Newsletter August 2022








We hope you had a wonderful holiday. Thank you very much for subscribing to our newsletter. Although we too have had to take a little rest after the successful philExpo22, we are pleased to be able to point out some news on our portal.

Membership and Newsletter
First of all, we would like to invite you once again and all the more cordially to become a member of our association. As a member of the association you have the chance to help shape and to support us with your criticism and suggestions. Here you will find all the information you need. You are also welcome to forward this newsletter to interested people in your circle of acquaintances. To subscribe to the newsletter, click here. Of course, we are also very happy about other forms of support, be it financial or in terms of content!



At the end of last semester, the ninth issue of meta(φ), the student magazine published by the Department of Philosophy in Berne, was published. Since 2016, meta(φ) has provided an insight into the philosophical work of the students at the Institute of Philosophy at the University of Berne, is published both in printed form (on pre-order) and online, and is freely accessible. Recently, all issues can now also be viewed on Get an impression of the philosophical work of the students at the University of Bern!

Democracy and Truth


The war in Ukraine and the propaganda accompanying it have once again emphatically brought the complex relationship between truth and democratic practice into focus: the attack on democratic institutions also seems to be accompanied by an attack on "truth" and "facts". On the page with the thematic focus "Democracy and Truth", one gets an insight into the philosophical discussion of questions that arise in this context. invites discussion and hopes to initiate a constructive debate.

Send in an article to: (information on submitting an article).

Philosophy of migration

The thematic focus "Philosophy of Migration" deals with philosophical questions on migration and state sovereignty. One of the main concerns here is to open up the discourse and make it accessible to people outside of professional philosophy. First and foremost, in addition to philosophers, refugees, migrants, people who are professionally involved with migration and responsible organisations and institutions should have their say. In the interview with Nora Soder, for example, residents of the Biel-Bözingen asylum centre talk about their experiences in Switzerland as people whose applications for asylum have been rejected.


Since the invasion of Ukraine by Russian troops, the topic of war has once again been at the centre of public attention. Philosophical reflections on this topic have a long tradition. These range from the idea that only the state can protect people from war to claims that it is precisely the modern state that can produce violence and wars on an unprecedented scale. On the page focusing on war, you can get an insight into the ongoing discussion on our portal. In his article "Denken am Abgrund" (Thinking on the brink), Jens Pier considers how we should think about war and extinction.

The philosophical weekly

The "philosophical weekly book" wants to try something out by highlighting, in short diary-like entries, the process behind philosophical projects - for starters, those taking place here on the portal. Read the introduction and the first entry and be inspired to think!


The philosophy of auditory perception

How do we perceive the world through hearing? Read the article by Giulia Lorenzi - Che cosa è la filosofia della percezione uditiva? - and get an insight into the exciting field of the philosophy of auditory perception. Go to the series "Che cosa è" here. It also features some articles in English.
Events and Announcements

Lauener Symposium

The foundation founded by former Bernese philosophy professor Henri Lauener is organising its ninth symposium on the evening of Thursday, 25.8. and on Friday, 26.8. in Bern, in honour of the American philosopher Susan Wolf. Find here the programme of the symposium and here the one of the award ceremony.

Philosophy Olympiad

The Philosophy Olympiad is a competition for pupils who are interested in philosophy and critical thinking. Anyone who attends a Swiss secondary school can take part in the competition. It is not necessary to have read Plato, Nietzsche or Aristotle; an interest in philosophy is enough!
The next round will take place this autumn. Do you want to take part? Then write a short essay (500-1000 words) by 27 November 2022 and submit it to the Philosophy Olympiad. You are also welcome to publish an article on the portal beforehand, to try it out, so to speak (the author rights remain entirely with you).
Further information on the Olympiad can be found here, and on submitting an article here.

3rd CUSO Workshop


From Thursday 22 September to Sunday 25 September, the third of four CUSO workshops will take place. These workshops are aimed at philosophy doctoral students and show why the history of philosophy deserves the attention of analytic philosophers. The third workshop will cover German Idealism, 19th century philosophy and the beginning of analytic philosophy.

Further information can be found here.

Job offers

A doctoral position in philosophy has been advertised at the USI in Lugano.


The Swiss Association of Philosophy Teachers at Secondary Schools has carried out a project on the question of how philosophy can be translated into pictures. The Bernese publishing house vatter&vatter and, the network platform for Swiss philosophy, are involved in the project. The project includes workshops in which image concepts for philosophical questions are developed in collaboration between image designers, philosophers and experts in the publishing industry and then graphically realised. Between the workshops, the interim results are made available online to other interested experts via for peer review. The results will flow into a prototype for a philosophical picture book.

Further information on the project can be found here.

Refugees’ stories

In the latest contribution to the project Refugees’ stories, Die Integrationsproblematik in der Schweiz - Analyse eines Betroffenen (Challenges to Integration in Switzerland - Analysis by an Affected Person), Özgür Barış Kiliç deals with the question of what integration means and how it is understood by the cantonal authorities.

History of Philosophy in Switzerland

Read also the latest contribution to the History of Swiss Philosophy project. Karen Gloy, professor emerita of philosophy and intellectual history at the University of Lucerne, talks in an interview about the founding of the philosophy seminar in Lucerne and her experiences with Swiss academic philosophy.

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