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Charles Tijus (tijus)

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    Ganet, Leslie, Brézillon, Patrick and Tijus, Charles. 2003. Explanation as Contextual Categorization.” in CONTEXT’03. Modeling and Using Context: Proceedings of the Fourth International and Interdisciplinary Conference, edited by Patrick Blackburn, Fausto Giunchiglia, Chiara Ghidini, and Roy M. Turner, pp. 142–153. Lecture Notes in Computer Science n. 2680. Berlin: Springer.
    Mérand, Séverine, Tijus, Charles and Poitrenaud, Sébastien. 1999. The Effect of Context Complexity on the Memorization of Objects.” in CONTEXT’99. Modeling and Using Contexts: Proceedings of the Second International and Interdisciplinary Conference, edited by Paolo Bouquet, Luigi Serfini, Patrick Brézillon, Massimo Benerecetti, and Francesca Castellani, pp. 487–490. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin: Springer.
    Pudelko, Béatrice, Hamilton, Elizabeth, Legros, Denis and Tijus, Charles. 1999. How Context Contributes to Metaphor Understanding.” in CONTEXT’99. Modeling and Using Contexts: Proceedings of the Second International and Interdisciplinary Conference, edited by Paolo Bouquet, Luigi Serfini, Patrick Brézillon, Massimo Benerecetti, and Francesca Castellani, pp. 511–514. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin: Springer.
    Tijus, Charles. 2001. Contextual Categorization and Cognitive Phenomena.” in CONTEXT’01. Modeling and Using Context: Proceedings of the Third International and Interdisciplinary Conference, edited by Varol Akman, Paolo Bouquet, Richmond H. Thomason, and Roger A. Young, pp. 316–329. Lecture Notes in Computer Science n. 2116. Berlin: Springer.
    Zibetti, Elisabetta, Quera, Vicenç, Salvador Beltran, Francesc and Tijus, Charles. 2001. Contextual Categorization: A Mechanism Linking Perception and Knowledge in Modeling and Simulating Perceived Events as Actions.” in CONTEXT’01. Modeling and Using Context: Proceedings of the Third International and Interdisciplinary Conference, edited by Varol Akman, Paolo Bouquet, Richmond H. Thomason, and Roger A. Young, pp. 395–408. Lecture Notes in Computer Science n. 2116. Berlin: Springer.
    Zibetti, Elisabetta and Tijus, Charles. 2003. Perceiving Action from Static Images: the Role of Spatial Context.” in CONTEXT’03. Modeling and Using Context: Proceedings of the Fourth International and Interdisciplinary Conference, edited by Patrick Blackburn, Fausto Giunchiglia, Chiara Ghidini, and Roy M. Turner, pp. 397–410. Lecture Notes in Computer Science n. 2680. Berlin: Springer.