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Jonathan Waskan (waskan)

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    Kolak, Daniel, Hirstein, William, Mandik, Peter and Waskan, Jonathan. 2006. Cognitive Science. An Introduction to Mind and Brain. London: Routledge.
    Waskan, Jonathan. 2011a. A Vehicular Theory of Corporeal Qualia (a Gift to Computationalists).” Philosophical Studies 152(1): 103–125.
    Waskan, Jonathan. 2011b. Mechanistic Explanation at the Limit.” Synthese 183(3): 389–408.
    Waskan, Jonathan. 2018. Robot Consciousness.” in The Routledge Handbook of Consciousness, edited by Rocco J. Gennaro, pp. 408–419. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. London: Routledge.
    Waskan, Jonathan and Bechtel, William P. 1997. Directions in Connectionist Research: Tractable Computations without Syntactically Structured Representations.” Metaphilosophy 28: 31–62.
    Waskan, Jonathan, Harmon, Ian, Horne, Zachary, Spino, Joseph and Clevenger, John. 2014. Explanatory Anti-Psychologism Overturned by Lay and Scientific Case Classifications.” Synthese 191(5): 1013–1035.