Johannes Stern (stern-jo)
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Festschrift for Kevin MulliganContributi a
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Stern, Johannes. 2007. “\(\lambda\)-Abstraktion, Substitution und quantifizierte Modallogik.” MA thesis, München: Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München.
Stern, Johannes. 2011. “The Truth on Predicates and Connectives.” in Philosophical Papers Dedicated to Kevin Mulligan, edited by Anne Reboul. Genève: Département de philosophie, Université de Genève. Reprinted in Reboul (2014, 1: 63–78),
Stern, Johannes. 2012. “Toward Predicate Approaches to Modality.” Th{\`e}se de doctorat, Genève: Département de philosophie, Université de Genève. Book publication: Stern (2016).
Stern, Johannes. 2014a. “Montague’s Theorem and Modal Logic.” Erkenntnis 79(3): 551–570.
Stern, Johannes. 2014b. “Modality and Axiomatic Theories of Truth I: Friedman-Sheard.” The Review of Symbolic Logic 7(2): 273–298.
Stern, Johannes. 2014c. “Modality and Axiomatic Theories of Truth II: Kripke-Feferman.” The Review of Symbolic Logic 7(2): 299–318.
Stern, Johannes. 2015. “Necessities and Necessary Truths. Proof-theoretically.” Ergo 2(10): 207–237.
Stern, Johannes. 2016. Toward Predicate Approaches to Modality. Trends in Logic n. 44. Cham: Springer. Book publication of Stern (2012).
Stern, Johannes. 2018a. “Review of Adžić and Došen (2017).” Dialectica 72(4): 617–622.
Stern, Johannes. 2018b. “Proving that the Mind Is Not a Machine?” Thought 7(2): 81–90.
Stern, Johannes. 2020. “Review of Simmons (2018).” Analysis 80(3): 601–604.
Further References
Adžić, Miloš and Došen, Kosta, eds. 2017. Logic Lectures. Gödel’s Basic Logic Course at Notre Dame. Belgrade: Dosije.
Reboul, Anne, ed. 2011. Philosophical Papers Dedicated to Kevin Mulligan. Genève: Département de philosophie, Université de Genève. Book publication: Reboul (2014),
Reboul, Anne, ed. 2014. Mind, Values, and Metaphysics. Philosophical Essays in Honor of Kevin Mulligan. vol. 1. Cham: Springer. Book publication of Reboul (2011).
Simmons, Keith. 2018. Semantic Singularities. Paradoxes of Reference, Predication, and Truth. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198791546.001.0001.