Richard Statman (statman-r)
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Beeri, C., Dowd, M., Fagin, Ronald and Statman, Richard. 1984. “On the Structure of Armstrong Relations for Functional Dependencies.” Journal of the Association for Computing Machinery 31(1): 30–46.
van Dalen, Dirk and Statman, Richard. 1979. “Equality in the Presence of Apartness.” in, pp. 95–118.
Statman, Richard. 1977. “Herbrand’s Theorem and Gentzen’s Notion of a Direct Proof.” in Handbook of Mathematical Logic, edited by Jon K. Barwise, pp. 897–912. Studies in Logic and the Foundations of Mathematics n. 90. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co.
Statman, Richard. 1978. “Bounds for Proof-Search and Speed-Up in the Predicate Calculus.” Annals of Mathematical Logic 15: 225–287.
Statman, Richard. 1980. “On the Existence of Closed Terms in Typed \(\lambda\)-Calculus I.” in To H.B. Curry: Essays on Combinatory Logic, Lambda Calculus, and Formalism, edited by Jonathan P. Seldin and J. Roger Hindley, pp. 511–534. New York: Academic Press.