Armando Tacchella (tacchella)
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Castellini, Claudio, Giunchiglia, Enrico and Tacchella, Armando. 2003. “SAT-Based Planning in Complex Domains: Concurrency Constraints and Nondeterminism.” Artificial Intelligence 147(1–2): 85–117.
Giunchiglia, Enrico, Giunchiglia, Fausto, Sebastiani, Roberto and Tacchella, Armando. 1998. “More Evaluation of Decision Procedures for Modal Logics.” in KR’98: Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, edited by Anthony G. Cohn, Lenhart K. Schubert, and Stuart C. Shapiro, pp. 626–635. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Giunchiglia, Enrico, Narizzano, Massimo and Tacchella, Armando. 2003. “Backjumping for Quantified Boolean Logic Satisfiability.” Artificial Intelligence 145(1–2): 99–120.