian Journal of
Philosophy 43(1): 82–83.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1966. “Philosophy and Scientific
Plausibility.” in Mind, Matter,
and Method: Essays in Philosophy and Science in Honor of Herbert
Feigl, edited by Paul K. Feyerabend and Grover Maxwell, pp. 377–390. Minneapolis, Minnesota:
University of Minnesota Press.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1967a. “Utilitarianism.” in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by
Paul Edwards. New York: Macmillan; the
Free Press. Reprinted in the second edition (Borchert 2005).
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1967b. “Space.” in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by
Paul Edwards. New York: Macmillan; the
Free Press. Reprinted in the second edition (Borchert 2005).
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1968. “Quine’s Philosophy of
Science.” Synthese 19(1-2): 3–13. Reprinted
in Davidson
and Hintikka (1969, 3–13).
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1969. “Causal Theories of
Time.” The Monist 53(3): 385–395. Reprinted
in Freeman
and Sellars (1971).
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1970. “Ryle in Relation to Modern
Science.” in Ryle: A Collection
of Critical Essays, edited by Oscar P. Wood and George W. Pitcher, pp. 283–306. Garden City, New York:
Doubleday & Co.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1971. “Reports of Immediate
Experiences.” Synthese 22(3): 346–359.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1972a. “Space-Time and
Individuals.” in Logic and Art:
Essays in Honor of Nelson Goodman, edited by Richard S.
Rudner and Israel Scheffler, pp. 3–20. Indianapolis, Indiana:
Bobbs-Merrill Company Inc.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1972b. “Further thoughts on the identity
theory.” The Monist 56: 177–192.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1973. “An Outline of a System of Utilitarian
Ethics.” in Utilitarianism: For
and Against, pp. 3–76. Cambridge: Cambridge University
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1974. “Review of Lewis (1973).”
Australasian Journal of Philosophy 52(2): 174–177.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1975. “On Some Criticisms of a Physicalist
Theory of Colors.” in Philosophical Aspects of the Mind-Body
Problem, edited by Chung-Ying Cheng. Honolulu, Hawaii: University of Hawaii
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1978. “Hedonistic and Ideal
Utilitarianism.” in Midwest
Studies in Philosophy 3: Studies in Ethical Theory, edited
by Peter A. French, Theodore E. Uehling Jr., and Howard K. Wettstein, pp. 240–251. Minneapolis, Minnesota:
University of Minnesota Press.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1980. “Time and Becoming.” in
Time and Cause: Essays Presented to Richard
Taylor, edited by Peter van Inwagen, pp. 3–16. Philosophical Studies
Series n. 19. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co., doi:10.1007/978-94-017-3528-5.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1981. “Physicalism and
Emergence.” Neuroscience 6: 109–113.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1982a. “Prior and the Basis of
Ethics.” Synthese 53: 3–17.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1982b. “Metaphysical Realism.”
Analysis 42: 1–3.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1982c. “Difficulties for Realism in the
Philosophy of Science.” in Logic,
Methodology, and Philosophy of Science VI: Proceedings of the Sixth
International Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science,
Hannover, 1979, edited by Laurence Jonathan Cohen, Jerzy Łoś, Helmut Pfeiffer, and Klaus-Peter Podewski, pp. 363–375. Studies in Logic and the Foundations of
Mathematics n. 104. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1984. Ethics, Persuasion and Truth.
London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1985a. “Review of Putnam (1983).”
Australasian Journal of Philosophy 63: 533–535.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1985b. “Davidson’s Minimal
Materialism.” in Essays on
Davidson. Actions and Events, edited by Bruce Vermazen and Merill Provence Hintikka, pp. 173–182. Oxford: Oxford
University Press.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1986a. “Quine on Space-Time.”
in The Philosophy of W.V. Quine,
edited by Lewis Edwin Hahn and Paul
Arthur Schilpp, pp. 495–515. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 18. LaSalle,
Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1986b. “How to Turn the Tractatus
Wittgenstein into (Almost) Donald Davidson.” in Truth and Interpretation: Perspectives on the Philosophy
of Donald Davidson, edited by Ernest LePore, pp. 92–100. Oxford: Blackwell
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1987. “Replies.” in Metaphysics and Morality: Essays in Honour of
J.J.C. Smart, edited by Philip Pettit, Richard Sylvan, and Jean Norman, pp. 173–195. Oxford: Blackwell
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1989a. Our Place in the Universe – A
Metaphysical Discussion. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1989b. “Verificationism.” in Cause, Mind, and Reality: Essays Honoring
C.B. Martin, edited by John Heil, pp. 261–270. Philosophical Studies
Series n. 47. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1989c. “The Drift to Idealism.”
in Science, Mind, and Psychology: Essays in
Honor of Grover Maxwell, edited by Mary Lou Maxwell and C. Wade Savage, pp. 17–34. Lanham, Maryland: University
Press of America.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1989d. “Negative Utilitarianism.” in Freedom and Rationality. Essays in Honor of John Watkins
from his Colleagues and Friends, edited by Fred B. D’Agostino and Ian C. Jarvie, pp. 35–46. Boston
Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 117. Dordrecht: D. Reidel
Publishing Co.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1989e. “Methodology and
Ontology.” in Imre Lakatos and
Theories of Scientific Change, edited by Kostas Gavroglu, Yorgos Goudaroulis, and Pantelis D. Nicolacopoulos, pp. 47–58. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science
n. 111. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1990a. “Why Philosophers Disagree.”
Canadian Journal of Philosophy 20(suppl. 16).
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1990b. “Explanation – Opening Address.” in
Explanation and its Limits, edited
by Dudley Knowles, pp. 1–20. Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures n. 27.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1992. “Wittgenstein, Following a Rule, and
Scientific Psychology.” in The
Scientific Enterprise: The Israel Colloquium: Studies in History,
Philosophy, and Sociology of Science. Volume 4, edited by
Edna Ullmann-Margalit, pp. 123–138. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science
n. 146. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1993. “Laws of Nature as a Species of
Regularities.” in Ontology,
Causality and Mind – Essays in Honour of D.M. Armstrong,
edited by John Bacon, Keith Campbell, and Loyd R. Reinhardt, pp. 152–168. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1994. “Mind and Brain.” in
The Mind-Body Problem. A Guide to the Current
Debate, edited by Richard Warner and Tadeusz Szubka, pp. 19–23. Oxford: Blackwell
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1995a. “ ‘Looks Red’ and
Dangerous Talk.” Philosophy 70: 545–554.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1995b. “Review of McCall (1994).”
Australasian Journal of Philosophy 73: 161–163.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1995c. “Postscript to Smart (1959c).” in
Contemporary Materialism. A Reader, edited by Paul
K. Moser and J. D. Trout, pp. 108–110. London: Routledge.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1999a. “Correspondence, Coherence, and
Realism.” in The Philosophy of
Donald Davidson, edited by Lewis Edwin Hahn, pp. 109–122. The
Library of Living Philosophers n. 27. LaSalle, Illinois: Open
Court Publishing Co.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
1999b. “Laws and Cosmology.” in
Causation and the Laws of Nature,
edited by Howard Sankey, pp. 161–170.
Australasian Studies in History and Philosophy of
Science n. 14. Dordrecht: Kluwer Academic Publishers, doi:10.1007/978-94-015-9229-1.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
2000. “The Identity Theory of
Mind.” in The Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The
Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
2004a. “The Identity Theory of
Mind.” in The Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The
Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
2004b. “Atheism and
Agnosticism.” in The Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The
Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
2005. “Time.” in The
Encyclopedia of Philosophy, edited by Donald M. Borchert, 2nd ed. Basingstoke, Hampshire:
Palgrave Macmillan.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
2006a. “Metaphysical Illusions.”
Australasian Journal of Philosophy 84(2): 167–176.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
2006b. “Ockhamist Comments on Strawson [Strawson
(2006)].” Journal of Consciousness Studies
13(10–11): 158–162.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
2007a. “The Tenseless Theory of
Time.” in Contemporary Debates in
Metaphysics, edited by Theodore Sider, John Hawthorne, and Dean W. Zimmerman, pp. 226–238. Contemporary Debates in Philosophy n. 10. Malden,
Massachusetts: Wiley-Blackwell.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
2007b. “The Identity Theory of
Mind.” in The Stanford
Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The
Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack].
2008. “Mathematical Platonism.” in From Truth to Reality. New Essays in Logic and
Metaphysics, edited by Heather Dyke, pp. 112–121. London: Routledge.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack] and
Haldane, John. 1996. Atheism and Theism. 1st ed. Oxford: Blackwell
Publishers. Second edition: Smart and Haldane
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack] and
Haldane, John. 2003. Atheism and Theism. 2nd ed. Oxford: Blackwell
Publishers. First edition: Smart and Haldane
(1996), doi:10.1002/9780470756225.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack] and
Williams, Bernard Arthur Owen. 1973.
Utilitarianism: For and Against.
Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Smart, Jamieson John Carswell [Jack] and
Williams, Bernard Arthur Owen. 1997.
Utilitarisme. Le pour et le contre.
Genève: Labor et Fides. Traduction de Smart and Williams
(1973) par Hugues Poltier.
Further References
Baier, Kurt. 1962. “Smart on Sensations.” Australasian
Journal of Philosophy 40(1): 57–68.
Davidson, Donald and Hintikka, Jaakko, eds. 1969. Words and Objections: Essays on the Work of
W.V.O. Quine. Synthese Library n. 21.
Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co., doi:10.1007/978-94-010-1709-1.
Flew, Antony Garrard Newton, ed. 1956.
Essays in Conceptual Analysis.
London: MacMillan Publishing Co., https://archive.org/details/essaysinconceptu011140mbp.
Freeman, Eugene and Sellars, Wilfrid, eds. 1971. Basic Issues in the Philosophy of Time.
LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
Garnett, Arthur Campbell. 1965.
“Body and Mind: The Identity
Thesis.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy
43(1): 77–81.
Joske, Wiliam D. 1960. “Sensations and Brain Processes: A Reply to Professor
Smart (Smart
1959c).” Australasian Journal of
Philosophy 38: 157–160.
Lewis, David. 1973.
Counterfactuals. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard
University Press. Cited after republication as Lewis (2001).
Lewis, David. 2001.
Counterfactuals. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Republication of Lewis (1973).
McCall, Storrs. 1994. A Model of the Universe: Space-Time, Probability, and
Decision. Clarendon Library of Logic
and Philosophy. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198236221.001.0001.
Moyal, Georges J. D., ed. 1991.
René Descartes. Critical
Assessments. Critical Assessments of
Leading Philosophers, II. London: Routledge.
Pitcher, George W. 1960. “Sensations and Brain Processes: A Reply to Professor
Smart (Smart
1959c).” Australasian Journal of
Philosophy 38: 150–157.
Putnam, Hilary. 1983. Realism and Reason. Philosophical Papers, Volume
3. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/cbo9780511625275.
Strawson, Galen. 2006.
“Realistic Monism: Why Physicalism Entails
Panpsychism.” Journal of Consciousness Studies
13(10–11): 3–31. Reprinted in Strawson (2008, 53–74).
Strawson, Galen. 2008. Real Materialism, and Other Essays. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199267422.001.0001.