Wayne Wobcke (wobcke)
Beiträge zu Philosophie.ch
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Peppas, Pavlos and Wobcke, Wayne. 1989. “On the Use of Epistemic Entrenchment in Reasoning about Action.” in IJCAI-89. Proceedings of the 11th International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, edited by N. S. Sridharan, pp. 324–332. San Francisco, California: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers.
Wobcke, Wayne. 1999. “The Role of Context in the Analysis and Design of Agent Programs.” in CONTEXT’99. Modeling and Using Contexts: Proceedings of the Second International and Interdisciplinary Conference, edited by Paolo Bouquet, Luigi Serfini, Patrick Brézillon, Massimo Benerecetti, and Francesca Castellani, pp. 403–416. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Berlin: Springer.
Wobcke, Wayne, Pagnucco, Maurice and Zhang, Chengqi, eds. 1998. Agents and Multi-Agent Systems: Formalisms, Methodologies, and Applications.Based on the AI’97 Workshops on Commonsense Reasoning, Intelligent Agents, and Distributed Artificial Intelligence, Perth, Australia, December 1, 1997. Berlin: Springer.