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Francis E. Sparshott (sparshott)

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Conexus, Philosophic Exchange

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    Sparshott, Francis E. 1961. Avowals and Their Uses.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 62: 63–76.
    Sparshott, Francis E. 1970. Weitz on the Coinage of Man [on Weitz (1970)].” Philosophic Exchange 1: 89–95.
    Sparshott, Francis E. 1971a. Vision and Dream in the Cinema.” Philosophic Exchange 2: 111–122.
    Sparshott, Francis E. 1971b. Plato as Anti-Political Thinker.” in Plato. A Collection of Critical Essays – Vol. 2: Ethics, Politics and Philosophy of Art and Religion, edited by Gregory Vlastos, pp. 174–183. London: MacMillan Publishing Co.
    Sparshott, Francis E. 1975. In Defence of Kemp Smith.” Hume Studies 1(2): 66–69.
    Sparshott, Francis E. 1978. Zeno on Art: Anatomy of a Definition.” in The Stoics, edited by John M. Rist, pp. 273–290. Berkeley, California: University of California Press.
    Sparshott, Francis E. 1981a. Every Horse Has a Mouth: A Personal Poetics.” in The Concept of Creativity in Science and Art, edited by Denis Dutton and Michael Krausz, pp. 47–74. Martinus Nijhoff Philosophy Library n. 6. Den Haag: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
    Sparshott, Francis E. 1981b. The Solitary Dancer: A Problem in Aesthetics.” Philosophic Exchange 12: 69–80.
    Sparshott, Francis E. 1983. Prospects for a Philosophical Theory of the Dance.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 19: 1–19. “The Worlds of Art and the World,” ed. by Joseph Margolis.
    Sparshott, Francis E. 1985. Aristotle on Women.” Philosophical Inquiry 7(3/4): 158–176.
    Sparshott, Francis E. 1987. Aristotle’s World and Mine.” in Aristotle Today. Essays on Aristotle’s Ideal of Science, edited by Mohan Matthen, pp. 25–50. Edmonton, Queensland: Academic Printing & Publishing.
    Sparshott, Francis E. 1988. Philosophical Theories of Human Nature.” Philosophic Exchange 19: 89–104.
    Sparshott, Francis E. 1994. Aesthetics and the End of Civilization.” Philosophic Exchange 25: 15–26.
    Sparshott, Francis E. 2004. The Philosophy of Dance: Bodies in Motion, Bodies at Rest.” in The Blackwell Guide to Aesthetics, edited by Peter Kivy, pp. 276–290. Blackwell Philosophy Guides. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, doi:10.1002/9780470756645.

Further References

    Weitz, Morris. 1970. The Coinage of Man: King Lear and Camus’ Stranger.” Philosophic Exchange 1: 69–81.