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Paul Weiss (weiss-p)

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    Northrop, Filmer Stuart Cuckow, Hartshorne, Charles, Demos, Raphael, Weiss, Paul, Quine, Willard van Orman, Buchanan, Scott, Leonard, Henry S., Kerby-Miller, S. and Lee, Otis H., eds. 1936. Philosophical Essays for Alfred North Whitehead. London: Longmans, Green & Co.
    Weiss, Paul. 1928. The Theory of Types.” Mind 37(147): 338–348.
    Weiss, Paul. 1931a. Two-Valued Logic: Another Approach.” Erkenntnis 2: 242–261.
    Weiss, Paul. 1931b. Entailment and the Future of Logic.” in Proceedings of the Seventh International congress of philosophy, held at Oxford, England, September 1-6, 1930, edited by Gilbert Ryle, pp. 143–150. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by the Institut International de Philosophie.
    Weiss, Paul. 1933. The Metaphysical and the Logical Individual.” The Journal of Philosophy 30(11): 288–293.
    Weiss, Paul. 1935. Time and the Absolute.” The Journal of Philosophy 32(11): 286–290.
    Weiss, Paul. 1936. The Nature and Status of Time and Passage.” in Philosophical Essays for Alfred North Whitehead, edited by Filmer Stuart Cuckow Northrop, Charles Hartshorne, Raphael Demos, Paul Weiss, Willard van Orman Quine, Scott Buchanan, Henry S. Leonard, S. Kerby-Miller, and Otis H. Lee, pp. 153–173. London: Longmans, Green & Co.
    Weiss, Paul. 1938. The Self-Contradictory.” The Philosophical Review 47(5): 531–533.
    Weiss, Paul. 1940. The Essence of Peirce’s System.” The Journal of Philosophy 37(10): 253–264.
    Weiss, Paul. 1941. The Golden Rule.” The Journal of Philosophy 38(16): 421–430.
    Weiss, Paul. 1942. The Logic of Semantics.” The Journal of Philosophy 39(7): 169–177.
    Weiss, Paul. 1955. The Paradox of Necessary Truth.” Philosophical Studies 6(2): 31–32.
    Weiss, Paul. 1956. The Paradox of Necessary Truth, Once More.” Philosophical Studies 7(6): 88–89.
    Weiss, Paul. 1958a. The Semantics of Truth Today and Tomorrow.” Philosophical Studies 9(1–2): 21–23.
    Weiss, Paul. 1958b. Common Sense and Beyond.” in Determinism and Freedom in the Age of Modern Science, edited by Sidney Hook, pp. 231–236. New York: New York University Press.
    Weiss, Paul. 1960. Love in a Machine Age.” in Dimensions of Mind: A Symposium, edited by Sidney Hook, pp. 193–197. New York: New York University Press.
    Weiss, Paul. 1962. Twenty-Two Reasons for Continuing as Before.” Philosophical Studies 13(5): 65–67.
    Weiss, Paul. 1972. Records and the Man.” Philosophic Exchange 3: 89–97.
    Weiss, Paul, ed. 1975. Fact, Value, and Perception: Essays in Honor of Charles A. Baylis. Durham, North Carolina: Duke University Press.
    Weiss, Paul. 1980. Some Pivotal Issues in Spinoza.” in The Philosophy of Baruch Spinoza, edited by Richard Kennington, pp. 3–15. Studies in Philosophy and the History of Philosophy n. 7. Washington, D.C.: The Catholic University of America Press.
    Weiss, Paul and Burks, Arthur W. 1945. Peirce’s Sixty-Six Signs.” The Journal of Philosophy 42(14): 383–388.