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Hilary Putnam (putnam-h)

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    Baaz, Matthias, Papadimitriou, Christos H., Putnam, Hilary, Scott, Dana S. and Harper, Charles L., Jr., eds. 2011. Kurt Gödel and the Foundations of Mathematics. Horizons of Truth. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Benacerraf, Paul and Putnam, Hilary, eds. 1964a. Philosophy of Mathematics: Selected Readings. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Second edition: Benacerraf and Putnam (1983).
    Benacerraf, Paul and Putnam, Hilary. 1964b. Introduction.” in Philosophy of Mathematics: Selected Readings, edited by Paul Benacerraf and Hilary Putnam, pp. 1–40. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Second edition: Benacerraf and Putnam (1983).
    Benacerraf, Paul and Putnam, Hilary, eds. 1983. Philosophy of Mathematics: Selected Readings. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. First edition: Benacerraf and Putnam (1964a), doi:10.1017/cbo9781139171519.
    Boolos, George and Putnam, Hilary. 1968. Degrees of Unsolvability of Constructible Sets of Integers.” The Journal of Symbolic Logic 33: 497–513.
    Davidson, Donald, Kaplan, David Michael, Kripke, Saul A., Quine, Willard van Orman, Dummett, Michael A. E., Harman, Gilbert H., Parsons, Charles and Putnam, Hilary. 1974a. First General Discussion Session.” Synthese 27(3): 471–508.
    Davidson, Donald, Kaplan, David Michael, Kripke, Saul A., Quine, Willard van Orman, Dummett, Michael A. E., Harman, Gilbert H., Parsons, Charles and Putnam, Hilary. 1974b. Second General Discussion Section.” Synthese 27(3): 509–521.
    Essler, Wilhelm K., Putnam, Hilary and Stegmüller, Wolfgang, eds. 1985. Methodology, Epistemology, and Philosophy of Science. Essays in Honour of Carl G. Hempel on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday, January 8th 1985. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
    Friedman, Michael and Putnam, Hilary. 1978. Quantum Logic, Conditional Probability, and Interference.” Dialectica 32(3–4): 305–315.
    Hempel, Carl Gustav, Putnam, Hilary and Essler, Wilhelm K., eds. 1983. Methodology, Epistemology, and Philosophy of Science. Essays in Honour of Wolfgang Stegmüller on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday, June 3rd 1983. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co., doi:10.1007/978-94-015-7676-5.
    Jacobson, Hilla and Putnam, Hilary. 2014. The Needlessness of Adverbialism, Attributeism and its Compatibilty with Cognitive Science.” Philosophia 42(3): 555–570.
    Jacobson, Hilla and Putnam, Hilary. 2016. Against Perceptual Conceptualism.” International Journal of Philosophical Studies 24(1): 1–25.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1954. Synonymy, and the Analysis of Belief Sentences.” Analysis 14: 114–122.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1956. Mathematics and the Existence of Abstract Entities.” Philosophical Studies 7(6): 81–88.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1957a. Decidability and Essential Undecidability.” The Journal of Symbolic Logic 22: 39–54.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1957b. Red and Green all Over Again: Rejoinder to Arthur Pap [on Pap (1957)].” The Philosophical Review 66.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1957c. Three-Valued Logic.” Philosophical Studies 8(1–2): 73–80. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1975a, 166–173).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1958. Formalization of the Concept ‘About’ .” Philosophy of Science 25(2): 125–130.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1960a. An Unsolvable Problem in Number Theory.” The Journal of Symbolic Logic 25: 220–232.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1960b. Minds and Machines.” in Dimensions of Mind: A Symposium, edited by Sidney Hook, pp. 148–179. New York: New York University Press. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1975b, 362–385).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1961a. Some Issues in the Theory of Grammar.” in Structure of Language and its Mathematical Aspects, edited by Roman Jakobson, pp. 25–42. Proceedings of Symposia in Applied Mathematics n. 12. Providence, Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1975b, 85–116).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1961b. Uniqueness Ordinals in Constructive Number Classes.” in Essays on the Foundations of Mathematics. Dedicated to A.A. Fraenkel on his Seventieth Anniversary, edited by Yehoshua Bar-Hillel, Edward Poznański, Michael O. Rabin, and Abraham Robinson, pp. 190–206. Jerusalem: The Magnes Press. Second edition: Bar-Hillel et al. (1966).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1962a. What Theories are Not.” in Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science I: Proceedings of the 1960 International Congress in Stanford, edited by Ernest Nagel, Patrick Suppes, and Alfred Tarski, pp. 240–251. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1975a, 215–227).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1962b. The Analytic and the Synthetic.” in Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Volume III: Scientific Explanation, Space & Time, edited by Herbert Feigl and Grover Maxwell, pp. 358–397. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1975b, 33–69).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1962c. Dreaming and ‘Depth Grammar’ [commentary on: Malcolm (1959)].” in Analytical Philosophy, First Series, edited by Ronald J. Butler, pp. 211–235. New York: Barnes; Noble. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1975b, 304–324).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1962d. It Ain’t Necessarily So.” The Journal of Philosophy 59(22): 658–671. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1975a, 237–249).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1963a. Probability and Confirmation.” The Voice of America, Forum Philosophy of Science 10. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1975a, 293–304).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1963b. ‘Degree of Confirmation’ and Inductive Logic.” in The Philosophy of Rudolph Carnap, edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp, pp. 761–783. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 11. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1975a, 270–292).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1963c. A Note on Constructible Sets of Integers.” Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 4(4): 270–273.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1963d. An Examination of Grünbaum’s Philosophy of Space and Time.” in Philosophy of Science: The Delaware Seminar, Volume 2: 1962–1963, edited by Bernard H. Baumrin, pp. 205–255. New York: John Wiley / Interscience / University of Delaware Press. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1975a, 93–129).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1964a. Robots: Machines or Artificially Created Life? The Journal of Philosophy 61(21): 668–691. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1975b, 386–407).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1964b. Discussions: Comments on Comments on Comments: a Reply to Margenau and Wigner.” Philosophy of Science 31(1). Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1975a, 159–165).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1965a. Brains and Behaviour.” in Analytical Philosophy, Second Series, edited by Ronald J. Butler, pp. 1–19. Oxford: Basil Blackwell Publishers. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1975b, 325–341) and in Block (1980, 24–36).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1965b. How not to talk about meaning.” in In Honor of Philipp Frank. Proceedings of the Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science 1962–1964, edited by Robert S. Cohen and Marx W. Wartofsky, pp. 205–222. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 2. Atlantic Highlands, New Jersey: Humanities Press. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1975b, 117–131).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1965c. Philosophy of Physics.” in Aspects of Contemporary American Philosophy, edited by Franklin H. Donnell Jr. Würzburg: Physica-Verlag, Rudolf Liebing K.G. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1975a, 79–92).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1965d. A Philosopher Looks at Quantum Mechanics.” in Beyond the Edge of Certainty: Essays in Contemporary Science and Philosophy, edited by Robert G. Colodny, pp. 75–101. Center for Philosophy of Science Series n. 2. Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1975a, 130–158).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1965e. Craig’s Theorem.” The Journal of Philosophy 62(10). Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1975a, 228–236).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1967a. Mathematics without Foundations.” The Journal of Philosophy 64(1): 5–22. Reprinted in Benacerraf and Putnam (1964a) and in Putnam, H. (1975a, 43–59).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1967b. The ‘Innateness Hypothesis’ and Explanatory Models in Linguistics.” Synthese 17(1): 12–22. Simultaneously published in in Cohen and Wartofsky (1967, 91–101) and reprinted in Putnam, H. (1975b, 107–116) and in Stich (1975, 133–144).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1967c. Psychological Predicates.” in Art, Mind, and Religion, edited by William H. Capitan and Daniel D. Merrill, pp. 37–48. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: University of Pittsburgh Press. Reprinted as “The Nature of Mental States” in Putnam, H. (1975b, 429–440) and in Block (1980, 223–231).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1967d. Time and Physical Geometry.” The Journal of Philosophy 64(8): 240–247. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1975a, 198–205), doi:10.2307/2024493.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1967e. The Mental Life of Some Machines.” in Intentionality, Minds, and Perception: Discussions on Contemporary Philosophy. A Symposium, edited by Hector-Neri Castañeda, pp. 177–200. Detroit, Maryland: Wayne State University Press. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1975b).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1967f. Rejoinder [to Plantinga (1967)].” in Intentionality, Minds, and Perception: Discussions on Contemporary Philosophy. A Symposium, edited by Hector-Neri Castañeda, pp. 206–214. Detroit, Maryland: Wayne State University Press. Proceedings from the Wayne State University Symposium in the Philosophy of Mind, December 1962.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1967g. The Thesis that Mathematics Is Logic.” in Bertrand Russell: Philosopher of the Century, edited by Ralph Schoenman, pp. 273–303. Boston, Massachusetts: Little, Brown; Co. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1975a, 12–42).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1969a. Is Logic Empirical? in Proceedings of the Boston Colloquium for the Philosophy of Science 1966/1968, edited by Robert S. Cohen and Marx W. Wartofsky, pp. 216–241. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 5. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co. Reprinted as “The Logic of Quantum Mechanics” in Putnam, H. (1975a, 174–197), doi:10.1007/978-94-010-3381-7_5.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1969b. Logical Positivism and the Philosophy of Mind.” in The Legacy of Logical Positivism: Studies in the Philosophy of Science, edited by Peter Achinstein and Stephen F. Barker. Baltimore, Maryland: John Hopkins University Press. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1975b, 441–451).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1969c. On Properties.” in Essays in Honor of Carl G. Hempel. A Tribute on the Occasion of His Sixty-Fifth Birthday, edited by Nicholas Rescher, pp. 235–264. Synthese Library n. 24. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1975a, 305–322).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1970. Is Semantics Possible? Metaphilosophy 1(3): 187–201. Reprinted in Kiefer and Munitz (1970), in Putnam, H. (1975b, 139–152) and in Schwartz (1977, 102–118), .
    Putnam, Hilary. 1971. Philosophy of Logic. New York: Harper & Row. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1979g, 323–357).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1972. Other Minds.” in Logic and Art: Essays in Honor of Nelson Goodman, edited by Richard S. Rudner and Israel Scheffler, pp. 78–99. Indianapolis, Indiana: Bobbs-Merrill Company Inc.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1973a. Explanation and Reference.” in Conceptual Change, edited by Glenn Pearce and Patrick Maynard, pp. 199–221. Synthese Library n. 52. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1975b, 196–214).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1973b. Reductionism and the Nature of Psychology.” Cognition 2: 131–146. Reprinted in Haugeland (1981, 205–219) and in Putnam, H. (1994a, 428–440).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1973c. Meaning and Reference.” The Journal of Philosophy 70(19): 699–711. Reprinted in Schwartz (1977, 119–132), and in Moore (1993, 150–161).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1974a. The ‘Corroboration’ of Theories.” in The Philosophy of Karl Popper, edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp, pp. 221–240. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 14. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1975a, 250–269).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1974b. How to Think Quantum-Logically.” Synthese 29(1–4): 55–61. Reprinted in Suppes (1976, 47–54).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1974c. The Refutation of Conventionalism.” Noûs 8: 25–40. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1975b, 153–191).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1974d. Comments on Wilfrid Sellars (1974).” Synthese 27(3): 445–455.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1975a. Mathematics, Matter and Method. Philosophical Papers, Volume 1. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Second edition: Putnam, H. (1979g).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1975b. Mind, Language and Reality: Philosophical Papers, Volume 2. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/cbo9780511625251.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1975c. Introduction: Science as Approximation to Truth.” in Mathematics, Matter and Method. Philosophical Papers, Volume 1, pp. vii–xiv. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Second edition: Putnam, H. (1979g).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1975d. Truth and Necessity in Mathematics.” in Mathematics, Matter and Method. Philosophical Papers, Volume 1, pp. 1–11. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Second edition: Putnam, H. (1979g).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1975e. Memo on ‘Conventionalism’ .” in Mathematics, Matter and Method. Philosophical Papers, Volume 1, pp. 206–214. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Second edition: Putnam, H. (1979g).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1975f. Introduction: Philosophy of Language and the Rest of Philosophy.” in Mind, Language and Reality: Philosophical Papers, Volume 2, pp. vii–xvii. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/cbo9780511625251.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1975g. Language and Philosophy.” in Mind, Language and Reality: Philosophical Papers, Volume 2, pp. 1–32. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/cbo9780511625251.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1975h. Do True Assertions Correspond to Reality? in Mind, Language and Reality: Philosophical Papers, Volume 2, pp. 70–84. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/cbo9780511625251.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1975i. Review of Ayer (1963).” in Mind, Language and Reality: Philosophical Papers, Volume 2, pp. 132–138. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Written around1960, doi:10.1017/cbo9780511625251.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1975j. Reply to Gerald Massey.” in Mind, Language and Reality: Philosophical Papers, Volume 2, pp. 192–195. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/cbo9780511625251.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1975k. The Meaning of ‘Meaning’ .” in Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Volume VII: Language, Mind, and Knowledge, edited by Keith Gunderson, pp. 131–193. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1975b, 215–271).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1975l. Language and Reality.” in Mind, Language and Reality: Philosophical Papers, Volume 2, pp. 272–290. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/cbo9780511625251.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1975m. Philosophy and Our Mental Life.” in Mind, Language and Reality: Philosophical Papers, Volume 2, pp. 291–303. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Reprinted in Block (1980, 134–143), doi:10.1017/cbo9780511625251.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1975n. Other Minds.” in Mind, Language and Reality: Philosophical Papers, Volume 2, pp. 342–361. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/cbo9780511625251.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1975o. Review of Adami (1998).” in Mind, Language and Reality: Philosophical Papers, Volume 2, pp. 132–138. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/cbo9780511625251.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1975p. What is Mathematical Truth? in Mathematics, Matter and Method. Philosophical Papers, Volume 1, pp. 60–78. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Second edition: Putnam, H. (1979g).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1976a. What is ‘Realism’? Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 76: 177–194. Reprinted in Leplin (1984, 140–153).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1976b. Philosophy of Language and Philosophy of Science.” in PSA 1974: Proceedings of the Biennial Meeting of the Philosophy of Science Association, edited by Robert S. Cohen, Clifford A. Hooker, Alex C. Michalos, and James W. van Evra, pp. 603–610. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 32. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1977. ‘Two Dogmas’ Revisited.” in Contemporary Aspects of Philosophy, edited by Gilbert Ryle. Stocksfield: Oriel Press. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1983a, 87–97).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1978a. Meaning and the Moral Sciences. London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1978b. There is at Least One A Priori Truth.” Erkenntnis 13: 153–170. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1983a, 98–114).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1979a. The Place of Facts in a World of Values.” in The Nature of the Physical Universe, edited by Douglas Huff and Omer Prewett, pp. 113–140. New York: Wiley Publishing Inc. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1990a, 142–162).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1979b. Analyticity and Apriority: Beyond Wittgenstein and Quine.” in Midwest Studies in Philosophy 4: Studies in Metaphysics, edited by Peter A. French, Theodore E. Uehling Jr., and Howard K. Wettstein, pp. 423–441. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1983a, 115–138).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1979c. Reflections on Goodman’s Ways of Worldmaking.” The Journal of Philosophy 76. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1983a, 155–169).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1979d. Philosophy of Mathematics: A Report.” in Current Research in Philosophy of Science. P.S.A. Critical Research Problems Conference, edited by Peter D. Asquith and Henry E. Kyburg Jr. East Lansing, Michigan: Philosophy of Science Association. Reprinted as “Philosophy of Mathematics: Why Nothing Works” in Putnam, H. (1994a, 499–512).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1979e. Reference and Understanding.” in Meaning and Use: Papers Presented at the Second Jerusalem Philosophy Encounter, edited by Avishai Margalit, pp. 199–217. Synthese Language Library n. 3. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1979f. Il existe au moins une vérité à priori.” Revue de Métaphysique et de Morale 84: 195–208. Traduction de Putnam, H. (1978b).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1979g. Mathematics, Matter and Method. Philosophical Papers, Volume 1. 2nd ed. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. First edition: Putnam, H. (1975a), doi:10.1017/cbo9780511625268.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1979h. Comment on Hyde (1979).” Philosophical Investigations 2(4): 71–72.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1980a. Models and Reality.” The Journal of Symbolic Logic 45(3): 464–482. Reprinted in Benacerraf and Putnam (1964a) and Putnam, H. (1983a, 1–25), doi:10.2307/2273415.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1980b. How to Be an Internal Realist and a Transcendental Idealist (at the Same Time).” in Proceedings of the 4th International Wittgenstein Symposium: Language, Logic, and Philosophy, edited by Rudolf Haller and Wolfgang Grassl. Schriftenreihe der Österreichischen Ludwig Wittgenstein Gesellschaft n. 4. Wien: Hölder-Pichler-Tempsky.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1980c. What is Innate and Why.” in Language and Learning: The Debate Between Jean Piaget and Noam Chomsky, edited by Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Translation of Piattelli-Palmarini (1979).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1980d. Comments on Chomsky’s and Fodor’s replies [Chomsky (1980) and Fodor (1980)].” in Language and Learning: The Debate Between Jean Piaget and Noam Chomsky, edited by Massimo Piattelli-Palmarini. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Translation of Piattelli-Palmarini (1979).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1980e. Si Dieu est mort, alors tout est permis.” Critique 38(399–400): 791–801.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1980f. Ce que les théories ne sont pas.” in De Vienne à Cambridge. L’héritage du positivisme logique, pp. 241–259. Paris: Gallimard. Traduction de Putnam, H. (1962a).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1980g. Explication et référence.” in De Vienne à Cambridge. L’héritage du positivisme logique, pp. 337–363. Paris: Gallimard. Traduction de Putnam, H. (1973a).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1981a. Reason, Truth and History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/cbo9780511625398.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1981b. Convention: A Theme in Philosophy.” New Literary History 13. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1983a, 170–183).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1981c. Quantum Mechanics and the Observer.” Erkenntnis 16. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1983a, 248–270).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1981d. Philosophers and Human Understanding.” in Scientific Explanation, edited by Anthony F. Heath, pp. 99–120. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1983a, 184–204).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1982a. Why There Isn’t a Ready-Made World.” Synthese 51: 141–167. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1983a, 205–228).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1982b. Beyond the Fact / Value Dichotomy.” Crı́tica: Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofı́a 14(41): 3–12. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1990a, 135–141).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1982c. Three Kinds of Scientific Realism.” The Philosophical Quarterly 32: 195–200. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1994a, 492–498).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1982d. Why Reason Can’t Be Naturalized.” Synthese 52: 3–23. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1983a, 229–247).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1982e. Comment on Fodor (1982).” Notre Dame Journal of Formal Logic 23(3): 294–295.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1982f. Discussion: Semantical Rules and Misinterpretations: Reply to R.M. Martin.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 42: 604–609.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1982g. Reply to Two Realists [Field (1982) and Harman (1982)].” The Journal of Philosophy 79(10): 575–577.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1983a. Realism and Reason. Philosophical Papers, Volume 3. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/cbo9780511625275.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1983b. How Not to Solve Ethical Problems. University of Kansas: Department of Philosophy. The Lindley Lecture for 1983, reprinted as Putnam, H. (1990f).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1983c. Introduction: An Overview of the Problem.” in Realism and Reason. Philosophical Papers, Volume 3, pp. vii–xviii. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/cbo9780511625275.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1983d. Equivalence.” in Realism and Reason. Philosophical Papers, Volume 3, pp. 26–45. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/cbo9780511625275.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1983e. Possibility and Necessity.” in Realism and Reason. Philosophical Papers, Volume 3, pp. 46–68. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/cbo9780511625275.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1983f. Reference and Truth.” in Realism and Reason. Philosophical Papers, Volume 3, pp. 69–86. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/cbo9780511625275.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1983g. Computational Psychology and Interpretation Theory.” in Realism and Reason. Philosophical Papers, Volume 3, pp. 139–154. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/cbo9780511625275.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1983h. Vagueness and Alternative Logic.” Erkenntnis 19(1–3): 297–314. Reprinted in Hempel, Putnam and Essler (1983, 297–314) and in Putnam, H. (1983a, 271–286).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1983i. Beyond Historicism.” in Realism and Reason. Philosophical Papers, Volume 3, pp. 287–303. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/cbo9780511625275.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1983j. On Truth.” in How Many Questions? Essays in Honor of Sidney Morgenbesser, edited by Leigh S. Cauman, Isaac Levi, Charles Parsons, and Robert Schwartz. Indianapolis, Indiana: Hackett Publishing Co. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1994a, 315–329).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1983k. Probability and the Mental.” in Humans, Meanings and Existences, edited by D. P. Chattopadhyaya, pp. 161–174. London: MacMillan Publishing Co. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1994a, 376–389).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1983l. Was ist Epistemologie? in Kant oder Hegel? Über Formen der Begründung in der Philosophie, edited by Dieter Henrich, pp. 439–449. Veröffentlichungen der Internationalen Hegel-Vereinigung n. 12. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1983m. Is there a Fact of the Matter about Fiction? Poetics Today 4(1): 77–81. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1990a, 209–215).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1983n. De las Propiedades. Cuadernos de la Crı́tica n. 19. México, D.F.: Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas, Universidad Nacional Autónoma de Mexico. Versión castellana de Putnam, H. (1969c) de Martha Gorostiza.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1983o. Taking Rules Seriously.” New Literary History 15: 77–81. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1990a, 193–200).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1984a. Is the Causal Structure of the Physical Itself Something Physical? in Midwest Studies in Philosophy 9: Causation and Causal Theories, edited by Peter A. French, Theodore E. Uehling Jr., and Howard K. Wettstein, pp. 3–16. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1990a, 80–95).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1984b. Models and Modules: Fodor’s The Modularity of Mind.” Cognition 17(3): 253–264. Review of Fodor (1983), reprinted in Putnam, H. (1994a, 403–415).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1984c. The Craving for Objectivity.” New Literary History 15: 229–240. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1990a, 120–133).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1984d. Raison, vérité, histoire. Propositions. Paris: Éditions de Minuit.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1985a. Reflexive Reflections.” Erkenntnis 22(1–3): 143–153. Reprinted in Essler, Putnam and Stegmüller (1985, 143–153), in Silvers (1989, 211–222) and Putnam, H. (1994a, 416–427).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1985b. After Empiricism.” in Post-Analytic Philosophy, edited by John Rajchman and Cornel West, pp. 20–30. New York: Columbia University Press. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1990a).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1985c. A Comparison of Something with Something Else.” New Literary History 17: 61–79. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1994a, 330–350).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1985d. A Quick Read is a Wrong Wright.” Analysis 45(4): 203.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1985e. Signification, référence et stéréotypes.” Philosophie 5: 21–44. Traduction de Putnam, H. (1975c) par J. Kahlfa.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1986a. Meaning Holism.” in The Philosophy of W.V. Quine, edited by Lewis Edwin Hahn and Paul Arthur Schilpp, pp. 405–426. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 18. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1990a).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1986b. Information and the Mental.” in Truth and Interpretation: Perspectives on the Philosophy of Donald Davidson, edited by Ernest LePore, pp. 262–271. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1986c. Computational Psychology and Interpretation.” in Meaning and Cognitive Structure: Issues in the Computational Theory of Mind, edited by Zenon W. Pylyshyn and William Demopoulos. Norwood, New Jersey: Ablex Publishing Co.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1986d. How Old is the Mind? in Exploring the Concept of Mind, edited by Richard M. Caplan. Iowa City, Iowa: University of Iowa Press. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1994a, 3–21).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1986e. The Realist Picture and the Idealist Picture.” in Philosophie et culture. Actes du XVIIe Congrès mondial de philosophie, Montréal, volume I, edited by Venant Cauchy, pp. 205–211. Montréal: Éditions du Beffroi.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1986f. Rationality in Decision Theory and in Ethics.” Crı́tica: Revista Hispanoamericana de Filosofı́a 18(54): 3–16.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1986g. Meaning and Our Mental Life.” in The Kaleidoscope of Science. The Israel Colloquium: Studies in History, Philosophy, and Sociology of Science. Volume 1, edited by Edna Ullmann-Margalit, pp. 17–32. Boston Studies in the Philosophy of Science n. 94. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1987a. The Many Faces of Realism. The Paul Carus Lectures. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1987b. The Diversity of the Sciences: Global versus Local Methodological Approaches.” in Metaphysics and Morality: Essays in Honour of J.J.C. Smart, edited by Philip Pettit, Richard Sylvan, and Jean Norman, pp. 137–153. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1994a, 463–480).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1987c. Truth and Convention: On Davidson’s Refutation of Conceptual Relativism.” Dialectica 41(1–2): 69–77. Reprinted in Krausz (1989, 173–181) and in Putnam, H. (1990a, 96–104).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1987d. Scientific Liberty and Scientific License.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 30: 43–51. “Science and Ethics,” ed. by Keith Lehrer; reprinted in Putnam, H. (1990a, 201–208).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1988a. Representation and Reality. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1988b. Artificial Intelligence: Much Ado about Not Very Much.” Daedalus 117(1): 269–281. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1994a, 391–402).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1988c. After Metaphysics, what? in Metaphysik nach Kant? Stuttgarter Hegel-Kongress 1987, edited by Dieter Henrich and Rolf-Peter Horstmann, pp. 457–467. Veröffentlichungen der Internationalen Hegel-Vereinigung n. 17. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1988d. Misling [review of Quine (1987)].” The London Review of Books, April. Reprinted as “The Greatest Logical Positivist” n Putnam, H. (1990a),
    Putnam, Hilary. 1989. Model Theory and the ‘Factuality’ of Semantics.” in Reflections on Chomsky, edited by Alexander George, pp. 213–232. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1994a, 351–375).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1990a. Realism with a Human Face. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Edited by James Conant.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1990b. The Idea of Science.” in Midwest Studies in Philosophy 15: The Philosophy of the Human Sciences, edited by Peter A. French, Theodore E. Uehling Jr., and Howard K. Wettstein, pp. 57–64. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1994a, 481–491).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1990c. A Defense of Internal Realism.” in Realism with a Human Face, pp. 30–42. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Edited by James Conant.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1990d. Is it Necessary That Water Is H2O? in Realism with a Human Face, pp. 54–79. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Reprinted in Hahn (1992, 429–454).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1990e. Objectivity and the Science / Ethics Distinction.” in Realism with a Human Face, pp. 163–178. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Reprinted in Nussbaum and Sen (1993, 143–157).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1990f. How Not to Solve Ethical Problems.” in Realism with a Human Face, pp. 179–192. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Reprint of Putnam, H. (1983b).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1990g. Realism with a Human Face.” in Realism with a Human Face, pp. 3–29. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Kant lectures at Stanford University, Fall 1987.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1990h. Peirce the Logician.” in Realism with a Human Face, pp. 252–260. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Edited by James Conant.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1990i. The Way the World Is.” in Realism with a Human Face, pp. 261–267. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Edited by James Conant.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1990j. Nelson Goodman’s Fact, Fiction, and Forecast.” in Realism with a Human Face, pp. 303–310. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Originally published as foreword to the 1983 (4th) edition of Goodman, Fact, Fiction and Forecast.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1990k. James’s Theory of Perception.” in Realism with a Human Face, pp. 232–251. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Reprint of Putnam, H. (1983b).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1990l. Représentation et réalité. Paris: Gallimard. Traduction de Putnam, H. (1988a) par C. Tiercelin.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1991a. Does the Disquotational Theory of Truth Solve All Philosophical Problems? Metaphilosophy 22(1–2): 1–13. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1994a, 264–278).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1991b. Reichenbach’s Metaphysical Picture.” Erkenntnis 35(1–3): 61–76. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1994a, 99–114).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1991c. Replies and Comments.” Erkenntnis 34: 401–424.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1991d. Logical Positivism and Intentionality.” in A.J. Ayer Memorial Essays, edited by A. Phillips Griffiths, pp. 105–116. Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures n. 30. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1994a, 85–98).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1992a. Renewing Philosophy. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1992b. Philosophie analytique et philosophie continentale.” Philosophie 35: 21–44. Traduction par J. Kahlfa.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1992c. La nature des états mentaux.” Les Études Philosophiques 46(3): 323–335.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1992d. Replies.” Philosophical Topics 20(1): 347–408.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1992e. Why Functionalism Didn’t Work.” in Inference, Explanation and Other Philosophical Frustrations, edited by John S. Earman, pp. 255–270. Berkeley, California: University of California Press. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1994a, 441–461).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1992f. The French Revolution and the Holocaust: Can Ethics Be Ahistorical? in Culture and Modernity: East-West Philosophical Perspectives, edited by Eliot Deutsch. Honolulu, Hawaii: University of Hawaii Press. Reprinted as “Pragmatism and Relativism: Universal Values and Traditional Ways of Life” Putnam, H. (1994a, 182–197).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1993a. Realism without Absolutes.” International Journal of Philosophical Studies 1(2): 179–192. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1994a, 279–294).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1993b. Aristotle after Wittgenstein.” in Modern Thinkers and Ancient Thinkers, edited by Robert W. Sharples. London: University College Press. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1994a, 62–83).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1993c. Die bleibende Aktualität von William James.” Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 41(2): 189–199.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1994a. Words and Life. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Edited by James Conant.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1994b. Pragmatism and Moral Objectivity.” in Words and Life, pp. 151–181. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Edited by James Conant.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1994c. Rethinking Mathematical Necessity.” in Words and Life, pp. 245–263. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Reprinted in Leonardi and Santambrogio (1995, 267–282).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1994d. Reichenbach and the Myth of the Given.” in Words and Life, pp. 115–130. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Presentation tot he Reichenbach Centennial Conference, April 2, 1991.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1994e. The Question of Realism.” in Words and Life, pp. 295–313. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Presented as Auguste Comte Lecture at the LSE, February 2, 1993.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1994f. The Cultural Impact of Newton.” in Words and Life, pp. 513–522. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Edited by James Conant.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1994g. Reichenbach and the Limits of Vindication.” in Logic, Methodology and Philosophy of Science IX: Proceedings of the Ninth International Congress of Logic, Methodology, and Philosophy of Science, Uppsala, Swede, August 7-14, 1991, edited by Dag Prawitz, Brian Skyrms, and Dag Westerståhl, pp. 867–883. Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics n. 134. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1994a, 131–149).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1994h. Sense, Nonsense, and the Senses: An Inquiry into the Powers of the Human Mind.” The Journal of Philosophy 91: 445–517.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1994i. Le réalisme à visage humain. Paris: Éditions du Seuil. Traduction de Putnam, H. (1990a) par C. Tiercelin.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1994j. Comments and Replies.” in Reading Putnam, edited by Peter Clark and Robert Hale, pp. 242–295. Philosophers and Their Critics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1994k. Logic and Psychology: Comment on Macnamara (1994).” in The Logical Foundations of Cognition, edited by John Macnamara and Gonzalo E. Reyes, pp. 35–42. Vancouver Studies in Cognitive Science n. 4. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1995a. Pragmatism: An Open Question. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1995b. Review of Penrose (1994).” Bulletin of the American Mathematical Society 32: 370–373.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1995c. Logical Positivism, the Kantian Tradition, and the Bounds of Sense.” in The Philosophy of P.F. Strawson, edited by Pranab Kumar Sen and Roop Rekha Verma, pp. 145–160. New Delhi: Indian Council of Philosophical Research.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1995d. Pragmatism.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 95: 291–306.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1995e. Are Moral and Legal Values Made or Discovered? Legal Theory 1(1): 5–19. Reprinted as “Are Values Made or Discovered?” in Putnam, H. (2002a, 96–110).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1995f. Pragmatismus und Verifikationismus.” Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 43(2): 219–231.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1996a. Philosophie de la logique. Paris: Éditions de l’Éclat. Traduction de Putnam, H. (1971) par P. Peccatte.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1996b. On Wittgenstein’s Philosophy of Mathematics.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society, Supplementary Volume 70: 243–264.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1996c. Über die Rationalität von Präferenzen.” Allgemeine Zeitschrift für Philosophie 21(3): 209–228. Reprinted as “On the Rationality of Preferences” in Putnam, H. (2002a, 79–95).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1997a. God and the Philosophers.” in Midwest Studies in Philosophy 21: Philosophy of Religion, edited by Peter A. French, Theodore E. Uehling Jr., and Howard K. Wettstein, pp. 175–187. Notre Dame, Indiana: University of Notre Dame Press.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1997b. James’ Theory of Truth.” in The Cambridge Companion to William James, edited by Ruth Anna Putnam, pp. 166–185. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1997c. Thoughts Addressed to an Analytical Thomist.” The Monist 80(4): 487–499. Reprinted in Paterson and Pugh (2006, 25–32).
    Putnam, Hilary. 1998a. Strawson and Skepticism.” in The Philosophy of P.F. Strawson, edited by Lewis Edwin Hahn, pp. 273–287. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 26. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1998b. Skepticism.” in Philosophie in synthetischer Absicht. Synthesis in Mind, edited by Marcelo Stamm, pp. 239–269. Stuttgart: Klett-Cotta. Festschrift for Dieter Henrich.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1998c. Kripkean Realism and Wittgenstein’s Realism.” in The Story of Analytic Philosophy. Plots and Heroes, edited by Anat Biletzki and Anat Matar, pp. 241–252. Routledge Studies in Twentieth-Century Philosophy n. 1. London: Routledge.
    Putnam, Hilary. 1999. The Threefold Cord: Mind, Body, and World. New York: Columbia University Press.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2000a. Richard Rorty on Reality and Justification.” in Rorty and His Critics, edited by Robert B. Brandom, pp. 81–86. Philosophers and Their Critics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2000b. Paradox Revisited I: Truth.” in Between Logic and Intuition: Essays in Honor of Charles Parsons, edited by Gila Y. Sher and Richard Tieszen, pp. 3–15. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2000c. Paradox Revisited II: Sets – A Case of All or None? in Between Logic and Intuition: Essays in Honor of Charles Parsons, edited by Gila Y. Sher and Richard Tieszen, pp. 16–26. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2001a. Why ‘Evidence Transcendence’ is Not Malign: A Reply to Crispin Wright.” The Journal of Philosophy 98(11): 594–600.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2001b. Aller et retour au pays du fonctionnalisme.” Philosophie 71: 21–44. Traduction de Putnam, H. (1975c) par J. Kahlfa.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2001c. Hans Reichenbach: Realist and Verificationist.” in Future Pasts: The Analytic Tradition in Twentieth-Century Philosophy, edited by Juliet Floyd and Sanford Shieh, pp. 277–289. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/019513916X.001.0001.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2001d. Werte und Normen.” in Die Öffentlichkeit der Vernunft und die Vernunft der Öffentlichkeit. Festschrift für Jürgen Habermas, edited by Lutz Wingert and Lutz Günther, pp. 280–313. Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp Verlag. Translated by Karin Wördemann; publication of the original as “Values and Norms” in Putnam, H. (2002a).
    Putnam, Hilary. 2001e. Skepticism, Stroud and the Contextuality of Knowledge.” Philosophical Explorations: An International Journal for the Philosophy of Mind and Action 4(1): 2–16.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2002a. The Collapse of the Fact/Value Dichotomy and other Essays. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2002b. Travis on Meaning, Thought and the Ways the World Is.” The Philosophical Quarterly 52.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2002c. Pragmatism and Nonscientific Knowledge.” in Hilary Putnam. Pragmatism and Realism, edited by James Conant and Urszula M. Żegleń, pp. 14–24. Routledge Studies in Twentieth-Century Philosophy n. 10. London: Routledge.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2002d. McDowell’s Mind and McDowell’s World.” in Reading McDowell on Mind and World, pp. 174–189. London: Routledge.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2002e. Levinas and Judaism.” in The Cambridge Companion to Levinas, edited by Simon Critchley and Robert Bernasconi, pp. 33–62. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2002f. Introduction.” in The Collapse of the Fact/Value Dichotomy and other Essays, pp. 1–5. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2002g. The Empiricist Background.” in The Collapse of the Fact/Value Dichotomy and other Essays, pp. 7–27. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2002h. The Entanglement of Fact and Value.” in The Collapse of the Fact/Value Dichotomy and other Essays, pp. 28–45. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2002i. Fact and Value in the World of Amartya Sen.” in The Collapse of the Fact/Value Dichotomy and other Essays, pp. 46–65. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2002j. Sen’s ‘Prescriptivist’ Beginnings.” in The Collapse of the Fact/Value Dichotomy and other Essays, pp. 67–78. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2002k. The Philosophers of Science’s Evasion of Values.” in The Collapse of the Fact/Value Dichotomy and other Essays, pp. 135–146. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2003a. Ethik: in den Strömungen Kurs halten.” in Wissen zwischen Entdeckung und Konstruktion, Erkenntnistheoretische Kontroversen, edited by Matthias Vogel and Lutz Wingert, pp. 288–305. Frankfurt a.M.: Suhrkamp Verlag.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2003b. La signification de ‘signification’ .” in Philosophie de l’esprit, vol. 2: Problèmes et perspectives, edited by Denis Fisette and Pierre Poirier, pp. 41–84. Textes clés. Paris: Librairie philosophique Jean Vrin. Traduction de Putnam, H. (1975a) par Dominique Boucher.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2004a. Ethics without Ontology. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2004b. Fait-valeur : la fin d’un dogme. Tiré à part. Paris: Éditions de l’Éclat. Traduction de Putnam, H. (2002a).
    Putnam, Hilary. 2004c. Sosa on Internal Realism and Conceptual Relativity.” in Ernest Sosa and His Critics, edited by John Greco, pp. 233–248. Philosophers and Their Critics. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, doi:10.1002/9780470756140.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2005. A Philosopher Looks at Quantum Mechanics (Again).” The British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 56(4): 615–634.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2006a. The Epistemology of Unjust War.” in Political Philosophy, edited by Anthony O’Hear, pp. 173–188. Royal Institute of Philosophy Supplement n. 58. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2006b. Intelligence and Ethics.” in A Companion to Pragmatism, edited by John R. Shook and Joseph Margolis, pp. 267–277. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, doi:10.1002/9780470997079.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2007. Between Scylla and Charybdis: Does Dummett Have a Way Through? in The Philosophy of Michael Dummett, edited by Randall E. Auxier and Lewis Edwin Hahn, pp. 155–167. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 31. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2008a. Wittgenstein and Realism.” International Journal of Philosophical Studies 16(1): 3–16.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2008b. Reply to White (2008).” European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 4(2): 29–32.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2008c. Reply to Macarthur (2008).” European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 4(2): 47–50.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2008d. Reply to Dorato (2008).” European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 4(2): 71–74.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2008e. Reply to Dell’Utri (2008).” European Journal of Analytic Philosophy 4(2): 87–91.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2008f. What Makes Pragmatism So Different? in Following Putnam’s Trail, edited by Marı́a Uxı́a Rivas Monroy, Celesta Cancela Silva, and Concha Martı́nez-Vidal, pp. 19–34. Poznań Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities n. 95. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2009. La logique trivalente.” in Philosophie de la logique: Conséquence, preuve et vérité, edited by Denis Bonnay and Mikaël Cozic, pp. 415–426. Textes clés. Paris: Librairie philosophique Jean Vrin. Traduction de Putnam, H. (1957c).
    Putnam, Hilary. 2010a. Between Dolev and Dummett: Some Comments on ‘Antirealism, Presentism and Bivalence’ [Dolev (2010)].” International Journal of Philosophical Studies 18(1): 91–96.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2010b. Science and Philosophy.” in Naturalism and Normativity, edited by Mario De Caro and David Macarthur, pp. 89–99. New York: Columbia University Press.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2012a. Philosophy in an Age of Science. Physics, Mathematics, and Skepticism. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Edited by Mario De Caro and David Macarthur.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2012b. Sensation and Apperception.” in Consciousness and Subjectivity, edited by Sofia Miguens and Gerhard Preyer, pp. 39–50. Philosophische Analyse / Philosophical Analysis n. 47. Heusenstamm b. Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2012c. Quantum Mechanics and Ontology.” in Analysis and Interpretation in the Exact Sciences. Essays in Honour of William Demopoulos, edited by Mélanie Frappier, Derek Henry Brown, and Robert DiSalle, pp. 179–190. The University of Western Ontario Series in Philosophy of Science n. 78. Dordrecht: Springer.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2013a. The Development of Externalist Semantics.” Theoria 79(3): 192–203.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2013b. After Gödel.” in Computability: Turing, Gödel, Church, and Beyond, edited by B. Jack Copeland, Carl J. Posy, and Oron Shagrir, pp. 141–152. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2013c. From Quantum Mechanics to Ethics and Back Again.” in Reading Putnam, edited by Maria Baghramian, pp. 19–36. London: Routledge.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2013d. Comments on Boyd (2013).” in Reading Putnam, edited by Maria Baghramian, pp. 95–100. London: Routledge.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2013e. Comments on Devitt (2013).” in Reading Putnam, edited by Maria Baghramian, pp. 121–126. London: Routledge.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2013f. Comments on Macarthur (2013).” in Reading Putnam, edited by Maria Baghramian, pp. 140–142. London: Routledge.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2013g. Comments on Mueller (2013).” in Reading Putnam, edited by Maria Baghramian, pp. 179–181. London: Routledge.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2013h. Comments on Parsons (2013).” in Reading Putnam, edited by Maria Baghramian, pp. 202–204. London: Routledge.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2013i. Comments on Goodman (2013).” in Reading Putnam, edited by Maria Baghramian, pp. 219–224. London: Routledge.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2013j. Comments on Albert (2013).” in Reading Putnam, edited by Maria Baghramian, pp. 237–239. London: Routledge.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2013k. Comments on Putnam, R. A. (2013).” in Reading Putnam, edited by Maria Baghramian, pp. 257–259. London: Routledge.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2013l. Comments on Burge (2013).” in Reading Putnam, edited by Maria Baghramian, pp. 272–274. London: Routledge.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2013m. Comments on Block (2007).” in Reading Putnam, edited by Maria Baghramian, pp. 319–321. London: Routledge.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2013n. Comments on Travis (2013b) and McDowell (2013).” in Reading Putnam, edited by Maria Baghramian, pp. 347–358. London: Routledge.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2014. Skepticism, Stroud, and the Contextuality of Knowledge.” in Varieties of Skepticism. Essays after Kant, Wittgenstein, and Cavell, edited by James Conant and Andrea Kern, pp. 105–122. Berlin Studies in Knowledge Research n. 5. Berlin: de Gruyter.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2015a. Intellectual Autobiography.” in The Philosophy of Hilary Putnam, edited by Randall E. Auxier, Douglas R. Anderson, and Lewis Edwin Hahn, pp. 3–109. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 34. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2015b. Reply to Parsons (2015).” in The Philosophy of Hilary Putnam, edited by Randall E. Auxier, Douglas R. Anderson, and Lewis Edwin Hahn, pp. 134–144. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 34. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2015c. Reply to Field (2015).” in The Philosophy of Hilary Putnam, edited by Randall E. Auxier, Douglas R. Anderson, and Lewis Edwin Hahn, pp. 173–180. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 34. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2015d. Reply to Mühlhölzer (2015).” in The Philosophy of Hilary Putnam, edited by Randall E. Auxier, Douglas R. Anderson, and Lewis Edwin Hahn, pp. 212–220. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 34. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2015e. Reply to Wagner (2015).” in The Philosophy of Hilary Putnam, edited by Randall E. Auxier, Douglas R. Anderson, and Lewis Edwin Hahn, pp. 240–258. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 34. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2015f. Reply to Hellman (2015).” in The Philosophy of Hilary Putnam, edited by Randall E. Auxier, Douglas R. Anderson, and Lewis Edwin Hahn, pp. 279–281. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 34. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2015g. Reply to Travis (2015).” in The Philosophy of Hilary Putnam, edited by Randall E. Auxier, Douglas R. Anderson, and Lewis Edwin Hahn, pp. 311–314. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 34. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2015h. Reply to Berger (2015).” in The Philosophy of Hilary Putnam, edited by Randall E. Auxier, Douglas R. Anderson, and Lewis Edwin Hahn, pp. 332–336. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 34. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2015i. Reply to Hacking (2015).” in The Philosophy of Hilary Putnam, edited by Randall E. Auxier, Douglas R. Anderson, and Lewis Edwin Hahn, pp. 358–364. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 34. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2015j. Reply to Shope (2015).” in The Philosophy of Hilary Putnam, edited by Randall E. Auxier, Douglas R. Anderson, and Lewis Edwin Hahn, pp. 385–388. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 34. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2015k. Reply to Ebbs (2015).” in The Philosophy of Hilary Putnam, edited by Randall E. Auxier, Douglas R. Anderson, and Lewis Edwin Hahn, pp. 412–418. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 34. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2015l. Reply to Dummett (2015).” in The Philosophy of Hilary Putnam, edited by Randall E. Auxier, Douglas R. Anderson, and Lewis Edwin Hahn, pp. 437–449. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 34. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2015m. Reply to Ben Menahem (2015).” in The Philosophy of Hilary Putnam, edited by Randall E. Auxier, Douglas R. Anderson, and Lewis Edwin Hahn, pp. 479–486. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 34. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2015n. Reply to Maudlin (2015).” in The Philosophy of Hilary Putnam, edited by Randall E. Auxier, Douglas R. Anderson, and Lewis Edwin Hahn, pp. 502–510. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 34. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2015o. Reply to Stoutland (2015).” in The Philosophy of Hilary Putnam, edited by Randall E. Auxier, Douglas R. Anderson, and Lewis Edwin Hahn, pp. 547–564. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 34. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2015p. Reply to Posy (2015).” in The Philosophy of Hilary Putnam, edited by Randall E. Auxier, Douglas R. Anderson, and Lewis Edwin Hahn, pp. 599–602. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 34. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2015q. Reply to Diamond (2015).” in The Philosophy of Hilary Putnam, edited by Randall E. Auxier, Douglas R. Anderson, and Lewis Edwin Hahn, pp. 640–642. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 34. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2015r. Reply to McDowell (2015).” in The Philosophy of Hilary Putnam, edited by Randall E. Auxier, Douglas R. Anderson, and Lewis Edwin Hahn, pp. 659–667. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 34. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2015s. Reply to Hadot (2015).” in The Philosophy of Hilary Putnam, edited by Randall E. Auxier, Douglas R. Anderson, and Lewis Edwin Hahn, pp. 677–682. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 34. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
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    Putnam, Hilary. 2015z. Reply to Kilanowski (2015).” in The Philosophy of Hilary Putnam, edited by Randall E. Auxier, Douglas R. Anderson, and Lewis Edwin Hahn, pp. 851–862. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 34. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2015aa. Reply to Rorty (2015).” in The Philosophy of Hilary Putnam, edited by Randall E. Auxier, Douglas R. Anderson, and Lewis Edwin Hahn, pp. 882–890. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 34. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
    Putnam, Hilary. 2016. Naturalism, Realism, and Normativity. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press. Edited by Mario De Caro.
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    Putnam, Hilary. 2019. ‘Naı̈ve Realism’ and Qualia.” in Blockheads! Essays on Ned Block’s Philosophy of Mind and Consciousness, edited by Adam Pautz and Daniel Stoljar, pp. 427–450. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press, doi:10.7551/mitpress/9196.001.0001.
    Putnam, Hilary, Neiman, Susan and Schloss, Jeffrey P., eds. 2014. Understanding Moral Sentiments. Darwinian Perspectives? London: Routledge.
    Putnam, Hilary and Nussbaum, Martha Craven. 1992. Changing Aristotle’s Mind.” in Essays on Aristotle’s “De Anima” , edited by Martha Craven Nussbaum and Amélie Oksenberg Rorty, pp. 27–56. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1994a, 22–61), doi:10.1093/019823600X.001.0001.
    Putnam, Hilary and Oppenheim, Paul. 1958. Unity of Science as a Working Hypothesis.” in Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Volume II: Concepts, Theories, and the Mind-Body Problem, edited by Herbert Feigl, Michael Scriven, and Grover Maxwell, pp. 3–36. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press.
    Putnam, Hilary and Putnam, Ruth Anna. 1989. William James’s Ideas.” Raritan 8: 17–44. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1990a, 217–231).
    Putnam, Hilary and Putnam, Ruth Anna. 1990. Dewey’s Logic: Epistemology as Hypothesis.” Transactions of the Charles Sanders Peirce Society 26(4): 407–433. Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1994a, 198–220).
    Putnam, Hilary and Putnam, Ruth Anna. 1993. Education for Democracy.” Educational Theory 43(4). Reprinted in Putnam, H. (1994a, 221–243).
    Putnam, Hilary and Putnam, Ruth Anna. 1999. Erziehung zur Demokratie.” Deutsche Zeitschrift für Philosophie 47(1): 39–57. Translation of Putnam, H. and Putnam (1993).
    Putnam, Hilary and Putnam, Ruth Anna. 2017. Pragmatism as a Way of Life: The Lasting Legacy of William James and John Dewey. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
    Putnam, Hilary and Ullian, Joseph S. 1965. More about ‘About’ .” The Journal of Philosophy 62(12): 305–310.
    Putnam, Hilary and Walsh, Vivian. 2007. A Response to Dasgupta (2005).” Economics and Philosophy 23(3): 359–364.
    Putnam, Hilary and Walsh, Vivian, eds. 2011. The End of Value-Free Economics. London: Routledge.

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