Lewis White Beck (beck-lw)
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Beck, Lewis White. 1939. “The Synoptic Method.” The Journal of Philosophy 36(13): 337–345.
Beck, Lewis White. 1941. “The Formal Properties of Ethical Wholes.” The Journal of Philosophy 38(1): 5–15.
Beck, Lewis White. 1942. “Philosophy in War Time.” The Journal of Philosophy 39(3): 71–75.
Beck, Lewis White. 1943. “The Principle of Parsimony in Empirical Science.” The Journal of Philosophy 40(23): 617–633.
Beck, Lewis White. 1946. “Secondary Quality.” The Journal of Philosophy 43(22): 599–610.
Beck, Lewis White. 1947. “The Distinctive Traits of an Empirical Method.” The Journal of Philosophy 44(13): 337–344.
Beck, Lewis White. 1948. “Self-Justification in Epistemology.” The Journal of Philosophy 45(10): 253–260.
Beck, Lewis White. 1954. “Die Kantkritik von G.I. Lewis und der analytischen Schule.” Kant-Studien 45(1–4): 3–20.
Beck, Lewis White. 1956a. “Kant’s Theory of Definition.” The Philosophical Review ?? 179–191. Reprinted in Gram (1984, 291–303).
Beck, Lewis White. 1956b. “Can Kant’s Synthetic Judgments be Made Analytic?” Kant-Studien 47(2): 168–181. Reprinted in Gram (1984, 304–322).
Beck, Lewis White. 1958. “Apodictic Imperatives.” Kant-Studien 49(1): 7–24.
Beck, Lewis White. 1960a. A Commentary on Kant’s “Critique of Practical Reason” . Chicago, Illinois: University of Chicago Press.
Beck, Lewis White. 1960b. Six Secular Philosophers. New York: Harper & Brothers.
Beck, Lewis White. 1961. “Das Faktum der Vernunft: Zur Rechtfertigungsproblematik in der Ethik.” Kant-Studien 52(3): 271–282. I. Internationaler Kant-Kongress: Vorträge, gehalten auf der Hauptversammlung der Kant-Gesellschaft 1960, 25. und 26. Juli in Bonn, 27. Juli in Kues.
Beck, Lewis White. 1964. “Comments [on Rescher (1964)].” in Metaphysics and Explanation. Proceedings of the 1964 Oberlin Colloquium in Philosophy, edited by William H. Capitan and Daniel D. Merrill, pp. 73–75. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania: University of Pittsburgh Press.
Beck, Lewis White. 1966. “The Second Analogy and the Principle of Indeterminacy.” Kant-Studien 57(1–4): 199–205. Reprinted in Penelhum and MacIntosh (1969, 89–96) and in Beck (1978a, 156–165).
Beck, Lewis White. 1967a. “Once More unto the Breach: Kant’s Answer to Hume, Again.” Ratio 9: 33–37. Reprinted in Beck (1978a, 130–135).
Beck, Lewis White. 1967b. “Kant’s Strategy.” Journal of the History of Ideas 28: 224–236. Reprinted in Penelhum and MacIntosh (1969, 4–17) and in Beck (1978a, 3–19).
Beck, Lewis White. 1968. “The Kantianism of Lewis.” in The Philosophy of C.I. Lewis, edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp, pp. 271–286. The Library of Living Philosophers n. 13. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
Beck, Lewis White, ed. 1969a. Kant Studies Today. LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court Publishing Co.
Beck, Lewis White. 1969b. Early German Philosophy. Kant and His Predecessors. Cambridge, Massachusetts: Harvard University Press.
Beck, Lewis White. 1969c. “Lambert und Hume in Kants Entwicklung von 1769–1772.” Kant-Studien 60(2): 123–130. Reprinted in Beck (1978a, 101–110).
Beck, Lewis White. 1971a. “Kant and the Right of Revolution.” Journal of the History of Ideas 32: 411–422. Reprinted in Beck (1978a, 171–187).
Beck, Lewis White. 1971b. “Mrs. Foot on the Sufficiency of Hypothetical Imperatives [on Foot (1971)].” Philosophic Exchange 2: 147–151.
Beck, Lewis White, ed. 1972a. Proceedings of the Third International Kant Congress, Held at the University of Rochester, March 30 – April 4, 1970. Synthese Historical Library n. 4. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
Beck, Lewis White. 1972b. “Lovejoy as a Critic of Kant.” Journal of the History of Ideas 33: 471–484. Reprinted in Beck (1978a, 61–79).
Beck, Lewis White. 1972c. “ ‘Was – Must Be’ and ‘Is – Ought’ in Hume.” Philosophical Studies 26: 219–228. Reprinted in Beck (1978a, 205–216).
Beck, Lewis White. 1974a. Kants “Kritik der praktischen Vernunft.” Ein Kommentar. München: Wilhelm Fink Verlag. Dt. Übersetzung von Beck (1960a) durch Karl-Heinz Ilting.
Beck, Lewis White. 1974b. “Hatte denn der Philosoph von Königsberg keine Träume?” in Akten des 4. Internationalen Kant-Kongresses, volume III, edited by Gerhard Funke, pp. 26–43. Berlin: de Gruyter. Reprinted in Beck (1978a, 38–60).
Beck, Lewis White. 1975. “Über die vermeintliche Apriorität der Geschmacksurteile.” in Kant’s Transcendental Deductions: The Three Critiques and the Opus Postumum, edited by Eckart Förster, pp. 21–27. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press. Translated as “On the Putative Apriority of Judgments of Taste” in Beck (1978a, 167–170).
Beck, Lewis White. 1976a. “Is there a Non Sequitur in Kant’s Proof of the Causal Principle?” Kant-Studien 67(3–4): 385–389. Reprinted as “A Non Sequitur of Numbing Grossness?” in Beck (1978a, 147–153).
Beck, Lewis White. 1976b. “Toward a Meta-Critique of Pure Reason.” in Proceedings of the Ottawa Congress on Kant in the Anglo-American and Continental Traditions, edited by Pierre Laberge, François Duchesneau, and Bryan E. Morrisey, pp. 182–196. Ottawa: University of Ottawa Press. Reprinted in Beck (1978a, 20–37).
Beck, Lewis White. 1978a. Essays on Kant and Hume. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press.
Beck, Lewis White. 1978b. “A Prussian Hume and a Scottish Kant.” in Essays on Kant and Hume, pp. 111–129. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press.
Beck, Lewis White. 1978c. “On ‘Just Seeing’ the Ship Move.” in Essays on Kant and Hume, pp. 136–140. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press.
Beck, Lewis White. 1978d. “A Reading of the Third Paragraph in B.” in Essays on Kant and Hume, pp. 141–146. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press.
Beck, Lewis White. 1978e. “A Parable.” in Essays on Kant and Hume, pp. 154–155. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press.
Beck, Lewis White. 1978f. “Kant on Education.” in Essays on Kant and Hume, pp. 188–204. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press.
Beck, Lewis White. 1981a. “Über die Regelmässigkeit der Natur bei Kant.” Dialectica 35(1–2): 43–56.
Beck, Lewis White. 1981b. “Was haben wir von Kant gelernt?” Kant-Studien 72(1): 1–10.
Beck, Lewis White. 1982. “Analytic and Synthetic Judgments before Kant.” in Reflections on Kant’s Philosophy. Gainesville, Florida: University of Florida Press. Reprinted in Beck (1978a, 80–100).
Beck, Lewis White. 1984. “What have we learned from Kant?” in Self and Nature in Kant’s Philosophy, edited by Allen W. Wood, pp. 17–30. Ithaca, New York: Cornell University Press.
Beck, Lewis White. 1987. “Five Concepts of Freedom in Kant.” in Stephan Körner – Philosophical Analysis and Reconstruction, edited by Jan T. L. Srzednicki, pp. 35–51. Nijhoff International Philosophy Series n. 28. Den Haag: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
Beck, Lewis White. 1989. “Two Ways of Reading Kant’s Letter to Herz: Comments on Carl (1989).” in Kant’s Transcendental Deductions: The Three Critiques and the Opus Postumum, edited by Eckart Förster, pp. 21–27. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
Beck, Lewis White. 1998a. Five Decades as a Philosopher. Rochester, New York: University of Rochester Press. Edited by Predag Cicovacki.
Beck, Lewis White. 1998b. “Did the Sage of Königsberg Have No Dreams?” in Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. Critical Essays, edited by Patricia Kitcher, pp. 103–116. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield.
Beck, Lewis White. 2002. Selected Essays on Kant. Rochester, New York: University of Rochester Press. Edited by H. Robinson.
Further References
Carl, Wolfgang. 1989. “Kant’s First Draft of the Deduction of the Categories.” in Kant’s Transcendental Deductions: The Three Critiques and the Opus Postumum, edited by Eckart Förster, pp. 3–20. Stanford, California: Stanford University Press.
Foot, Phillipa R. 1971. “In Defense of the Hypothetical Imperative.” Philosophic Exchange 2: 137–145.
Gram, Moltke S., ed. 1967. Kant: Disputed Questions. 1st ed. Chicago, Illinois: Quadruple Books. Second edition: Gram (1984).
Gram, Moltke S., ed. 1984. Kant: Disputed Questions. 2nd ed. Chicago, Illinois: Quadruple Books. First edition: Gram (1967).
Penelhum, Terence and MacIntosh, John J. [Jack], eds. 1969. The First Critique: Reflections on Kant’s Critique of Pure Reason. Wadworth Studies in Philosophical Criticism. Belmont, California: Wadsworth Publishing Co.
Rescher, Nicholas. 1964. “Predicate Logic Without Predicates.” Logique et Analyse 7(27): 101–103.