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Massimo Warglien (warglien)

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    Gärdenfors, Peter and Warglien, Massimo. 2012. Using Conceptual Spaces to Model Actions and Events.” Journal of Semantics 29(4): 487–519.
    Jonaityte, Inga and Warglien, Massimo. 2021. Attention and Organizations.” in Routledge Handbook of Bounded Rationality, edited by Riccardo Viale, pp. 522–534. Routledge International Handbooks. London: Routledge.
    Varzi, Achille C. and Warglien, Massimo. 2003. The Geometry of Negation.” Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 13(1): 9–19.
    Warglien, Massimo and Gärdenfors, Peter. 2013. Semantics, Conceptual Spaces, and the Meeting of Minds.” Synthese 190(12): 2165–2193.