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In this article, we give a second-order synthetic
axiomatization Gal(1, 3) for
Galilean spacetime, the background spacetime of Newtonian
classical mechanics. The primitive notions of this theory are the
3-place predicate of betweenness Bet, the 2-place predicate
of simultaneity ∼, and a 4-place
congruence predicate, written ≡∼, restricted to
simultaneity hypersurfaces. We define a standard coordinate
structure 𝔾(1, 3),
whose carrier set is ℝ4, and which carries
relations (on ℝ4)
corresponding to Bet, ∼, and ≡∼. This is the standard
model of Gal(1, 3). We prove that
the symmetry group of 𝔾(1, 3) is the (extended)
Galilean group (an extension of the usual 10-parameter Galilean
group with two additional parameters for length and time
scalings). We prove that each full model of Gal(1, 3) is isomorphic to 𝔾(1, 3).
This article provides a synthetic (and second-order) axiom system,
which I call \(\mathsf{Gal}(1,3)\),
which describes Galilean spacetime and does so categorically.1 Galilean spacetime is a system \(\mathbb{P}\) of points on which three
physical geometrical primitives are defined, satisfying certain
conditions.2 Galilean spacetime can be thought of
as the background geometry of the system of spacetime events for
Newtonian classical mechanics:
Figure 1: Galilean Spacetime
I shall call the carrier set of Galilean spacetime \(\mathbb{P}\): this is the domain of
“spacetime points” or “events.” Going ahead of ourselves a bit, there
are three distinguished physical relations on \(\mathbb{P}\). A three-place betweenness
relation\(B\), which gives the
whole system an affine “straight-line” structure;3 a
binary simultaneity relation\(\sim\), which induces a partition of \(\mathbb{P}\) into a system of
non-intersecting simultaneity hypersurfaces, \(\Sigma_{0},\Sigma_{1},\dots\), arranged as
a “foliation”; and a special four-place congruence relation:
this is the four-place sim-congruence relation, \(\equiv^{\sim}\), which induces
three-dimensional Euclidean geometry on each hypersurface.4
An especially important subset of straight lines are “time axes”: a
time axis is a straight line in the affine geometry that does
not lie within a simultaneity hypersurface. Physically, a time axis is
the trajectory of a material point acted on by no forces—this
is Newton’s First Law or the Law of Inertia.5
We can bundle the carrier set of Galilean spacetime and the
aforementioned three distinguished physical relations on Galilean
spacetime together: \((\mathbb{P},B,\sim,\equiv^{\sim})\). Our
aim in this paper is to give a synthetic axiomatization of this
structure \((\mathbb{P},B,\sim,\equiv^{\sim})\).6 This means that, in contrast with
analytic geometry, the axioms do not quantify over the reals, introduce
a metric function (like a Riemannian metric \(g_{ab}\)), or talk about coordinate
systems. Instead, the axioms use a number of basic physical predicates
on spacetime. And then the existence of special mappings \(\Phi:\mathbb{P}\to\mathbb{R}^{4}\)—that is,
coordinate systems—becomes a theorem, not an assumption.
Hartry Field (1980) has
carefully studied this approach in order to try and vindicate
nominalism: this is the claim that there are no mathematical
objects at all, and insofar as numbers, functions, sets, vector spaces,
Lie groups, and so on are used in physics and science more generally,
they can be dispensed with. It is the claim that physical theories can,
in principle, be replaced with theories that are “nominalistic” and that
the normal use of mathematics is “useful but false.” It is to
Field’s enormous credit to have pinned down the two essential uses.
These are:
Expressiveness.We can express physical laws by, e.g.,
“\(\nabla\cdot\mathbf{B}=0\)” and so
on. So, \(\mathbf{B}\) is a mixed
function that maps each point to some numbers. As Feynman
put it, “From a mathematical view, there is an electric field vector and
a magnetic field vector at every point in space; that is, there are six
numbers associated with every point” (Feynman, Leighton and Sands 2005, chaps. 20,
Proof-Theoretic.Mathematically reasoning is generally
conservative over non-mathematical premises, but using mathematics, we
can get “quicker proofs” of a non-mathematical conclusion C from a
non-mathematical premise P.
As regards the second, in mathematical logic, this is called
“speed-up,” and it was discovered by Kurt Gödel (1935) as a spin-off from his
incompleteness results. Perhaps the most remarkable example of this
phenomenon was given in Boolos (1987), a first-order valid inference
with a short mathematical proof (it uses second-order comprehension),
but whose shortest purely logical derivation, using the rules for the
connectives and quantifiers, has vastly more symbols than the number of
baryons in the observable universe.7
The best survey, and overall evaluation, of a large variety of
nominalist approaches for both mathematics and science is Burgess and Rosen
(1997).8 I’m
not recommending this as an approach to studying the geometrical
assumptions of physical theories, as my own view here is the usual
mathematical realist view (“useful because true”). Indeed,
Riemannian geometry is here to stay! Riemannian geometry
provides incredible flexibility by assuming the existence of a metric
tensor \(g_{ab}\) on spacetime.9 However, for the two special cases
of Galilean spacetime and Minkowski spacetime, the synthetic
approach helps provide a nice example of how the physics (i.e., the
basic physical relations: betweenness, congruence, and so on) and
mathematics (i.e., real numbers, coordinate systems, vector spaces, and
so on) get “entangled.”
The basic machinery for the introduction of coordinates is the
Representation Theorem. Given a synthetic structure satisfying
a series of conditions, one proves the existence of an isomorphism to a
standard coordinate structure:10\[\Phi:\text{synthetic
structure}\to\text{coordinate structure}.
\qquad{(1)}\] That is, the isomorphism \(\Phi\) takes each point \(p\) in the synthetic structure to its
coordinates \(\Phi^i(p)\) (usually in
\(\mathbb{R}^{n}\)) in such a way that
a distinguished synthetic relation \(R\) holds for \(p,q,\dots\) iff a separately defined
coordinate relation \(R'\) holds
for \(\Phi(p),\Phi(q),\dots\) (see, for
example, (5) below). Because the synthetic and
coordinate structures are isomorphic, the latter is a kind of
map or representation of the former: they share the
same abstract structure.11
However, historically, the analysis of Galilean spacetime did not
proceed like this. Modern analysis of Galilean spacetime (sometimes
called “neo-Newtonian” spacetime or just “Newtonian spacetime”) was
developed using the differential geometry methods developed to study
General Relativity: what are now called “relativistic
spacetimes.” This began in the 60s and 70s, with work by Trautman,
Penrose, Stein, Ehlers, Earman, and others (based on earlier work, such
as Cartan’s).12 In Malament (2012, chap.
4), David Malament provides details of the differential
geometry formulation of this topic. Galilean (or Newtonian) spacetime is
defined as a structure of the form \[\mathcal{A}=(M,\nabla,h^{ab},t_{ab}),
\qquad{(2)}\] where \(M\)
is a manifold diffeomorphic to \(\mathbb{R}^{4}\), \(\nabla\) is a flat (torsion-free) affine
connection on \(M\), and \(h^{ab},t_{ab}\) are tensor fields on \(M\) satisfying compatibility conditions,
from which one can construct temporal and spatial metrics and
simultaneity surfaces.13
The approach we develop here is entirely synthetic. The
underlying geometric relations are betweenness (written \(\texttt{Bet}(p,q,r)\)),
simultaneity (written \(p\sim
q\)), and sim-congruence (written \(pq\equiv^{\sim}rs\)): these are relations
on points. Inertial coordinate systems are then proved to exist by a
Representation Theorem. An inertial coordinate system \(\Phi\) is nothing more than an
isomorphism from the synthetic geometrical structure
of Galilean spacetime (with carrier set \(\mathbb{P}\)) to a suitable “coordinate
structure” built on the carrier set \(\mathbb{R}^{4}\). Below, we shall call this
standard coordinate structure \(\mathbb{G}^{(1,3)}\) (Definition 4). So, we shall obtain, by analogy with
(1), \[\Phi:\overbrace{(\mathbb{P},B,\sim,\equiv^{\sim})}^{\text{synthetic
structure}}\to\overbrace{\ \mathbb{G}^{(1,3)}.}^{\text{coordinate
Euclidean geometry, of course, was also first set out synthetically
in Euclid’s Elements. However, Euclid’s Elements does
not quite meet modern adequate standards of formal rigor. In particular,
Moritz Pasch (1882) noted
that certain betweenness properties of space were merely
implicit in Euclid’s treatment. Influenced by Pasch and others, the
synthetic axiomatization for Euclidean geometry was first made rigorous
in Hilbert (1899),
which was modified, extended, or simplified in a number of ways, one of
which is Veblen (1904) (which
extracted the purely betweenness part of Hilbert’s system: sometimes
called the “axioms of order”).
Synthetic axiomatization for Minkowski spacetime geometry
appeared soon after the classic work of Albert Einstein and Hermann
Minkowski (i.e., Einstein 1905; Minkowski
1909) in Alfred Robb’s (1911) book. This led to a series of
later synthetic developments, including Robb (1936), Ax (1978), Mundy (1986), Goldblatt (1987),
Schutz (1997),
and, most recently, Cocco and Babic (2021).
As is now known, Minkowski spacetime can be axiomatized using a single
binary relation, usually called \(\lambda\), with \(p\lambda q\) meaning “points \(p\) and \(q\) can be connected by a light signal”—the
light-signal relation.14 As the reader probably knows, this
induces a “light cone structure” on the carrier set of points. So,
Minkowski spacetime can be defined as a structure \((\mathbb{P},\lambda)\) satisfying certain
axioms, and one may prove that there is an isomorphism \(\Phi:(\mathbb{P},\lambda)\to(\mathbb{R}^{4},\lambda_{\mathbb{R}^{4}})\).15 Such an isomorphism is called a
“Lorentz coordinate system.” Then the automorphism group \(\text{Aut}((\mathbb{R}^{4},\lambda_{\mathbb{R}^{4}}))\)
of \((\mathbb{R}^{4},\lambda_{\mathbb{R}^{4}})\)
is the Poincaré group.16
Galilean spacetime, however, is the basic spacetime of
classical Newtonian (pre-relativistic) physics. In retrospect, it is a
kind of “low energy limit” of Minkowski spacetime (when we let the speed
of light approach infinity and all the light cones get “squashed” into
simultaneity surfaces). But, unlike the case with Minkowski spacetime,
the synthetic approach did not appear for a long time. As far as I know,
the first brief sketch of a synthetic axiom system for Galilean
spacetime appeared in Hartry Field’s Science Without Numbers(1980, chap.
6), some 80 years after Hilbert’s classic monograph, The
Foundations of Geometry(1899), and close on three hundred years
after Newton’s Principia (1687). Shortly after, John Burgess
added further work on this in Burgess (1984)
and then again in Burgess and Rosen (1997). Our work here is a descendant of
and stimulated by theirs.17
The axiom system \(\mathsf{Gal}(1,3)\) we shall arrive at can
be written as follows (see table 1 in section 3):
is an equivalence relation.
\ \subseteq \ [\sim]^{4}\).
\(\equiv^{\sim}\) is
Here, \(\mathsf{BG}(4)\) is a group
of nine axioms, the subsystem of order axioms for betweenness (see
appendix A below). And \(\mathsf{EG}(3)^{\sim}\) is a group of
eleven axioms, a relativized subsystem of axioms for “sim-congruence”
and betweenness, obtained from Tarski’s formulation of Euclidean
geometry for three dimensions (see appendix A). The three further axioms, \(\mathsf{Gal}3\), \(\mathsf{Gal}4\), and \(\mathsf{Gal}5\), “tie together” these
To summarize, then, how the rest of this paper goes, we shall use the
two separate Representation Theorems for \(\mathsf{BG}(4)\) and \(\mathsf{EG}(3)\). The first of these
(theorem 62 in appendix B below) asserts the existence of a “global”
bijective coordinate system: \[\Phi:\mathbb{P}\to\mathbb{R}^{4},\qquad{(4)}\]
on any (full) model \((\mathbb{P},B)\)
of \(\mathsf{BG}(4)\), matching any
given “4-frame” \(O,X,Y,Z,I\)
and satisfying the betweenness representation condition, for any points
B(p,q,r) & \leftrightarrow
\end{aligned}\qquad{(5)}\] where \(B_{\mathbb{R}^{4}}\) is the standard
betweenness relation on \(\mathbb{R}^{4}\). The second Representation
Theorem (theorem 63 in appendix B) asserts the existence of a global coordinate
system \(\psi\) on any (full) model
\((\mathbb{P},B,\equiv)\) of
three-dimensional Euclidean geometry\(\mathsf{EG}(3)\), matching a given
“Euclidean 3-frame” \(O,X,Y,Z\) and satisfying the representation
condition for congruence: \[\begin{aligned}
pq\equiv rs &
\end{aligned}\qquad{(6)}\] where \(\equiv_{\mathbb{R}^{3}}\) is the standard
congruence relation on \(\mathbb{R}^{3}\). In our system, the axioms
\(\mathsf{EG}(3)\) are
relativized to simultaneity hypersurfaces, yielding \(\mathsf{EG}(3)^{\sim}\). The relativization
implements the requirement that each simultaneity hypersurface is a
three-dimensional Euclidean space.
We can then combine these two Representation Theorems, applied to any
full model \(M\models_{2}\mathsf{Gal}(1,3)\), to obtain
the Representation Theorem for \(\mathsf{Gal}(1,3)\), which is our main
theorem (theorem 55 in section 5). That is, assuming \((\mathbb{P},B,\sim,\equiv^{\sim})\) is a
(full) model of \(\mathsf{Gal}(1,3)\),
the existence of an isomorphism as stated in (3)
above: \[\Phi:\overbrace{(\mathbb{P},B,\sim,\equiv^{\sim})}^{\text{synthetic
structure}}\to\overbrace{\ \mathbb{G}^{(1,3)}.\ }^{\text{coordinate
The crux of the proof of the main theorem are the Chronology Lemma
(lemma 52) and the Congruence Lemma
(lemma 54).
1 Definitions
Definition 1.The standard Euclidean inner product
\(\langle ., .\rangle_{n}\) and norm
\(\|.\|_{n}\) on \(\mathbb{R}^{n}\) are defined as follows:20 For \(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{y}\in\mathbb{R}^{n}\),
and \(\|\mathbf{x}\|_{n}:=\sqrt{\langle\mathbf{x},\mathbf{x}\rangle_{n}}\).
The standard Euclidean metrics \(\Delta_{n}:\mathbb{R}^{n}\times\mathbb{R}^{n}\to\mathbb{R}\)
are defined as follows: \[\begin{aligned}
\Delta_{n}(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{y}) & :=\|\mathbf{x}-\mathbf{y}\|_{n}.
The standard Euclidean metric space with carrier set \(\mathbb{R}^{n}\) is: \[\begin{aligned}
\mathbb{EG}_{\text{metric}}^{n} & :=(\mathbb{R}^{n},\Delta_{n}).
Definition 2.The following relations are the
standard betweenness relation\(B_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\), standard
simultaneity relation\(\sim_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\), standard
congruence relation\(\equiv_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\), and standard
sim-congruence relation\(\equiv^{\sim}_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\) on \(\mathbb{R}^{n}\). For \(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{y},\mathbf{z},\mathbf{u}\in\mathbb{R}^{n}\):
B_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{y},\mathbf{z}) &
& (a)\\
\mathbf{x}\sim_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\mathbf{y} & :=x^{n}=y^{n}; &
\mathbf{x}\mathbf{y}\equiv_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\mathbf{z}\mathbf{u} &
& (c)\\
\&\ \mathbf{x}\sim_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\mathbf{y}\ \&\
\mathbf{x}\sim_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\mathbf{z}\ \&\
\mathbf{x}\sim_{\mathbb{R}^{n}}\mathbf{u}. & (d)\\
For the one-dimensional case, we have two alternative but equivalent
definitions. First, \(B_{\mathbb{R}}(x,y,z):=(x\leq y\leq z)\);
second, \(B_{\mathbb{R}}(x,y,z):=|x-y|+|y-z|=|x-z|\).21
Definition 3.It will be useful below to define the
following special five points in \(\mathbb{R}^{4}\): \[\begin{aligned}
\mathbf{O}:=\begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0\end{pmatrix},\quad
\mathbf{X}:=\begin{pmatrix} 1 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 0\end{pmatrix},\quad
\mathbf{Y}:=\begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ 1 \\ 0 \\ 0\end{pmatrix},\quad
\mathbf{Z}:=\begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ 1 \\ 0\end{pmatrix},\quad
\mathbf{I}:=\begin{pmatrix} 0 \\ 0 \\ 0 \\ 1\end{pmatrix}.
\end{aligned}\qquad{(11)}\] In other words, the
origin and the “unit points” on the four axes. I call the
ordered tuple \(\mathbf{O},\mathbf{X},\mathbf{Y},\mathbf{Z},\mathbf{I}\)
the standard (4-)frame in \(\mathbb{R}^{4}\).
Definition 4.The standard coordinate
structures are:22
Betweenness geometry in \(n\) dimensions over \(\mathbb{R}\)
Euclidean space in \(n\) dimensions over \(\mathbb{R}\)
Our central interest is \(\mathbb{G}^{(1,3)}\), the standard
coordinate structure for four-dimensional Galilean spacetime. The
carrier set of \(\mathbb{G}^{(1,3)}\)
is \(\mathbb{R}^{4}\). Its
distinguished relations are betweenness (10, a),
simultaneity (10, b), and sim-congruence (10, d) on \(\mathbb{R}^{4}\). Note that \(\mathbb{G}^{(1,3)}\) does not
carry a metric or distance function.
2 Derivation of (Extended) Galilean
What is the symmetry group of the standard coordinate
structure \(\mathbb{G}^{(1,3)}\) for
Galilean spacetime? We will see that its symmetry group is a certain Lie
group \(\mathcal{G}^{e}(1,3)\), a
12-dimensional Lie group that extends the usual Galilean group \(\mathcal{G}(1,3)\) by two additional
parameters, which determine coordinate scalings.
Definition 5.\(A\) is
an element of the extended Galilean matrix group\(\mathsf{Mat}^{e}_{\mathsf{Gal}}(4)\) if and
only if \(A\) is a \(4 \times 4\) matrix with real entries and
has the (block matrix) form \[\begin{aligned}
A=\begin{pmatrix}\alpha_{1}R & \vec{v} \\ 0 &
\end{aligned},\qquad{(12)}\] where \[\begin{aligned}
R=\begin{pmatrix}R_{11} & R_{12} & R_{13} \\ R_{21} & R_{22}
& R_{23} \\ R_{31} & R_{32} & R_{33}\end{pmatrix}
\end{aligned}\qquad{(13)}\] is in \(O(3)\), \(\vec{v}=(v_{1},v_{2},v_{3})\in\mathbb{R}^{3}\),
and \(\alpha_{1},\alpha_{2}\in\mathbb{R}-\{0\}\).
The \(O(3)\) matrix \(R\) is called the rotation of
\(A\), the 3-vector \(\vec{v}\) is called the (relative)
velocity of \(A\), the constant
\(\alpha_{1}\) is called the
spatial scaling factor of \(A\), and the constant \(\alpha_{2}\) is the temporal scaling
factor of \(A\).
6.\(\mathsf{Mat}^{e}_{\mathsf{Gal}}(4)\) is a
subgroup of \(GL(4)\).
Proof.This is a routine verification. The main
part is to check that \(\mathsf{Mat}^{e}_{\mathsf{Gal}}(4)\) is
closed under matrix multiplication and each element in \(\mathsf{Mat}^{e}_{\mathsf{Gal}}(4)\) has an
inverse in \(\mathsf{Mat}^{e}_{\mathsf{Gal}}(4)\).∎
Definition 7.Let \(h:\mathbb{R}^{4}\to\mathbb{R}^{4}\). We say
that \(h\) is an extended Galilean
transformation just if there exists an extended Galilean matrix
\(A\) and a displacement \(\mathbf{d}\in\mathbb{R}^{4}\) such that,
for all \(\mathbf{x}\in\mathbb{R}^{4}\), \[h(\mathbf{x})=A\mathbf{x}+\mathbf{d}.\qquad{(14)}\]
8.The set of extended
Galilean transformations forms a group.
Proof.This is a detailed verification of the
group properties, analogous to the above.∎
Definition 9.\(\mathcal{G}^{e}(1,3):=\) the group of
extended Galilean transformations.
10(Automorphisms of \(\mathbb{G}^{(1,3)}\)).\(\text{Aut}(\mathbb{G}^{(1,3)})=\mathcal{G}^{e}(1,3)\).
Proof.I give a sketch of the proof. To show
we verify that each extended Galilean transformation is a symmetry of
\(\mathbb{G}^{(1,3)}\). Since \(\mathbb{BG}^{4}\) is a reduct of \(\mathbb{G}^{(1,3)}\), and each extended
Galilean transformation is affine, it follows that betweenness is
invariant. The special form of extended Galilean matrices then ensures
that simultaneity and sim-congruence are invariant.
To show that \(\text{Aut}(\mathbb{G}^{(1,3)})\subseteq\mathcal{G}^{e}(1,3)\)
is more involved. Since \(\mathbb{BG}^{4}\) is a reduct of \(\mathbb{G}^{(1,3)}\), it follows that any
symmetry \(h\) of \(\mathbb{G}^{(1,3)}\) must be affine, and so
there exists a \(GL(4)\) matrix \(A\) and displacement \(\mathbf{d}\in\mathbb{R}^{4}\) such that,
for any \(\mathbf{x}\in\mathbb{R}^{4}\), \[h(\mathbf{x})=A\mathbf{x}+\mathbf{d}.\qquad{(15)}\]
To determine the sixteen components \(A_{ij}\) of \(A\), one must then examine the conditions
that simultaneity and sim-congruence be invariant. By examining certain
choices of points, the invariance of simultaneity enforces that \(A\) must have the form \[A=\begin{pmatrix}C &
\vec{v} \\ 0 & \alpha_{2}\end{pmatrix},\qquad{(16)}\]
where \(C\) is a \(3\times 3\) matrix, and \(\alpha_{2}\) is a non-zero constant. The
invariance of sim-congruence enforces that the upper \(3\times 3\) block \(C\) must be a multiple \(\alpha_{1}R\) of an \(O(3)\) matrix \(R\) by a non-zero real factor \(\alpha_{1}\): \[A=\begin{pmatrix}\alpha_{1} R & \vec{v} \\ 0
& \alpha_{2}\end{pmatrix}.\qquad{(17)}\] But this is
an extended Galilean matrix. Consequently, \(\text{Aut}(\mathbb{G}^{(1,3)})\subseteq\mathcal{G}^{e}(1,3)\).
Together, these results imply that \(\text{Aut}(\mathbb{G}^{(1,3)})=\mathcal{G}^{e}(1,3)\).∎
The constants \(\alpha_{1},\alpha_{2}\) in any
extended Galilean matrix \(A\)
determine scalings of the spatial and temporal coordinates,
respectively. So, given some \(A\) in
the extended Galilean matrix group and any \((\vec{x},t)\in\mathbb{R}^{4}\), \[A(\vec{x},t)=(\alpha_{1}R\vec{x}+\vec{v}t,\alpha_{2}t).\qquad{(18)}\]
Let’s set the relative rotation \(R\) to be \(\mathbb{I}\) and set the relative velocity
\(\vec{v}\) to be zero: \[A(\vec{x},t)=(\alpha_{1}\vec{x},\alpha_{2}t).\qquad{(19)}\]
Thus, the spatial coordinates are scaled by \(\alpha_{1}\), and the temporal coordinate
is scaled by \(\alpha_{2}\). Instead,
let us set these scalings \(\alpha_{1},\alpha_{2}\) at \(1\) and consider the image \((\vec{x}',t')\) of the point with
coordinates \((\vec{x},t)\) under an
extended Galilean transformation: \[\vec{x}'=R\vec{x}+\vec{v}t+\vec{d},\qquad{(20)}\]\[t'=t+d_{t}.\qquad{(21)}\]
These are the usual Galilean transformations as given in physics
textbooks, in usually simplified form (e.g., Sears, Zemansky
and Young 1979, 252; Longair 1984, 87; or Rindler 1977,
3). The conventional Galilean group \(\mathcal{G}(1,3)\) is normally understood
to be this 10-parameter Lie group: the ten parameters are these: four
parameters for the spatial and temporal translations, \(\mathbf{d}\); three parameters (i.e.,
determined by the three Euler angles) for the rotation matrix \(R\); three parameters for the velocity
As we have defined it, the extended Galilean group \(\mathcal{G}^{e}(1,3)\) is a 12-parameter
Lie group: the two additional parameters, \(\alpha_{1},\alpha_{2}\), permit coordinate
scalings. These two extra degrees of freedom are a consequence of our
synthetic treatment, and this is completely analogous to Euclidean
betweenness and congruence being invariant under coordinate scaling.
Indeed, \(\alpha_{1}\) and \(\alpha_{2}\) are gauge parameters in the
oldest sense of the word.
3 Axiomatization of Galilean
Spacetime: \(\mathsf{Gal}(1,3)\)
To begin, we state the informal physical meanings of our three
primitive symbols:23
Betweenness Predicate: \(\texttt{Bet}\).\(\texttt{Bet}(p,q,r)\) means that \(q\) lies on a straight line inclusively
between \(p\) and \(r\) (allowing the cases \(q=p\) and \(q=r\)).
Simultaneity Predicate: \(\sim\).\(p \sim
q\) means that the points \(p,q\) are simultaneous.
Sim-Congruence Predicate: \(\equiv^{\sim}\).\(pq\equiv^{\sim}rs\) means the points \(p,q,r,s\) are simultaneous, and the length
of the segment \(pq\) is equal to the
length of the segment \(rs\).
We are now ready to state the (synthetic) axioms for Galilean
Definition 11.The theory \(\mathsf{Gal}(1,3)\) is a two-sorted theory
with sorts \(\{\texttt{point},\texttt{point}\texttt{set}\}\)
and variables \(\textsf{Var}_{\texttt{point}}=\{p_{1},p_{2},\dots\}\)
and \(\textsf{Var}_{\texttt{point}\texttt{set}}=\{\mathsf{X}_{1},\mathsf{X}_{2},\dots\}\).
The signatures \(\sigma_{\mathsf{Gal}}\) and \(\sigma_{\mathsf{Gal},\in}\) are given by
and \(\sigma_{\mathsf{Gal},\in}=\{\texttt{Bet},\sim,\equiv^{\sim},\in\}\).
By \(L(\sigma_{\mathsf{Gal}})\), I
shall mean the first-order language with restricted signature \(\sigma_{\mathsf{Gal}}\) over the single
sort \(\texttt{point}\). Its atomic
formulas are of the four forms: \(p_{1}=p_{2}\), \(\texttt{Bet}(p_{1},p_{2},p_{3})\), \(p_{1}\sim p_{2}\), and \(p_{1}p_{2}\equiv^{\sim}p_{3}p_{4}\), where
“\(p_{i}\)” are point variables, and
the remaining formulas are built up using the connectives \(\neg,\wedge,\vee,\to,\leftrightarrow\), and
quantifiers \(\forall\) and \(\exists\), as per the usual recursive
definition of “formula of \(L(\sigma)\).”24
By \(L(\sigma_{\mathsf{Gal},\in})\), I
mean the “monadic second-order” language, with signature \(\sigma_{\mathsf{Gal},\in}\). Its atomic
sentences include those above along with formulas: \(p_{i}\in\mathsf{X}_{j}\) and \(\mathsf{X}_{i}=\mathsf{X}_{j}\). (A parser
for this language counts the strings \(p_{i}=\mathsf{X}_{j}\), \(\mathsf{X}_{j}=p_{i}\), and \(\mathsf{X}_{i}\in p_{j}\) and \(p_{i}\in p_{j}\) as ill-formed.) The
remaining formulas are built up using the connectives \(\neg,\wedge,\vee,\to,\leftrightarrow\), and
quantifiers \(\forall\) and \(\exists\), including the new
quantifications \(\forall\mathsf{X}_{i}\,\varphi\) and \(\exists\mathsf{X}_{i}\,\varphi\).
In discussing a full model \(M\) of,
say, \(\mathsf{BG}(4)\), I shall
generally write “\(M\models_{2}\mathsf{BG}(4)\)” to make it
clear that \(M\) is a full
model of \(\mathsf{BG}(4)\). In other
words, if \(M=(\mathbb{P},\dots)\),
then \(M\models_{2}\forall\mathsf{X}_{i}\,\varphi(\mathsf{X}_{i})\)
if and only if, for every subset \(U\subseteq\mathbb{P}\), \(\varphi[U]\) is true in \(M\).
Definition 13.The (non-logical) axioms of \(\mathsf{Gal}(1,3)\) are as follows:
Table 1: The axiom system \(\mathsf{Gal}(1,3)\).
is an equivalence relation.
\ \subseteq \ [\sim]^{4}\).
\(\equiv^{\sim}\) is
\(\mathsf{BG}(4)\) is really an
axiom group of nine axioms for \(\texttt{Bet}\).25
These are given in definition 56 in
appendix A. But, to simplify the description
here, one may take their conjunction.26\(\mathsf{EG}(3)\) is also an axiom
group, this time of eleven axioms. These are given in definition 57 in appendix A. The axiom \(\mathsf{EG}(3)^{\sim}\) listed above
requires further explanation.27
This construction is sketched, very briefly, in Field (1980, 54,
n.33). First, one replaces \(\equiv\) by \(\equiv^{\sim}\) in each \(\mathsf{EG}(3)\) axiom. Next, one
relativizes each axiom to the formula \(p\sim z\) (treating \(z\) as a parameter) so that the resulting
axiom says that it holds for all points simultaneous with \(z\).28 Next, one prefixes the
result with \(\forall z\) and then
takes the conjunction of the axioms. For example, under relativization,
the \(\equiv\)-Transitivity axiom (E3)
and the Pasch axiom (E6) become:
I shall, in effect, however, assume an ambient set theory.29 The reason is that I am not
concerned with narrow proof-theoretic matters concerning the whole
theory (for example, completeness) but rather with establishing some
facts about the full models of the theory \(\mathsf{Gal}(1,3)\). Since we consider just
full models, Comprehension and Extensionality are satisfied more or less
by fiat.30 This is completely analogous to our
approach in giving the usual proof, essentially that of Dedekind (1888), of
the categoricity of second-order arithmetic \(\mathsf{PA}_2\), although, as a matter of
fact, the categoricity of \(\mathsf{PA}_2\) can be “internalized” as a
proof inside\(\mathsf{PA}_2\)
itself (see
and Yokoyama 2013).
The three Galilean axioms \(\mathsf{Gal}3\), \(\mathsf{Gal}4\), and \(\mathsf{Gal}5\) are the glue that holds
together the betweenness axioms \(\mathsf{BG}(4)\) and the Euclidean axioms
\(\mathsf{EG}(3)^{\sim}\). The content
of \(\mathsf{Gal}3\) and \(\mathsf{Gal}4\) seems evident. The final
axiom \(\mathsf{Gal}5\) is the sole
axiom that needs some further explanation.31
This axiom expresses the translation invariance of the \(\equiv^{\sim}\) relation and may be
expressed using vector notation as follows: \[pq\equiv^{\sim}rs\to(p+\mathbf{v})(q+\mathbf{v})\equiv^{\sim}(r+\mathbf{v})(s+\mathbf{v}).\qquad{(22)}\]
In other words, if the (simultaneous) segments \(pq\) and \(rs\) have the same length, then the
(simultaneous) segments \((p+\mathbf{v})(q+\mathbf{v})\) and \((r+\mathbf{v})(s+\mathbf{v})\) have the
same length for any vector \(\mathbf{v}\).32
An equivalent axiom can be expressed solely using the primitives
\(\texttt{Bet}\), \(\sim\), and \(\equiv^{\sim}\) and quantifying over
points. Roughly, the axiom \(\mathsf{Gal}5\) is equivalent to the
following rather long-winded claim:
If \(p,q,r,s\), and \(p',q',r',s'\) are points
such that the vectors \(\mathbf{v}_{p,p'}\), \(\mathbf{v}_{q,q'}\), \(\mathbf{v}_{r,r'}\), \(\mathbf{v}_{s,s'}\) are all equal and
\(pq\equiv^{\sim}rs\), then \(p'q'\equiv^{\sim}r's'\).
Note that the equality clause “\(\mathbf{v}_{p,p'}=\mathbf{v}_{q,q'}\)”
means “\(p,q,p',q'\) is a
parallelogram,” and the 4-place predicate “\(p_{1},p_{2},p_{3},p_{4}\) is a
parallelogram” can be defined using \(\texttt{Bet}\) (see definition 15).
The second-order theories \(\mathsf{BG}(4)\) and \(\mathsf{EG}(3)\), with their point
set variables, contain the second-order Continuity Axiom (Tarski 1959,
18): \[\begin{gathered}
[\exists r\,(\forall p\in\mathsf{X}_{1})\,(\forall q\in\mathsf{X}_{2})
\to[\exists s\,(\forall p\in\mathsf{X}_{1})\,(\forall
This geometrical continuity axiom, it may be noted, is closely
analogous to the “Dedekind Cut Axiom,” which may be used as an axiom in
the formalization of the second-order theory \(\mathsf{ALG}\) of real numbers:33\[\begin{gathered}
x\in\mathsf{X}_{1})\,(\forall y\in\mathsf{X}_{2})\,(x\leq
y)}^{\mathsf{X}_{1}\text{ ``precedes" }\mathsf{X}_{2}}\\
\to\exists s\,\overbrace{(\forall x\in\mathsf{X}_{1})\,(\forall
y\in\mathsf{X}_{2})\,(x\leq s\wedge s\leq y))}^{\text{the point $s$
``cuts" $\mathsf{X}_{1}$ and $\mathsf{X}_{2}$}}.
The second-order theories \(\mathsf{BG}(4)\) and \(\mathsf{EG}(3)\) are, foundationally
speaking, strong, and both interpret \(\mathsf{ALG}\). They have
first-order versions—their “little brothers,” so to speak,
which I shall call \(\mathsf{BG}_{0}(4)\) and \(\mathsf{EG}_{0}(3)\)—obtained by replacing
the single Continuity Axiom by infinitely many instances of the
Continuity axiom scheme: in these instances, there are only
point variables.
The little brothers, \(\mathsf{BG}_{0}(4)\) and \(\mathsf{EG}_{0}(3)\), are
meta-mathematically somewhat different from their big brothers. In
particular, they are, in fact, complete (and, since they are
recursively axiomatized, decidable), as established by a
celebrated theorem of Alfred Tarski (1951). But the big brothers are
incomplete because they interpret Peano arithmetic (\(\mathsf{PA}\)), and then Gödel’s
incompleteness results apply. This observation leads to an important
difficulty faced by Field’s nominalism:
second-order nature of \(\mathsf{BG}(4)\)—i.e., its point variables
range over points, and its set variables range over sets of
points—is what lies at the root of the technical problem for Hartry
Field’s nominalist program (1980) highlighted, first informally by
John Burgess, Saul Kripke, and Yiannis Moschovakis, and then, in detail,
by Stewart Shapiro in (1983), and also mentioned in Burgess (1984, last
section). The required representation theorem indeed
holds for \(\mathsf{BG}(4)\) with
respect to full models (and from this, the other representation theorems
can be built up, just as we do below). This is theorem 62 below. But, unfortunately, adding
additional set theory axioms to \(\mathsf{BG}(4)\) is
non-conservative. This is because \(\mathsf{BG}(4)\) interprets Peano
arithmetic. And then, by Gödel’s incompleteness results (Gödel 1931; Raatikainen
2015), there is a consistency sentence \(\textsf{Con}(\mathsf{BG}(4))\) in the
language of \(\mathsf{BG}(4)\) itself
such that \(\mathsf{BG}(4)\) does not
prove \(\textsf{Con}(\mathsf{BG}(4))\).
\(\textsf{Con}(\mathsf{BG}(4))\) is
indeed true in the standard coordinate structure since \(\mathsf{BG}(4)\)is consistent
(for it has a model). This sentence becomes provable when
further set axioms are added. On the other hand, \(\mathsf{BG}(4)\) has a little brother,
\(\mathsf{BG}_0(4)\), which is a
first-order theory (we replace the Continuity Axiom by
infinitely many instances of the Continuity axiom scheme). Then,
conservativeness holds for \(\mathsf{BG}_0(4)\) because it is
complete! (As
we know from the aforementioned celebrated result by Tarski
1951.) But now the required representation theorem does
not hold for the little brother \(\mathsf{BG}_0(4)\). Instead, a rather
different representation theorem holds, replacing \(\mathbb{R}^{n}\) by \(F^{n}\) for “some real-closed field \(F\).” This is a revision of theoretical
physics, for physics works with a manifold, a point set
equipped with a system of charts, which are maps into \(\mathbb{R}^{n}\). Field’s program required
both conservativeness (to vindicate the claimed “instrumentalist nature”
of mathematics) and representation (to vindicate the claimed “purely
representational” feature of applied mathematics). But the technical
snag is that we cannot have both conservativeness and the
representation theorem.
4 Main Results About \(\mathsf{Gal}(1,3)\)
4.1 Definitions: Betweenness
Definition 15.The formula \(\texttt{Bet}(p,q,r)\vee\texttt{Bet}(q,r,p)\vee\texttt{Bet}(r,p,q)\)
expresses that points \(p,q,r\) are
collinear. Assuming \(p\neq
q\), we use \(\ell(p,q)\) to
mean the set of points collinear with \(p\) and \(q\), i.e., the line through \(p,q\). It can be proved in \(\mathsf{BG}(4)\) that each line is
determined by exactly two points. We may express notions of
coplanarity, cohyperplanarity, and so on through all
positive integer dimensions using formulas that I write as \(\texttt{co}_{n}(p_{1},\dots, p_{n+2})\).34 So, \(\texttt{co}_{1}(p,q,r)\) means that \(p,q,r\) are collinear; \(\texttt{co}_{2}(p,q,r,s)\) means that \(p,q,r,s\) are coplanar; and so on through
higher dimensions. Lines \(\ell(p,q)\)
and \(\ell(r,s)\) are parallel
if and only if \(\texttt{co}_{2}(p,q,r,s)\) and either \(\ell(p,q)=\ell(r,s)\), or \(\ell(p,q)\) and \(\ell(r,s)\) do not intersect (i.e., have no
point in common). For this, we write \(\ell(p,q)\parallel\ell(r,s)\). Four
distinct points \(p,q,r,s\) form a
parallelogram just if \(\ell(p,q)\parallel\ell(r,s)\) and \(\ell(p,s)\parallel\ell(q,r)\)(see Bennett 1995,
49). The notion of what I call a 4-frame is given
below (definition 58, in appendix B): an ordered quintuple \(O,X,Y,Z,I\) that do not lie in the same
3-dimensional space.
The theory \(\mathsf{BG}(4)\) proves
the existence of a 4-frame: this is simply the Lower Dimension Axiom
(the axioms are listed in appendix A). It
can be proved in \(\mathsf{BG}(4)\)
that, given a line \(\ell\) and a point
\(p\), there is a unique line \(\ell'\) parallel to \(\ell\) and containing \(p\) (this is called Playfair’s Axiom and is
an equivalent of Euclid’s Parallel Postulate). From Playfair’s Axiom, it
can be proved in \(\mathsf{BG}(4)\)
that \(\parallel\) is an equivalence
relation. A number of other theorems from plane and solid geometry can
be established, including Desargues’s Theorem and Pappus’s Theorem. See
Bennett (1995) for
an explanation of these theorems. It can be proved that there is a
bijection between any pair of lines. The claims mentioned so far are
sufficient (the assumptions required include Desargues’s Theorem and
Pappus’s Theorem) to establish that, given distinct parameters \(p,q\), the line \(\ell(p,q)\) is isomorphic to an ordered
field.35 The Continuity Axiom of \(\mathsf{BG}(4)\) then ensures that this
field is order-complete. From this, we conclude that there is a (unique)
isomorphism \(\varphi_{p,q}:\ell(p,q)\to\mathbb{R}\),
i.e., \(\varphi_{p,q}(p)=0\) and \(\varphi_{p,q}(q)=1\). See also the proof
sketch for theorem 62 below.
4.2 Definitions: Galilean
Turning to the system \(\mathsf{Gal}(1,3)\), we need separate
definitions of notions pertaining to simultaneity (\(\sim\)) and sim-congruence (\(\equiv^{\sim}\)).
Definition 16.A time axis\(T\) is a line \(\ell(p,q)\), where \(p\not\sim q\).
Definition 17.A simultaneity hypersurface\(\Sigma_p\) is the set \(\{q\mid q\sim p\}\) of points simultaneous
with \(p\).
Beyond the notion of a 4-frame, we need a few more specialized
notions of “frame” for Galilean spacetime.
Definition 18(sim 4-frame).A sim 4-frame is a sequence of
five points \(O,X,Y,Z,I\) such that
\(O,X,Y,Z\) are simultaneous and not
coplanar, and \(I\) is not simultaneous
with \(O\). A sim 4-frame is
automatically a 4-frame.
Definition 19(Euclidean sim 3-frame).A Euclidean sim 3-frame is a
sequence of four points \(O,X,Y,Z\)
that are simultaneous, are not \(\texttt{co}_2\), and \(OX\), \(OY\), \(OZ\) have the same length and are mutually
perpendicular. That is, \(OX\equiv^{\sim}OY\), \(OX\equiv^{\sim}OZ\), and \(OY\equiv^{\sim}OZ\); and \(OX\perp^{\sim}OY\), \(OX\perp^{\sim}OZ\), and \(OY\perp^{\sim}OZ\).36
Definition 20(Galilean 4-frame).A Galilean 4-frame is a sequence
of five points \(O,X,Y,Z,I\) that are a
sim 4-frame and such that the four points \(O,X,Y,Z\) are a Euclidean sim 3-frame. Note
that \(O\not\sim I\), and then the line
\(\ell(O,I)\) is called the time
axis of the Galilean 4-frame. A Galilean 4-frame is automatically a
4-frame. We shall simply call it a Galilean frame.
4.3 Soundness
It is straightforward to demonstrate that \(\mathsf{Gal}(1,3)\) is true in the
coordinate structure \(\mathbb{G}^{(1,3)}\) by verifying that each
axiom of \(\mathsf{Gal}(1,3)\) is true
in \(\mathbb{G}^{(1,3)}\).
22.Given a point
\(p\) and a time axis \(T\), there is a unique line \(\ell'\parallel T\) st \(p\in\ell'\). (This is Playfair’s Axiom,
a theorem of \(\mathsf{BG}(4)\), and an
equivalent of Euclid’s parallel postulate.)
23.Any five
simultaneous points are \(\texttt{co}_{3}\) (i.e., \(\text{cohyperplanar}_{3}\)).
Proof.This follows from the Upper Dimension
Axiom in \(\mathsf{EG}(3)^{\sim}\).
This asserts that, for a fixed simultaneity hypersurface \(\Sigma_{z}\), any five points in \(\Sigma_{z}\) are \(\texttt{co}_{3}\). Hence, any five
simultaneous points are \(\texttt{co}_{3}\).∎
24(Non-Triviality).There are at least two non-simultaneous
Proof.By the Lower Dimension axiom in \(\mathsf{BG}(4)\), there is a 4-frame of
five points, \(O,X,Y,Z,I\), which are
not \(\texttt{co}_{3}\). By lemma 23, any five simultaneous points are
\(\texttt{co}_{3}\). If \(O\sim X\sim Y\sim Z\sim I\), they’d be
\(\texttt{co}_{3}\), a contradiction.
So, there are at least two non-simultaneous points.∎
25(Galilean Frame
Lemma).There is a
Galilean frame \(O,X,Y,Z,I\).
Proof.By lemma 24, let \(O,I\) be two
non-simultaneous points. By \(\mathsf{EG}(3)^{\sim}\), Euclidean
three-dimensional geometry holds on simultaneity hypersurface \(\Sigma_{O}\). So, there exists \(O,X,Y,Z\), a Euclidean sim 3-frame in \(\Sigma_{O}\). Since \(O\) and \(I\) are not simultaneous, \(O,X,Y,Z,I\) form a Galilean frame (whose
time axis is \(\ell(O,I)\)).∎
4.5 Vector Methods
In the first part of this section, we first assume that we are
considering a full model \(M\models_{2}\mathsf{BG}(4)\), with \(M=(\mathbb{P},B)\) (i.e., \(B\subseteq\mathbb{P}^{3}\) is the
interpretation in \(M\) of the
predicate \(\texttt{Bet}\)). And then,
we further assume we are considering a full model \(M\models_{2}\mathsf{Gal}(1,3)\), with \(M=(\mathbb{P},B,\sim,\equiv^{\sim})\). We
assume the material in appendix D, which
introduces the new sorts: reals and vectors.37 The vector displacement from \(p\) to \(q\) is written: \(\mathbf{v}_{p,q}\).38
In particular, recall that, by theorem 68, the vector space \(\mathbb{V}\) of displacements is isomorphic
to \(\mathbb{R}^{4}\) (as a vector
Since \(M\models_{2}\mathsf{BG}(4)\), we know, by
theorem 62, that there exists a
coordinate system \(\Phi:\mathbb{P}\to\mathbb{R}^{4}\) on \(M\), i.e., an isomorphism \(\Phi:(\mathbb{P},B)\to(\mathbb{R}^{4},B_{\mathbb{R}^{4}})\).
Definition 26.Let \(O,
X,Y,Z,I\) be a 4-frame in \(M\).
Define the four vectors: \[\begin{aligned}
is a basis for \(\mathbb{V}\).
This is established inside the detailed proof of theorem 68 below.
Definition 28.Given a coordinate system \(\Phi\) on \(M\), we can define the associated
4-frame, \(O,X,Y,Z,I\) of points
in \(M\): \[\begin{gathered}
Definition 29.Given a coordinate system \(\Phi\), we define four basis vectors: \[\begin{aligned}
is a basis for \(\mathbb{V}\).
Given a coordinate system \(\Phi\)
and a point \(p\), the four components
of \(\Phi(p)\) are written as follows:
31.For any point
\(p\), we have: \[\mathbf{v}_{O,p}=\sum_{a=1}^{4}\Phi^{a}(p)\,\mathbf{e}^{\Phi}_{a}.\qquad{(29)}\]
Proof.Consider some of the details of the proof
of the Representation Theorem for \(\mathsf{BG}(4)\) (see Theorem 62 below). Examining the vector \(\mathbf{v}_{O,p}\) from the origin \(O\) to \(p\), one can see that: \[\mathbf{v}_{O,p}=\mathbf{v}_{O,p_{X}}+\mathbf{v}_{O,p_{Y}}+
where \(p_{X}\), \(p_{Y}\), \(p_{Z}\), and \(p_{I}\) are the “ordinates” on the four
axes. Note first that \(\mathbf{v}_{O,p_{X}}=\varphi_{O,X}(p_{X})\mathbf{v}_{O,{X}}=\varphi_{O,X}(p_{X})\mathbf{e}^{\Phi}_{1}\),
and similarly for the other three vectors. So: \[\mathbf{v}_{O,p}=\varphi_{O,X}(p_{X})\mathbf{e}^{\Phi}_{1}+
Note second that \(\Phi^{1}(p)\) is
defined to be \(\varphi_{O,X}(p_X)\),
and \(\Phi^{2}(p)\) is defined to be
\(\varphi_{O,Y}(p_Y)\), and similarly
for \(Z\) and \(I\). Hence: \[\mathbf{v}_{O,p}=\Phi^{1}(p)\mathbf{e}^{\Phi}_{1}+\Phi^{2}(p)
Proof.This is verified as follows: \[\begin{aligned}
\mathbf{v}_{p,q} &
where we used Chasles’s Relation (i.e., \(\mathbf{v}_{p,q}+\mathbf{v}_{q,r}=\mathbf{v}_{p,r}\)),
some properties of vectors, and then lemma 31 to expand \(\mathbf{v}_{O,q}\) and \(\mathbf{v}_{O,p}\) into their components in
the \(\Phi\)-basis.∎
Note that the vector \(\mathbf{v}_{p,q}\) from \(p\) to \(q\) is entirely coordinate-independent.
Let us now assume we are considering a full model \(M\models_{2}\mathsf{Gal}(1,3)\), with \(M=(\mathbb{P},B,\sim,\equiv^{\sim})\).
33.Any simultaneity
hypersurface \(\Sigma\) in \(M\) is a three-dimensional affine
Proof.If \(\Sigma_{p}\) is a simultaneity
hypersurface, then, by \(\mathsf{EG}(3)^{\sim}\), the restriction
is a Euclidean three-space isomorphic to \((\mathbb{R}^{3},B_{\mathbb{R}^{3}},\equiv_{\mathbb{R}^{3}})\)
by theorem 63. Since the reduct
(i.e., forgetting the congruence relation) of a Euclidean 3-space is an
affine 3-space, \(\Sigma_{p}\) is an
affine three-space and indeed isomorphic to \((\mathbb{R}^{3},B_{\mathbb{R}^{3}})\).∎
Definition 34.We define the horizontal, or
simultaneity, vector subspace\(\mathbb{V}^{\sim}\) as follows: \[\mathbb{V}^{\sim}:=\{\mathbf{v}_{p,q}\in\mathbb{V}\mid
p\sim q\}.\qquad{(34)}\]
38.\(q\in p+\mathbb{V}^{\sim}\) if and only if
\(p\sim q\).
Proof.This is immediate from definition 37 and lemma 35.∎
Proof.\(q\in\Sigma_{p}\), if and only if \(p\sim q\), if and only if (lemma 38) \(q\in
40.Let a Galilean
frame \(O,X,Y,Z,I\) be given, and let
be defined as in definition 26. Then
the subset \(\{\mathbf{e}_{1},\mathbf{e}_{2},\mathbf{e}_{3}\}\)
is a basis for \(\mathbb{V}^{\sim}\).
Proof.The proof is that the vectors \(\mathbf{v}_{O,X}\), \(\mathbf{v}_{O,Y}\), and \(\mathbf{v}_{O,Z}\) each lie in \(\mathbb{V}^{\sim}\), and, moreover, given
any point \(q\in\Sigma_{O}\), the
vector \(\mathbf{v}_{O,q}\) is a linear
combination of \(\mathbf{v}_{O,X}\),
\(\mathbf{v}_{O,Y}\), and \(\mathbf{v}_{O,Z}\).∎
41.Given a coordinate
system \(\Phi\), the set \(\{\mathbf{e}^{\Phi}_{1},\mathbf{e}^{\Phi}_{2},\mathbf{e}^{\Phi}_{3}\}\)
is a basis for \(\mathbb{V}^{\sim}\).
This is a corollary of the previous lemma.
42.Let a Galilean
frame \(O,X,Y,Z,I\) be given, and let
be defined as in definition 26
above. Let \(\mathbf{v}\in\mathbb{V}\)
with \(\mathbf{v}=\sum_{i=1}^{4}v^{i}\mathbf{e}_{i}\).
Then \[\mathbf{v}\in\mathbb{V}^{\sim}\leftrightarrow
Proof.Let \(p\) be any point, and consider: \[p'=p+\mathbf{v}=p+\sum_{i=1}^{3}v^{3}\mathbf{e}_{i}+\sum_{i=1}^{4}v^{4}\mathbf{v}_{O,I}.\qquad{(36)}\]
So, \(\mathbf{v}=\mathbf{v}_{p,p'}\). If
we infer that: \(\mathbf{v}_{p,p'}=\alpha^{1}\mathbf{e}_{1}+\alpha^{2}\mathbf{e}_{2}+\alpha^{3}\mathbf{e}_{3}\)
(for some coefficients \(\alpha^{i}\in\mathbb{R}\)) by lemma 36. Equating coefficients, we conclude
that \(\alpha^{i}=v^{i}\) (for \(i=1,2,3\)) and \(v^{4}=0\), as claimed. Conversely, if \(v^{4}=0\), we infer: \(\mathbf{v}_{p,p'}=\sum_{i=1}^{3}v^{i}\mathbf{e}_{i}+\sum_{i=1}^{4}0.\mathbf{v}_{O,I}=\sum_{i=1}^{3}v^{i}\mathbf{e}_{i}\).
And thus, \(\mathbf{v}_{p,p'}\in\mathbb{V}^{\sim}\).
This implies that \(\mathbf{v}\in\mathbb{V}^{\sim}\).∎
Definition 43.Let \(\Sigma_{p}\) and \(\Sigma_{q}\) be simultaneity hypersurfaces.
We say that \(\Sigma_{p}\) is
parallel to \(\Sigma_{q}\) if
and only if either \(\Sigma_{p}=\Sigma_{q}\) or there is no
intersection of \(\Sigma_{p}\) and
\(\Sigma_{q}\). This is written: \(\Sigma_{p}\parallel\Sigma_{q}\).
44.All simultaneity
hypersurfaces are parallel.
Proof.Let \(\Sigma_{p}\) and \(\Sigma_{q}\) be simultaneity hypersurfaces.
For a contradiction, suppose \(\Sigma_{p}\not\parallel\Sigma_{q}\). So,
\(\Sigma_{p}\neq\Sigma_{q}\), and there
is an intersection \(r\in\Sigma_{p}\cap\Sigma_{q}\). So, \(r\sim p\) and \(r\sim q\). Hence, \(p\sim q\). Hence, \(\Sigma_{p}=\Sigma_{q}\), a
45(Translation Invariance of
\(p\sim q\), then \((p+\mathbf{v})\sim (q+\mathbf{v})\).
Proof.Suppose \(p\sim
q\). So, we have: \(\mathbf{v}_{p,q}\in\mathbb{V}^{\sim}\).
Consider \(p'=p+\mathbf{v}\) and
\(q'=q+\mathbf{v}\). Let \(\mathbf{w}=\mathbf{v}_{p,q}\). Since \(q=p+\mathbf{w}\), we have \(q+\mathbf{v}=(p+\mathbf{w})+\mathbf{v}\),
which implies (using some properties of vector addition and the action)
\(q'=p'+\mathbf{w}\). Hence,
So, \(\mathbf{v}_{p',q'}=\mathbf{v}_{p,q}\).
Since \(\mathbf{v}_{p,q}\in\mathbb{V}^{\sim}\), we
infer: \(\mathbf{v}_{p',q'}\in\mathbb{V}^{\sim}\).
From this, it follows that \(p'\sim
46.Given a
simultaneity hypersurface \(\Sigma\)
and time axis \(T\), there is a unique
intersection point lying in both \(\Sigma\) and \(T\).
Proof.Let hypersurface \(\Sigma\) and time axis \(T\) be given. There cannot be two distinct
intersections, say \(q\) and \(q'\), for then we should have \(q\sim q'\), contradicting the
assumption that \(T\) is a time axis.
To establish the existence of at least one intersection, let us fix a
Galilean frame \(O,X,Y,Z,I\) with \(O,I\in T\), i.e., \(T=\ell(O,I)\). For any point \(p\), we have that there exist unique
coefficients \(v^{i}\) and \(v^{4}\) such that: \[p=O+\sum_{i=1}^{3}v^{i}\mathbf{e}_{i}+v^{4}\mathbf{v}_{O,I}.\qquad{(37)}\]
Pick any point \(p\in\Sigma\) (so \(\Sigma=\Sigma_{p}\)). Next, define the
point \(q\): \[q:=O+v^{4}\mathbf{v}_{O,I}.\qquad{(38)}\]
Then, we infer \(\mathbf{v}_{O,q}=v^{4}\mathbf{v}_{O,I}\),
which implies that \(q\in T\). Next,
consider \(\mathbf{v}_{q,p}\): \[\mathbf{v}_{q,p}=\mathbf{v}_{q,O}+\mathbf{v}_{O,p}=-v^{4}\mathbf{v}_{O,I}+\sum_{i=1}^{3}v^{i}\mathbf{e}_{i}+v^{4}\mathbf{v}_{O,I}=\sum_{i=1}^{3}v^{i}\mathbf{e}_{i}.\qquad{(39)}\]
Since \(\mathbf{v}_{q,p}=\sum_{i=1}^{3}v^{i}\mathbf{e}_{i}\)
and \(\sum_{i=1}^{3}v^{i}\mathbf{e}_{i}\in\mathbb{V}^{\sim}\),
it follows that \(q\sim p\). This
implies that \(q\in\Sigma_{p}\), and
therefore \(q\in\Sigma\). The defined
point \(q\) is, therefore, the required
intersection of \(T\) and \(\Sigma\).∎
Definition 47.Let \(\ell=\ell(p,q)\) (with \(p\neq q\)) be a line, and let \(\Sigma\) be a simultaneity hypersurface. We
say that \(\ell\) is parallel
to \(\Sigma\) if and only if either
\(\ell\subseteq\Sigma\) or there is no
intersection \(r\in T\cap\Sigma\). This
is written: \(\ell\parallel\Sigma\).
48.No time axis is
parallel to a simultaneity hypersurface.
Proof.Let \(T=\ell(p,q)\) be a time axis (i.e., \(p\not\sim q\)). Let \(\Sigma\) be a simultaneity hypersurface.
For a contradiction, suppose \(T\parallel\Sigma\). So, either \(\ell(p,q)\subseteq\Sigma\) or there is no
intersection \(r\in T\cap\Sigma\). But,
by lemma 46, there is a unique
intersection \(r\in T\cap\Sigma\). So,
we must have: \(\ell(p,q)\subseteq\Sigma\). Then, since
\(p,q\in\ell(p,q)\), we have \(p,q\in\Sigma\). Hence, \(p\sim q\), a contradiction. Therefore,
49.Let lines \(\ell(p,q)\) and \(\ell(r,s)\) be parallel. Then, for some
\(\alpha\neq 0\), \(\mathbf{v}_{p,q}=\alpha\mathbf{v}_{r,s}\).
Proof.This follows from the detailed
construction of \(\mathbb{V}\) (based
on parallelograms and equipollence), which yields theorem 68.∎
50.Any line parallel
to a time axis is a time axis.
Proof.Suppose line \(\ell(p,q)\) is parallel to a time axis
\(T=\ell(O,I)\), with \(O\not\sim I\). Then, by lemma 49, \(\mathbf{v}_{p,q}=\alpha\mathbf{v}_{O,I}\),
with \(\alpha\neq 0\). Since \(O\not\sim I\), we have \(\mathbf{v}_{O,I}\notin\mathbb{V}^{\sim}\).
In general, for any \(\alpha\neq 0\),
\(\mathbf{v}\in\mathbb{V}^{\sim}\) if
and only if \(\alpha\mathbf{v}\in\mathbb{V}^{\sim}\). So,
it follows that \(\mathbf{v}_{p,q}\notin\mathbb{V}^{\sim}\).
Hence, \(p\not\sim q\). Thus, \(\ell(p,q)\) is a time axis.∎
4.6 Representation
Definition 51.Let \(M=(\mathbb{P},B,\sim,\equiv^{\sim})\) be a
(i.e., \(B\) interprets \(\texttt{Bet}\), \(\sim\) interprets \(\sim\), and \(\equiv^{\sim}\) interprets \(\equiv^{\sim}\)). Suppose that \(M\models_{2}\mathsf{Gal}(1,3)\). Let \(\Phi:\mathbb{P}\to\mathbb{R}^{4}\) be a
function. We say:
for all \(p,q,r,s\in\mathbb{P}\):
If \(\Phi\) is a bijection and each
of the three above representation conditions holds, then \(\Phi\) is an isomorphism from
\(M\) to \(\mathbb{G}^{(1,3)}\).
In order to prove the Representation Theorem for \(\mathsf{Gal}(1,3)\), we need to establish
three main lemmas. I call these the Chronology Lemma, the Galilean Frame
Translation Invariance Lemma, and the Congruence Lemma.
4.7 The Chronology Lemma
52(Chronology).Let \(M=(\mathbb{P},B,\sim,\equiv^{\sim})\) be a
with \(M\models_{2}\mathsf{Gal}(1,3)\).
Let \(O,X,Y,Z,I\) be a sim
4-frame in \(M\). Since \((\mathbb{P},B)\models_{2}\mathsf{BG}(4)\),
let \(\Phi:(\mathbb{P},B)\to(\mathbb{R}^{4},B_{\mathbb{R}^{4}})\)
be an isomorphism matching \(O,X,Y,Z,I\). Then \(\sim_{\mathbb{R}^{4}}\) represents \(\sim\) wrt \(\Phi\).
Proof.Since \(O,X,Y,Z,I\) is a sim 4-frame, the
points \(O,X,Y,Z\) are simultaneous,
not coplanar, and \(O\not\sim I\).
Given that \(\Phi\) matches \(O,X,Y,Z,I\), with \(O,X,Y,Z\) simultaneous, the associated
basis \(\{\mathbf{e}^{\Phi}_{1},\mathbf{e}^{\Phi}_{2},\mathbf{e}^{\Phi}_{3}\}\)
is a basis for the simultaneity vector space \(\mathbb{V}^{\sim}\), by lemma 41. Since a sim 4-frame is a 4-frame,
is a basis for \(\mathbb{V}\). Let
points \(p,q\) be given. We claim:
From lemma 35, we have that \(p\sim q\) holds if and only if \(\mathbf{v}_{p,q}\in\mathbb{V}^{\sim}\).
Using lemma 32, we next expand \(\mathbf{v}_{p,q}\) in the basis \(\{\mathbf{e}^{\Phi}_a\}\) determined by
\(\Phi\): \[\mathbf{v}_{p,q}=\sum_{a=1}^{4}(\Phi^a(q)-\Phi^{a}(p))\mathbf{e}^{\Phi}_{a}.\qquad{(41)}\]
From lemma 42, we conclude that
\(\mathbf{v}_{p,q}\in\mathbb{V}^{\sim}\) iff
\((\mathbf{v}_{p,q})^{4}=0\). That is,
\(p\sim q\) iff \(\Phi^{4}(q)-\Phi^{4}(p)=0\). And therefore,
\(p\sim q\) iff \(\Phi^{4}(q)=\Phi^{4}(p)\), as claimed.∎
4.8 The Galilean Frame Translation
Invariance Lemma
53(Galilean Frame Translation
Invariance).Let \(M=(\mathbb{P},B,\sim,\equiv^{\sim})\) be a
with \(M\models_{2}\mathsf{Gal}(1,3)\).
Let \(O,X,Y,Z,I\) be a Galilean 4-frame
in \(M\). Since \((\mathbb{P},B)\models_{2}\mathsf{BG}(4)\),
let \(\Phi:(\mathbb{P},B)\to(\mathbb{R}^{4},B_{\mathbb{R}^{4}})\)
be an isomorphism matching \(O,X,Y,Z,I\). Let \(\mathbf{v}\in\mathbb{V}\). Let \(O'=O+\mathbf{v}\), \(X'=X+\mathbf{v}\), \(Y'=Y+\mathbf{v}\), \(Z'=Z+\mathbf{v}\), \(I'=I+\mathbf{v}\). Then \(O',X',Y',Z',I'\) is a
Galilean 4-frame.
That is, leaving the assumptions as stated, when we apply a
translation (given by a vector \(\mathbf{v}\)) to a Galilean frame, so \(O'=O+\mathbf{v}\), etc., the result is
also a Galilean frame: \[O,X,Y,Z,I\text{ is a Galilean 4-frame iff
}O',X',Y',Z'\text{ is a Galilean
Proof.Without loss of generality, we may
suppose that \(\mathbf{v}\) does not
lie in the simultaneity hypersurface \(\Sigma_{O}\). For if it does, the vector
will simply translate the frame “horizontally,” along within \(\Sigma_{O}\) and the Euclidean axioms,
along with the fact that the temporal benchmark point \(I\) also moves “horizontally” too within
the hypersurface \(\Sigma_{I}\),
guarantee that \(O',X',Y',Z',I'\) is a
Galilean 4-frame.
I will sketch how the proof goes. It is best illustrated by figure 2.
Figure 2: “Transformed Galliean frame” on
\(\Sigma_{O'}\) (axis \(\ell(O,Z)\) and point \(I'\) suppressed).
This is the sole part of our analysis appealing to the axiom \(\mathsf{Gal}5\), stating the translation
invariance of \(\equiv^{\sim}\).
The five points \(O,X,Y,Z,I\) form a
Galilean frame, and thus the four points \(O,X,Y,Z\) form a Euclidean sim 3-frame. So,
in the lower simultaneity hypersurface, \(\Sigma_O\), we have a Euclidean sim 3-frame
\(O,X,Y,Z\): the three legs \(OX\), \(OY\), and \(OZ\) are perpendicular and of equal length.
(The point \(Z\) and the axis \(\ell(O,Z)\) are suppressed in figure 2.)
Consider the hypersurface \(\Sigma_{O'}\). By assumption, each of
the points \(O',X',Y',Z'\) is obtained
by adding the same displacement vector: \(\mathbf{v}=\mathbf{v}_{O,O'}\): \[\begin{gathered}
O'=O+\mathbf{v},\quad X'=X+\mathbf{v},\\
Y'=Y+\mathbf{v},\quad Z'=Z+\mathbf{v}.
Since \(O,X,Y,Z\) are simultaneous,
it follows, using lemma 45, that
\(O',X',Y',Z'\) are
simultaneous. So, all four points lie in \(\Sigma_{O'}\).
Next, we use the Translation Invariance axiom \(\mathsf{Gal}5\) of \(\mathsf{Gal}(1,3)\): \(\equiv^{\sim}\) is translation invariant.
Since \(O,X,Y,Z\) form a Euclidean sim
3-frame, we may conclude, from the translation invariance of \(\equiv^{\sim}\), that \(O',X',Y',Z'\) is also a
Euclidean sim 3-frame. Since \(\mathbf{v}\) does not lie parallel to \(\Sigma_{O}\), \(I'\) is not simultaneous with \(O',X',Y',Z'\). And, so,
is a Galilean 4-frame.∎
4.9 The Congruence Lemma
54(Congruence).Let \(M=(\mathbb{P},B,\sim,\equiv^{\sim})\) be a
with \(M\models_{2}\mathsf{Gal}(1,3)\).
Let \(O,X,Y,Z,I\) be a Galilean 4-frame
in \(M\). By the Chronology Lemma
(lemma 52), there is an isomorphism
matching \(O,X,Y,Z,I\). Then, \(\equiv^{\sim}_{\mathbb{R}^{4}}\) represents
\(\equiv^{\sim}\) with respect to \(\Phi\).
Proof.We are given a structure \(M=(\mathbb{P},B,\sim,\equiv^{\sim})\), a
Galilean frame, \(O,X,Y,Z,I\) in \(M\), and an isomorphism \(\Phi:(\mathbb{P},B,\sim)\to(\mathbb{R}^{4},B_{\mathbb{R}^{4}},\sim_{\mathbb{R}^{4}})\),
matching \(O,X,Y,Z,I\). We shall call
\(\Phi\) the “global isomorphism.” We
claim that \(\equiv^{\sim}_{\mathbb{R}^{4}}\) represents
\(\equiv^{\sim}\) with respect to \(\Phi\); that is, for simultaneous points
\(p,q,r,s\), we have:40\[pq\equiv^{\sim}
Figure 3: “Lifted Euclidean frame” on
\(\Sigma_{u}\) (axis \(\ell(O,Z)\) suppressed).
By hypothesis, the five points \(O,X,Y,Z,I\) form a Galilean frame, and thus
the four points \(O,X,Y,Z\) form a
Euclidean sim 3-frame. For points in the lower simultaneity
hypersurface, \(\Sigma_{O}\), we have,
from the Euclidean axiom group \(\mathsf{EG}(3)^{\sim}\) in \(\mathsf{Gal}(1,3)\) and the Representation
Theorem for Euclidean geometry (theorem 63), the existence of an isomorphism (i.e., coordinate
system on \(\Sigma_{O}\)), \[\psi_{O}:(\Sigma_{O},B\upharpoonright_{\Sigma_{O}},(\equiv^{\sim})\upharpoonright_{\Sigma_{O}})\to(\mathbb{R}^{3},B_{\mathbb{R}^{3}},\equiv_{\mathbb{R}^{3}}),\qquad{(45)}\]
that matches this Euclidean sim 3-frame \(O,X,Y,Z\). So, in the hypersurface \(\Sigma_{O}\), a “mini-representation
theorem” holds. For any \(p,q,r,s\in\Sigma_{O}\), \[pq\equiv^{\sim}rs\leftrightarrow\vec{\psi}_{O}(p)\vec{\psi}_{O}(q)\equiv_{\mathbb{R}^{3}}\vec{\psi}_{O}(r),\vec{\psi}_{O}(s).\qquad{(46)}\]
Let \(\Phi_{O}\) be \(\Phi\upharpoonright_{\Sigma_{O}}\): the
restriction of the global isomorphism \(\Phi\) to the hypersurface \(\Sigma_{O}\). We are also given that \(\Phi_{O}\) also matches \(O,X,Y,Z\). By the uniqueness of coordinate
systems that match the same frame (lemma 66), we conclude: \[\psi_{O}=\Phi_{O}.\qquad{(47)}\]
Thus, by (46) and (47), \(\Phi_{O}\)
satisfies: \[pq\equiv^{\sim}rs\leftrightarrow\vec{\Phi}_{O}(p)\vec{\Phi}_{O}(q)\equiv_{\mathbb{R}^{3}}\vec{\Phi}_{O}(r),\vec{\Phi}_{O}(s).\qquad{(48)}\]
We now repeat the same argument for an arbitrary simultaneity
surface, \(\Sigma_{u}\).
Given any point \(u\), we consider
the hypersurface \(\Sigma_{u}\). By
lemma 46, the time axis \(\ell(O,I)\) intersects \(\Sigma_{u}\) at the corresponding “origin,”
\(O_{u}\). By lemma 22, there are unique lines through
\(X\), \(Y\), and \(Z\), each parallel to \(\ell(O,O_{u})\). By lemma 46 again, these intersect \(\Sigma_{u}\) at points \(X_{u},Y_{u},Z_{u}\). By lemma 44, the hypersurfaces \(\Sigma_{O}\) and \(\Sigma_{u}\) are parallel; this guarantees
that each of the points \(O_{u},X_{u},Y_{u},Z_{u}\) is obtained by
adding the same displacement vector: \(\mathbf{v}=\mathbf{v}_{O,O_{u}}\): \[\begin{gathered}
O_{u}=O+\mathbf{v},\quad X_{u}=X+\mathbf{v},\\
Y_{u}=Y+\mathbf{v},\quad Z_{u}=Z+\mathbf{v}.
By the Translation Invariance of Galilean frames, lemma 53, since \(O,X,Y,Z,I\) form a Galilean 4-frame, we may
conclude that \(O_{u},X_{u},Y_{u},Z_{u},I_{u}\) (where
\(I_{u}=I+\mathbf{v}\)) also form a
Galilean 4-frame. And thus, \(O_{u},X_{u},Y_{u},Z_{u}\) form a Euclidean
sim 3-frame. By the Representation Theorem for Euclidean geometry, there
is an isomorphism \(\psi_{u}\), which
matches \(O_{u},X_{u},Y_{u},Z_{u}\). By
similar reasoning to the case of \(\Sigma_{O}\), we define the restriction
\(\Phi_{u}\) to be \(\Phi\upharpoonright_{\Sigma_{u}}\)—i.e.,
the restriction of the global isomorphism \(\Phi\) to the hypersurface \(\Sigma_{u}\). We can conclude: \[\psi_{u}=\Phi_{u}.\qquad{(50)}\]
Thus, \(\Phi_{u}\) satisfies the
following: for any points \(p,q,r,s\in\Sigma_{u}\), \[pq\equiv^{\sim}rs\quad\leftrightarrow\quad\vec{\Phi}_{u}(p)\,\vec{\Phi}_{u}(q)\equiv_{\mathbb{R}^{3}}\vec{\Phi}_{u}(r)\,\vec{\Phi}_{u}(s).\qquad{(51)}\]
This is equivalent to (44).∎
5 Representation Theorem for \(\mathsf{Gal}(1,3)\)
Our main theorem is then the following:
55(Representation Theorem for
Galilean Spacetime).Let \(M=(\mathbb{P},B,\sim,\equiv^{\sim})\) be a
full \(\sigma_{\mathsf{Gal}}\)-structure. Then
\[M\models_{2}\mathsf{Gal}(1,3)\quad\text{if and
only if}\quad\text{there is an isomorphism
Proof.For the right-to-left direction, suppose
there is an isomorphism \(\Phi:M\to\mathbb{G}^{(1,3)}\). So, \(M\cong\mathbb{G}^{(1,3)}\). By the
Soundness Lemma (lemma 21), \(\mathbb{G}^{(1,3)}\models_{2}\mathsf{Gal}(1,3)\).
Since isomorphic structures satisfy the same sentences, it follows that
For the converse, let \(M\models_{2}\mathsf{Gal}(1,3)\). From the
Galilean Frame Lemma (lemma 25), a
Galilean frame \(O,X,Y,Z,I\) exists.
This is a 4-frame. By the Representation Theorem for \(\mathsf{BG}(4)\) (theorem 62), we conclude that there is a global
isomorphism: \[\Phi:\mathbb{P}\to\mathbb{R}^{4}\qquad{(53)}\]
such that \(\Phi\) matches the frame
\(O,X,Y,Z,I\), and \(\Phi:(\mathbb{P},B)\to(\mathbb{R}^{4},B_{\mathbb{R}^{4}})\)
is an isomorphism. So, \(B_{\mathbb{R}^{4}}\) represents the
betweenness relation \(B\) of \(M\) with respect to \(\Phi\). Recall that the global isomorphism
\(\Phi\) matches a Galilean
frame \(O,X,Y,Z,I\). Since \(O,X,Y,Z,I\) is a Galilean frame, \(O,X,Y,Z,I\) is a sim frame. By the
Chronology Lemma (lemma 52), we
conclude that the relation \(\sim_{\mathbb{R}^{4}}\) represents the
simultaneity relation \(\sim\) of \(M\) with respect to \(\Phi\). What is more, again, since \(O,X,Y,Z,I\) is a Galilean frame, we can
appeal to the Congruence Lemma (lemma 54) and conclude that \(\equiv^{\sim}_{\mathbb{R}^{4}}\) represents
the sim-congruence relation \(\equiv^{\sim}\) of \(M\) with respect to \(\Phi\).
Assembling this, \(\Phi:M\to\mathbb{G}^{(1,3)}\) is an
isomorphism, as claimed.∎
Such isomorphisms \(\Phi:M\to\mathbb{G}^{(1,3)}\) are
inertial charts on Galilean spacetime. They correspond,
one-to-one, with Galilean frames. As we have seen, the transformation
group between these isomorphisms (or, if you wish, between the Galilean
frames) is precisely \(\mathcal{G}^{e}(1,3)\)—the extended
Galilean group.
Appendix A: Axioms
Definition 56.The non-logical axioms of \(\mathsf{BG}(4)\) in \(L(\sigma_{\mathsf{Gal},\in})\) are the
following nine:41
See Szczerba and Tarski (1979,
159–160) for the first-order two-dimensional theory \(\textsf{GA}_{2}\) (for “neutral” or
“absolute geometry”), which lacks the Euclid Parallel axiom (which is called
(E) in Szczerba and Tarski 1979 and is called (Euclid)
above). Their system includes Desargues’s Theorem. But, for us,
this axiom is no longer required, as it is provable from the remaining
axioms in dimensions above two (Szczerba and
Tarski 1979, 190). The above axiom system is the
second-order, four-dimensional theory and contains (E), i.e., (Euclid).
The relevant representation theorem follows from theorem 5.12 of Szczerba and
Tarski (1979, 185, see also example 6.1). The
same theorem is stated, somewhat indirectly, in Borsuk and Smielew (1960,
196–197). The representation theorem itself goes back to
Veblen (1904).
Definition 57.The non-logical axioms of \(\mathsf{EG}(3)\) in \(L(\sigma_{\texttt{Bet},\equiv,\in})\) are
the following eleven:
Table 4: The axioms of Euclidean Geometry for three
The original source of this axiomatization is Tarski (1959) and Tarski and Givant (1999). See Tarski (1959, 19–20) for a formulation of the
first-order two-dimensional theory, with twelve axioms and one axiom
scheme (for continuity); and Tarski and Givant (1999) for a simplification down to ten
axioms and one axiom scheme (for continuity). The above axiom system is
the second-order, four-dimensional theory (i.e., the single Continuity
Axiom is the second-order one).
Appendix B: Representation
Definition 58(4-frame).For betweenness geometry, a
4-frame is an ordered tuple of five points \(O,X,Y,Z,I\), which are not \(\texttt{co}_{3}\).42
Definition 59(Perpendicularity).In Euclidean geometry, perpendicularity
\(OX\perp OY\) for three distinct
points \(O,X,Y\) is defined as follows:
\(OX\perp OY\) holds iff \(XY\equiv(-X)Y\), where \((-X)\) is the unique point \(p\) on \(\ell(O,X)\) such that \(p\neq X\) and \(Op\equiv OX\).
Definition 60(Euclidean 3-frame).For Euclidean geometry, a Euclidean
3-frame is an ordered quadruple \(O,X,Y,Z\) of points that are not \(\texttt{co}_{2}\) (i.e., not coplanar) and
such that the segments \(OX,OY,OZ\) are
mutually perpendicular and of equal length.
Figure 4: Euclidean 3-Frame.
Definition 61(Matching).Suppose that \(M=(\mathbb{P},B)\) is a \(\sigma_{\texttt{Bet}}\)-structure with
\(M\models_{2}\mathsf{BG}(4)\), and
suppose that \(O,X,Y,Z,I\) is a 4-frame
in \(M\). Suppose that \(\Phi:\mathbb{P}\to\mathbb{R}^{4}\) is a
function. We say that \(\Phi\)matches\(O,X,Y,Z,I\) just
The following two theorems are primarily due to Hilbert (1899),
Veblen (1904), and
Tarski (1959):44
62(Representation Theorem for \(\mathsf{BG}(4)\)).Let \(M=(\mathbb{P},B)\) be a \(\sigma_{\texttt{Bet}}\)-structure. Assume
that \(M\models_{2}\mathsf{BG}(4)\).
Suppose \(O,X,Y,Z,I\) is a 4-frame in
\(M\). Then there exists a bijection
such that:
\(\Phi\) matches \(O,X,Y,Z,I\).
For all \(p,q,r\in\mathbb{P}\):
\((p,q,r)\in B\leftrightarrow
Proof.I give a brief sketch. Given a 4-frame
\(O,X,Y,Z,I\) in \(M\), we first define four lines \(\ell(O,X),\ell(O,Y),\ell(O,Z)\), and \(\ell(O,I)\): these are the “\(x\)-axis,” “\(y\)-axis,” “\(z\)-axis,” and “\(t\)-axis” of the 4-frame. One can define
(as in Hilbert
1899) geometrical operations \(+\), \(\times\), and a linear order \(\leq\) on each axis (relative to the two
fixed parameters that determined that axis). These definitions are
explained very clearly in Bennett (1995): for \(+\) at p. 48 and for \(\times\) at p. 62. Also, see Goldblatt (1987,
23–27). The definition of \(\leq\) is given in Tarski (1959, proof of theorem 1). Then, using
the betweenness axioms, one shows that, on each axis, \(\ell(O,X),\ell(O,Y),\ell(O,Z)\), and \(\ell(O,I)\), these definitions specify an
ordered field. For details (ignoring the order aspect), see Bennett (1995, 48–72,
especially theorem 1, p. 72). What is more, the Continuity Axiom
guarantees that this ordered field is a complete ordered field.
Up to isomorphism, there is exactly one complete ordered field, and this
is also rigid. Consequently, there is a (unique) isomorphism \(\varphi_{O,X}:\ell(O,X)\to\mathbb{R}\) (and
similarly on each axis):
Figure 5: Isomorphism from \(\ell(O,X)\) to \(\mathbb{R}\).
Given any point \(p\), one then
constructs four “ordinates” \(p_{X},p_{Y},p_{Z},p_{I}\) on the four axes
by certain parallel lines to these axes. Then, one defines the
coordinate system \(\Phi\) as follows.
Given any point \(p\in\mathbb{P}\),
define: \[\Phi(p):=\begin{pmatrix}\varphi_{O,X}(p_{X})\\
\varphi_{O,Y}(p_{Y})\\ \varphi_{O,Z}(p_{Z})\\
It is clear that \(\Phi\) matches
\(O,X,Y,Z,I\). Finally, one shows that
\(\Phi\) is a bijection and that it
satisfies the required isomorphism condition. Namely, for \(p,q,r\in\mathbb{P}\): \(B(p,q,r)\) iff \(B_{\mathbb{R}^{4}}(\Phi(p),\Phi(q),\Phi(r))\).∎
63(Representation Theorem for \(\mathsf{EG}(3)\)).Let \(M=(\mathbb{P},B,\equiv)\) be a \(\sigma_{\texttt{Bet},\equiv}\)-structure.
Assume that \(M\models_{2}\mathsf{EG}(3)\). Suppose \(O,X,Y,Z\) is a Euclidean 3-frame in \(M\). Then there exists a bijection \(\Phi:\mathbb{P}\to\mathbb{R}^{3}\) such
(a)\(\Phi\) matches \(O,X,Y,Z\).
(b) For all \(p,q,r\in\mathbb{P}\): \((p,q,r)\in B\leftrightarrow
(c) For all \(p,q,r,s\in\mathbb{P}\): \(pq\equiv
Roughly, this corresponds to theorem 1 of Tarski (1959), and a sketch of the proof is
given there. The difference is that Tarski considers the two-dimensional
first-order theory, whose axioms are what we’ve called \(\mathsf{EG}_{0}(2)\), with the first-order
continuity axiom scheme. The Representation Theorem in Tarski (1959)
asserts that, given a model \(M\models\mathsf{EG}_{0}(2)\) and a
Euclidean frame, there is a real-closed field \(F\) such that the conditions (a), (b), (c) hold, with \(\mathbb{R}\) replaced by that field and
“\(3\)” replaced by “\(2\).” When we strengthen to the
second-order Continuity axiom, it follows that this field is in fact
Appendix C: Automorphisms and
Coordinate Systems
64.The automorphism
(symmetry) groups of the structures defined in definitions 1 and 4
are characterized in table 5.
Table 5: The automorphism groups of standard Euclidean metric
space, where \(h:\mathbb{R}^{n}\to\mathbb{R}^{n}\).
Proof.I give a brief summary. For the first,
the proof relies on the requirement that straight lines get mapped to
straight lines and parallel lines get mapped to parallel lines. The
outcome is that any such mapping \(h\)
must be an affine transformation generated by a \(GL(n)\) matrix \(A\) and a translation \(\mathbf{d}\). So, the automorphism group is
what is usually called \(\text{Aff}(n)\), the affine group
in \(n\) dimensions. For the third, the
symmetry group is the isometry group of the metric space \(\mathbb{EG}_{\text{metric}}^{n}\)—thus,
what’s usually called the Euclidean group\(E(n)\): rotations, inversions, reflections,
and translations (reflections and inversions are \(O(n)\) matrices with determinant \(-1\)). For the second, which is less
familiar, the symmetries include rotations, inversions, reflections, and
translations again, but also include scalings too: \[\mathbf{x}\mapsto\lambda\mathbf{x}.\qquad{(56)}\]
The latter are sometimes called similitudes or
dilations (the non-zero factor \(\lambda\) represents this scaling).
Although the metric distance between two points is not invariant,
nonetheless metric equalities are invariant. Imagine a rubber
sheet pinned at some central point, say, \(O\), and imagine “stretching” it uniformly
and radially from \(O\) by some factor.
The distance between two points on the sheet is not invariant
under the stretching: \(\Delta(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{y})\mapsto|\lambda|\Delta(\mathbf{x},\mathbf{y})\),
but equality between distances of points (i.e., congruence) is
Transformations).Given two coordinate systems \(\Phi,\Psi:\mathbb{P}\to\mathbb{R}^{4}\), on
a full model \(M=(\mathbb{P},B)\) of
\(\mathsf{BG}(4)\), they are related as
follows: there is a \(GL(4)\) matrix
\(A\) and a translation \(\mathbf{d}\in\mathbb{R}^{4}\) such that,
for any point \(p\in\mathbb{P}\), we
have: \[\Psi(p)=A\Phi(p)+\mathbf{d}.\qquad{(57)}\]
This follows from two facts. First, if \(\Phi,\Psi:M\to(\mathbb{R}^{4},B_{\mathbb{R}^{4}})\)
are isomorphisms, then \(\Psi\circ\Phi^{-1}\in\text{Aut}((\mathbb{R}^{4},B_{\mathbb{R}^{4}}))\).
Second, we have \(\text{Aut}((\mathbb{R}^{4},B_{\mathbb{R}^{4}}))=\text{Aff}(4)\).
(This is the result given in theorem 64 for the automorphisms of the standard coordinate
structure \((\mathbb{R}^{4},B_{\mathbb{R}^{4}})\) for
66.Given a 4-frame
\(O,X,Y,Z,I\) and two coordinate
systems, \(\Phi,\Psi\), on a model
\(M\) of \(\mathsf{BG}(4)\), both of which match the
frame \(O,X,Y,Z,I\), we have: \[\Psi=\Phi.\qquad{(58)}\]
The proof applies the coordinate transformation equation (57) to the five points, \(O,X,Y,Z,I\), which gives five specific
instances. The first of these implies that \(\mathbf{d}=\mathbf{0}\). The remaining four
imply that the \(GL(4)\) matrix \(A\) is the identity matrix. Similar
reasoning applies in any dimension and also to the Euclidean case.
Appendix D: Reals and
Given a model \((\mathbb{P},B)\models_{2}\mathsf{BG}(4)\),
we know, by theorem 62, that it is
isomorphic to the standard coordinate structure \((\mathbb{R}^{4},B_{\mathbb{R}^{4}})\).
Using abstraction (or, equivalently, a quotient construction), we can
extend \((\mathbb{P},B)\) with a new
sort (or “universe” or carrier set) \(\Re\) (of ratios) and operations \(0,1,+,\times,\leq\) to a two-sorted
structure \((\mathbb{P},\Re;B;
0,1,+,\times,\leq)\) where the reduct \((\Re;0,1,+,\times,\leq)\) is isomorphic to
\(\mathbb{R}\) (as an ordered field).45 Call a triple \(p,q,r\) of points a configuration
just if \(p\neq q\) and \(p,q,r\) are collinear. This abstraction
proceeds by the equivalence relation on configurations \((p,q,r)\) of proportionateness. In
geometrical terms, there are three basic cases of proportionateness:46
Figure 6: Proportionate
A real, or ratio, is then an equivalence class \([(p,q,r)]\) with respect to
proportionateness, and \(\Re\) is the
set of these equivalence classes. One may define a zero \(0\) as \([(p,q,p)]\) and a unit \(1\) as \([(p,q,q)]\). One defines field operations
\(+\), \(\times\), \(\leq\) in terms of the corresponding
operations on a fixed line (see Bennett 1995). One readily checks that
the result is that \(\Re\), with these
operations, is a complete ordered field (and can then be identified with
\(\mathbb{R}\)). Although we described
this model theoretically, this construction can be “internalized” within
\(\mathsf{BG}(4)\) by adding suitable
abstraction axioms (a “definition by abstraction”) for a new sort, with
variables \(\xi_{i}\) and a 3-place
function symbol \(\xi(p,q,r)\), and
then explicitly defining \(0\), \(1\), \(+\), \(\times\), and \(\leq\) on these new objects, and then
proving that the resulting abstracta, i.e., the \(\xi(p,q,r)\) for any configuration \(p,q,r\), satisfy the second-order axioms
for a complete ordered field.47
We may further extend, with a new universe \(\mathbb{V}\) (of displacements, or vectors)
and operations \(\mathbf{0},+,\cdot\),
to a three-sorted structure \((\mathbb{P},\Re,\mathbb{V};B,0,1,+,\times,\leq;\mathbf{0},+,\cdot)\),
where the reduct \((\mathbb{V},\Re;0,1,+,\times;\mathbf{0},+,\cdot)\)
is isomorphic to \(\mathbb{R}^{4}\) (as
a vector space).48 This abstraction proceeds by the
equivalence relation on ordered pairs \((p,q)\) of equipollence: \((p,q)\) is equipollent to \((r,s)\) just if \(p,q,s,r\) is a parallelogram:
Figure 7: Equipollence.
A displacement, or vector, is then an equivalence class \([(p,q)]\) with respect to equipollence, and
\(\mathbb{V}\) is the set of these
equivalence classes. An equivalence class \([(p,q)]\) is written \(\mathbf{v}_{p,q}\). One may define the zero
vector \(\mathbf{0}\) as \(\mathbf{v}_{p,p}\). One defines vector
addition \(+\) so that \(\mathbf{v}_{p,q}+\mathbf{v}_{q,r}=\mathbf{v}_{p,r}\)
holds (usually called Chasles’s Relation). One may define the
scalar multiplication \(\cdot\) so
that, when \(p\neq q\), \(\alpha\cdot\mathbf{v}_{p,q}=\mathbf{v}_{p,r}\)
just if \(\alpha=[(p,q,r)]\); and,
otherwise, \(\alpha\cdot\mathbf{0}=\mathbf{0}\). One
checks that the vector space axioms are true and that \(\mathbb{V}\) is 4-dimensional.
Finally, by an explicit definition of an action \(+:\mathbb{P}\times\mathbb{V}\to\mathbb{P}\),
we can further extend to \((\mathbb{P},\Re,\mathbb{V};B;0,1,+,\times,\leq;\mathbf{0},+,\cdot;+)\)
such that \((\mathbb{P},\mathbb{V},+)\)
is isomorphic to the affine space \(\mathbb{A}^{4}\).49
The definition of the action \((p,\mathbf{v})\mapsto p+\mathbf{v}\) is:
\(q=p+\mathbf{v}\) iff \(\mathbf{v}=\mathbf{v}_{p,q}\). One may then
show that \(+\) is a free and
transitive action of \(\mathbb{V}\) on
\(\mathbb{P}\). The affine space
obtained in this way (basically, from the vector space\(\mathbb{R}^{4}\), by “forgetting the
origin”) is called \(\mathbb{A}^{4}\).
The discussion and constructions above may be summarized in the
following three theorems (I follow the usual practice of conflating the
name of a structure with the name of its carrier set):
67.\(\Re\) is isomorphic to the complete ordered
field \(\mathbb{R}\).
68.\(\mathbb{V}\) is isomorphic to the vector
space \(\mathbb{R}^{4}\).
69.\(( \mathbb{P} , \mathbb{V} ,+)\) is
isomorphic to the affine space \(\mathbb{A}^{4}\).
Jeffrey Ketland
Institute of Philosophy, University of Warsaw
I am grateful to two anonymous referees for their helpful comments. I
am grateful to Professor Victor Pambuccian and Professor Robert
Goldblatt for helping me clear up some confused thoughts of mine. I am
grateful to Professor David Malament for detailed comments on an earlier
draft of this article and for the suggestion of using vectors to
simplify things. I am grateful to Joshua Babic and Lorenzo Cocco for
some valuable advice. This work was supported by a research grant from
the Polish National Science Center (Narodowe Centrum Nauki w Krakowie
(NCN), Kraków, Poland), grant number 2020/39/B/HS1/02020.
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Further References
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Cantor, Georg, ed. 1915. Contributions to the Founding of the Theory of Transfinite Numbers. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co. Translated with an introduction and notes by Philip Edward Bertrand Jourdain.
Cantor, Georg. 1932. Gesammelte Abhandlungen mathematischen und philosophischen Inhalts. Berlin: Julius Springer. Reprinted Hildesheim: Olms, 1966.
Dedekind, Richard. 1893. Was sind und was sollen die Zahlen? 2nd ed. Braunschweig: Vieweg.
Dedekind, Richard. 1901. Essays on the Theory of Numbers. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co. Translation by Wooster W. Beman; reissue: Dedekind (1963).
Dedekind, Richard. 1963. Essays on the Theory of Numbers. Mineola, New York: Dover Publications. Reissue of Dedekind (1901).
Ewald, William Bragg, ed. 1996. From Kant to Hilbert: A Source Book in the Foundations of Mathematics. Volume II. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198505365.001.0001.
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Gödel, Kurt. 1986. Collected Works. Volume I: Publications 1929–1936. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by Solomon Feferman, John W. Dawson, Jr., Stephen C. Kleene, Gregory H. Moore, Robert M. Solovay and Jean van Heijenoort, doi:10.1093/oso/9780195147209.001.0001.
vanHeijenoort, Jan, ed. 1967. From Frege to Gödel: A Source Book in Mathematical Logic 1879-1931. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
Hilbert, David. 1971. Foundations of Geometry. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co. Translation by Leo Unger of the 10th German Edition of Hilbert (1899).
Hintikka, Jaakko. 1969. The Philosophy of Mathematics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Lorentz, Hendrik A., Einstein, Albert, Minkowski, Hermann and Weyl, Hermann. 1923. The Principle of Relativity. A Collection of Original Papers on the Special and General Theory of Relativity. London: Methuen & Co. With notes by Arnold Sommerfeld, translated by W. Perrett and G.B. Jeffery; reprinted as Lorentz et al. (1952).
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Menger, Karl, ed. 1998. Ergebnisse eines mathematischen Kolloquiums. Wien: Springer. Herausgegeben von E. Dierker, K. Sigmund, mit Beiträgen von J.W. Dawson Jr., R. Engelking und W. Hildenbrand, Geleitwort von G. Debreu, Nachwort von F. Alt, doi:10.1007/978-3-7091-6470-9.
Presburger, Mojzesz. 1991. “On the Completeness of a Certain System of Arithmetic of Whole Numbers in which Addition Occurs as the Only Operation.”History and Philosophy of Logic 12(2): 225–233. Translation and comment of Presburger (1930) by Dale Jacquette, doi:10.1080/014453409108837187.
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