Michael P. Wolf (wolf-mp)
Contributions to Philosophie.ch
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Wolf, Michael P. 2002a. “The Curious Role of Natural Kind Terms.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 83: 81–101.
Wolf, Michael P. 2002b. “Kripke, Putnam and the Baptisms of Natural Kind Terms.” Acta Analytica 17(28): 151–170.
Wolf, Michael P. 2006a. “Introduction.” in The Self-Correcting Enterprise. Essays on Wilfrid Sellars, edited by Michael P. Wolf and Mark Norris Lance, pp. 11–20. Poznań Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities n. 92. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Wolf, Michael P. 2006b. “Sellars on the Revision of Theoretical Commitments.” in The Self-Correcting Enterprise. Essays on Wilfrid Sellars, edited by Michael P. Wolf and Mark Norris Lance, pp. 233–256. Poznań Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities n. 92. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
Wolf, Michael P. 2006c. “Rigid Designation and Anaphoric Theories of Reference.” Philosophical Studies 130(2): 351–375.
Wolf, Michael P. 2007. “Reference and Incommensurability: What Rigid Designation Won’t Get You.” Acta Analytica 22(3): 207–222.