Sam Baron (baron-s)
Mentioned on the following portal pages
Philosophers' Imprint, States of Affairs. Medieval and Austro-German Perspectives, Quo Vadis Tempus?, Time and ContradictionCited in the following articles
Our Naïve Representation of Time and of the Open FutureContributions to
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Asay, Jamin and Baron, Sam. 2014. “The Hard Road to Presentism.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 95: 314–335.
Baron, Sam. 2011. “Hard Truths.” Australasian Journal of Philosophy 89(1): 187–188.
Baron, Sam. 2012. “Presentism and Causation Revisited.” Philosophical Papers 41(1): 1–21.
Baron, Sam. 2013a. “A Truthmaker Indispensability Argument.” Synthese 190(12): 2413–2427.
Baron, Sam. 2013b. “Talking about the Past.” Erkenntnis 78(3): 547–560.
Baron, Sam. 2013c. “Presentism, Truth and Supervenience.” Ratio 26(1): 3–18.
Baron, Sam. 2013d. “Tensed Supervenience: A No-Go for Presentism.” The Southern Journal of Philosophy 51(3): 383–401.
Baron, Sam. 2014a. “Optimisation and Mathematical Explanation: Doing the Lévy Walk.” Synthese 191(3): 459–479.
Baron, Sam. 2014b. “Can Indispensability-Driven Platonists Be (Serious) Presentists?” Theoria 80(2): 153–173.
Baron, Sam. 2015a. “The Priority of the Now.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 96(3): 325–348.
Baron, Sam. 2015b. “Et Tu, Brute?” in The Palgrave Handbook of Philosophical Methods, edited by Christopher John Daly, pp. 258–281. London: Palgrave Macmillan, doi:10.1057/9781137344557.
Baron, Sam. 2015c. “A Bump on the Road to Presentism.” American Philosophical Quarterly 52(4): 345–356.
Baron, Sam. 2015d. “Tensed Truthmaker Theory.” Erkenntnis 80(5): 923–944.
Baron, Sam. 2016a. “The Explanatory Dispensability of Idealizations.” Synthese 193(2): 365–386.
Baron, Sam. 2016b. “Metaphysics as Fairness.” Synthese 193(7): 2237–2259.
Baron, Sam. 2016c. “Explaining Mathematical Explanation.” The Philosophical Quarterly 66(264): 458–480.
Baron, Sam. 2016d. “Mathematical Explanation and Epistemology: Please Mind the Gap.” Ratio 29(2): 149–167.
Baron, Sam. 2017a. “Feel the Flow.” Synthese 194(2): 609–630.
Baron, Sam. 2017b. “Back to the Unchanging Past.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 98: 129–147.
Baron, Sam. 2018a. “Time, Physics, and Philosophy: It’s All Relative.” Philosophy Compass 13(1), doi:10.1111/phc3.12466.
Baron, Sam. 2018b. “Review of Jago (2016).” Analysis 78(4): 777–780.
Baron, Sam. 2018c. “A Formal Apology for Metaphysics.” Ergo 5(39): 1030–1060.
Baron, Sam. 2020. “Purely Physical Explananda: Bistability in Perception.” in Abstract Objects: For and Against, edited by José L. Falguera and Concha Martı́nez-Vidal, pp. 17–34. Synthese Library n. 422. Cham: Springer, doi:10.1007/978-3-030-38242-1.
Baron, Sam, Colyvan, Mark and Ripley, David. 2017. “How Mathematics Can Make a Difference.” Philosophers' imprint 17(3).
Baron, Sam, Copley-Coltheart, Richard, Majeed, Raamy and Miller, Kristie. 2013. “What is a Negative Property?” Philosophy 88(1): 33–54.
Baron, Sam, Cusbert, John, Farr, Matt, Kon, Maria and Miller, Kristie. 2015. “Temporal Experience, Temporal Passage and the Cognitive Sciences.” Philosophy Compass 10(8): 560–571, doi:10.1111/phc3.12244.
Baron, Sam, Dougherty, Tom and Miller, Kristie. 2015. “Why is there Female Under-Representation among Philosophy Majors?” Ergo 2(14): 329–365.
Baron, Sam, Evans, Peter W. and Miller, Kristie. 2010. “From Timeless Physical Theory to Timelessness.” Humana.Mente 4(13): 365–360.
Baron, Sam and Le Bihan, Baptiste. 2023. “Trouble on the Horizon for Presentism.” Philosophers' imprint 23(2), doi:10.3998/phimp.823.
Baron, Sam and Miller, Kristie. 2013. “Characterizing Eternalism.” in New Papers on the Present. Focus on Presentism, edited by Roberto Ciuni, Kristie Miller, and Giuliano Torrengo, pp. 31–66. Basic Philosophical Concepts. München: Philosophia Verlag, doi:10.2307/j.ctv2nrzh22.
Baron, Sam and Miller, Kristie. 2015a. “Causation Sans Time.” American Philosophical Quarterly 52(1): 27–40.
Baron, Sam and Miller, Kristie. 2015b. “What is a Temporal Error Theory?” Philosophical Studies 172(9): 2427–2444.
Baron, Sam and Miller, Kristie. 2018. An Introduction to the Philosophy of Time. Cambridge: Polity Press.
Baron, Sam, Miller, Kristie and Tallant, Jonathan. 2022. Out of Time: A Philosophical Study of Timelessness. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780192864888.001.0001.
Further References
Jago, Mark, ed. 2016. Reality Making. Mind Association Occasional Series. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198709008.001.0001.