Ken Warmbrōd (warmbrod)
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Assumptions, Hypotheses, and AntecedentsBeiträge zu
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Warmbrōd, Ken. 1981a. “Counterfactuals and Substitution of Equivalent Antecedents.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 10(2): 267–289.
Warmbrōd, Ken. 1981b. “An Indexical Theory of Conditionals.” Dialogue. Revue canadienne de philosophie / Canadian Philosophical Review 20(4): 644–664, doi:10.1017/s0012217300021399.
Warmbrōd, Ken. 1983. “Epistemic Conditionals.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 64(1): 249–265, doi:10.1111/j.1468-0114.1983.tb00198.x.
Warmbrōd, Ken. 1989. “Beliefs and Sentences in the Head.” Synthese 79(2): 201–230.
Warmbrōd, Ken. 1992. “Primitive Representation and Misrepresentation.” Topoi 11: 89–101.
Warmbrōd, Ken. 1999. “Logical Constants.” Mind 108(431): 503–538.
Warmbrōd, Ken. 2004. “Temporal Vacua.” The Philosophical Quarterly 54(215): 266–286.
Warmbrōd, Ken. 2017. “Time, Change and Time Without Change.” Synthese 194(8): 3047–3067.