Berit Brogaard (brogaard)
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Brogaard, Berit. 2000.
“Presentist Four-Dimensionalism.” The
Monist 83(3): 341–356.
Brogaard, Berit. 2001.
“Elusive Reference.” in Proceedings of the 23rd International Wittgenstein
Symposium: Rationality and Irrationality, edited by Berit
Brogaard and Barry Smith, pp. 36–45. Schriftenreihe der Österreichischen Ludwig
Wittgenstein Gesellschaft n. 29. Wien:
Brogaard, Berit. 2004a. “Epistemological Contextualism and the Problem of Moral
Luck.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 84(4):
Brogaard, Berit. 2004b. “Contextualism, Skepticism, and the Gettier
Problem.” Synthese 139(3): 367–386.
Brogaard, Berit. 2004c. “Species as Individuals.” Biology and
Philosophy 19(2): 223–242.
Brogaard, Berit. 2006a. “The ‘Gray’s Elegy’ Argument, and the
Prospects for the Theory of Denoting Concepts.”
Synthese 152(1): 47–79.
Brogaard, Berit. 2006b. “Can Virtue Reliabilism Explain the Value of
Knowledge?” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 36(3):
Brogaard, Berit. 2006c. “Two Modal-Isms: Fictionalism and
Ersatzism.” in Philosophical Perspectives 20:
Metaphysics, edited by John Hawthorne, pp. 77–94. Oxford: Blackwell
Brogaard, Berit. 2006d.
“Tensed Relations.” Analysis 66(3):
Brogaard, Berit. 2007a. “Number Words and Ontological Commitment.”
The Philosophical Quarterly 57(226): 1–20, doi:10.1111/j.1467-9213.2007.465.x.
Brogaard, Berit. 2007b. “Span
Operators.” Analysis 67(1): 72–79.
Brogaard, Berit. 2007c. “Descriptions: Predicates or Quantifiers?”
Australasian Journal of Philosophy 85(1): 117–136.
Brogaard, Berit. 2007d. “Sharvy’s Theory of Definite Descriptions
Revisited.” Pacific Philosophical Quarterly 88:
Brogaard, Berit. 2007e. “That May Be Jupiter: A Heuristic for Thinking
Two-Dimensionally.” American Philosophical
Quarterly 44(4): 315–328.
Brogaard, Berit. 2007f. “A Puzzle about Properties.” Philosophy
and Phenomenological Research 74(3): 635–650.
Brogaard, Berit. 2008a. “Inscrutability and Ontological Commitment.”
Philosophical Studies 141(1): 21–42.
Brogaard, Berit. 2008b. “Attitude Reports: Do You Mind the Gap?”
Philosophy Compass 3(1): 93–118.
Brogaard, Berit. 2008c. “Sea
Battle Semantics.” The Philosophical Quarterly
58(231): 326–335.
Brogaard, Berit. 2008d. “Moral Contextualism and Moral Relativism.”
The Philosophical Quarterly 58(232): 385–409.
Brogaard, Berit. 2008e. “In Defence of a Perspectival Semantics for
‘Know’ .” Australasian Journal of
Philosophy 86(3): 439–459.
Brogaard, Berit. 2008f. “Knowledge-The and Propositional Attitude
Ascriptions.” Grazer Philosophische Studien 77:
147–190. “Knowledge and Questions,” ed. by Franck
Brogaard, Berit. 2009a. “On Keeping Blue Swans and Unknowable Facts at Bay: A Case
Study on Fitch’s Paradox.” in, pp. 241–251.
Brogaard, Berit. 2009b.
“Introduction.” Synthese 166(2):
Brogaard, Berit. 2009c. “Perceptual Content and Monadic Truth: On Cappelen and
Hawthorne (2009).” Philosophical Books
50(4): 213–226.
Brogaard, Berit. 2009d. “The Trivial Argument for Epistemic Value Pluralism, or
How I Learned to Stop Caring about Truth.” in
Epistemic Value, edited by Adrian Haddock, Alan Millar, and Duncan Pritchard, pp. 284–307. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199231188.001.0001.
Brogaard, Berit. 2009e. “What Mary Did Yesterday: Reflections on
Knowledge-wh.” Philosophy and Phenomenological
Research 78(2): 439–467.
Brogaard, Berit. 2010a. “Perspectival Truth and Color Primitivism.”
in New Waves in Truth, edited by
Nikolaj Jang Lee Linding Pedersen and
Cory D. Wright, pp. 249–266. New Waves in Philosophy. Basingstoke, Hampshire:
Palgrave Macmillan.
Brogaard, Berit. 2010b. “Strong Representationalism and Centered
Content.” Philosophical Studies 151(3): 373–392.
Brogaard, Berit. 2011a.
“Primitive Knowledge Disjunctivism.” in
Philosophical Issues 21: The Epistemology of
Perception, edited by Ernest Sosa and Enrique Villanueva, pp. 45–73. Malden, Massachusetts:
Brogaard, Berit. 2011b. “Centered Worlds and the Content of
Perception.” in A Companion to
Relativism, edited by Steven D. Hales, pp. 137–158. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Chichester:
Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1002/9781444392494.
Brogaard, Berit. 2011c. “Are there Unconscious Perceptual
Processes?” Consciousness and Cognition 20:
Brogaard, Berit. 2011d.
“Knowledge-How: A Unified Account.” in
Knowing How. Essays on Knowledge, Mind, and
Action, edited by John Bengson and Marc A. Moffett, pp. 136–160. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780195389364.001.0001.
Brogaard, Berit. 2012a. Transient Truths. An Essay in the Metaphysics of
Propositions. New York: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199796908.001.0001.
Brogaard, Berit. 2012b. “Are Conscious States Conscious in Virtue of Representing
Themselves?” Philosophical Studies 159(3):
Brogaard, Berit. 2012c. “What do we Say When we Say How or What we
Feel?” Philosophers’ Imprint 12(11).
Brogaard, Berit. 2012d. “Non-Visual Consciousness and Visual Images in
Blindsight.” Consciousness and Cognition 21:
Brogaard, Berit. 2012e. “Vision for Action and the Contents of
Perception.” The Journal of Philosophy 109(10):
Brogaard, Berit. 2013a. “Do we Perceive Natural Kind Properties?”
Philosophical Studies 162(1): 35–42.
Brogaard, Berit. 2013b. “Presentism, Primitivism and Cross-Temporal Relations:
Lessons from Holistic Ersatzism and Dynamic Semantics.” in
New Papers on the Present. Focus on
Presentism, edited by Roberto Ciuni, Kristie Miller, and Giuliano Torrengo, pp. 253–279. Basic
Philosophical Concepts. München: Philosophia Verlag,
Brogaard, Berit. 2013c. “Précis [of Brogaard
(2012a)].” Disputatio 5(37): 311–314.
Brogaard, Berit. 2013d. “Replies to Torrengo (2013), Zeman (2013) and Tsompanidis
(2013).” Disputatio 5(37): 339–352.
Brogaard, Berit. 2013e. “It’s Not What it Seems. A Semantic Account of
‘Seems’ and Seemings.” Inquiry
56(2–3): 210–239.
Brogaard, Berit. 2013f. “An Empirically-Informed Cognitive Theory of
Propositions.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy
43(5–6): 534–557.
Brogaard, Berit. 2013g. “Phenomenal Seemings and Sensible
Dogmatism.” in Seemings and
Justification. New Essays on Dogmatism and Phenomenal
Conservatism, edited by Christopher Tucker, pp. 270–291. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199899494.001.0001.
Brogaard, Berit, ed. 2014a.
Does Perception Have Content? New York: Oxford
University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199756018.001.0001.
Brogaard, Berit. 2014b.
“Introduction: Does Perception Have Content?”
in Does Perception Have Content?, edited by Berit
Brogaard, pp. 1–38. New York: Oxford
University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199756018.001.0001.
Brogaard, Berit. 2014c. “A Partial Defense of Extended Knowledge.”
in Philosophical Issues 24: Extended Knowledge,
edited by Jesper Kallestrup and Duncan
Pritchard, pp. 39–62. Malden,
Massachusetts: Wiley-Blackwell.
Brogaard, Berit. 2014d. “Intellectual Flourishing as the Fundamental Epistemic
Norm.” in Epistemic Norms. New
Essays on Action, Belief, and Assertion, edited by Clayton
Littlejohn and John Turri, pp. 11–32. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199660025.001.0001.
Brogaard, Berit. 2014e. “Intuitions as Intellectual Seemings.”
Analytic Philosophy 55(4): 382–393.
Brogaard, Berit. 2014f. “Varieties of Synesthetic Experience [reply to Deroy
(2014)].” in Consciousness
Inside and Out: Phenomenology, Neuroscience, and the Nature of
Experience, edited by Richard O. Brown, pp. 409–413. Studies in Brain and Mind n. 6. Berlin: Springer,
Brogaard, Berit. 2014g. “Seeing as a Non-Experiential Mental State: The Case from
Synesthesia and Visual Imagery.” in Consciousness Inside and Out: Phenomenology,
Neuroscience, and the Nature of Experience, edited by
Richard O. Brown, pp. 377–394. Studies in Brain and Mind n. 6. Berlin: Springer,
Brogaard, Berit. 2014h. “Towards a Eudaimonistic Virtue
Epistemology.” in Virtue
Epistemology Naturalized. Bridges Between Virtue Epistemology and
Philosophy of Science, edited by Abrol Fairweather, pp. 83–102. Synthese
Library n. 366. Dordrecht: Springer.
Brogaard, Berit. 2014i. “Wide-Scope Requirements and the Ethics of
Belief.” in The Ethics of
Belief, edited by Jonathan D. Matheson and Rico Vitz, pp. 130–145. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199686520.001.0001.
Brogaard, Berit. 2015a. On Romantic Love: Simple Truths about a Complex
Emotion. New York: Oxford University Press.
Brogaard, Berit. 2015b.
“Perceptual Reports.” in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of
Perception, edited by Mohan Matthen, pp. 237–255. Oxford
Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199600472.001.0001.
Brogaard, Berit. 2015c. “Type 2 Blindsight and the Nature of Visual
Experience.” Consciousness and Cognition 32:
Brogaard, Berit. 2015d. “Reply to Critics: Dever (2015) and Hawthorne (2015).”
Inquiry 58(6): 625–632.
Brogaard, Berit. 2016a. “Parental Love and the Meaning of Life.” in
The Theory and Practice of
Ontology, edited by Leo Zaibert, pp. 223–240. London: Palgrave
Brogaard, Berit. 2016b. “Perceptual Appearances of Personality.”
Philosophical Topics 44(2): 83–103.
Brogaard, Berit. 2016c. “Staying Indoors: How Phenomenal Dogmatism Solves the
Skeptical Problem without Going Externalist.” in Intellectual Assurance. Essays on Traditional Epistemic
Internalism, edited by Brett Coppenger and Michael Bergmann, pp. 85–104. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198719632.001.0001.
Brogaard, Berit. 2016d. “Perception and Its Objects.”
Analysis 76(3): 374–380.
Brogaard, Berit. 2016e. “Against Naturalism about Truth.” in
The Blackwell Companion to
Naturalism, edited by Kelly James Clark, pp. 262–276. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Chichester:
Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1002/9781118657775.
Brogaard, Berit. 2016f. “Ignorance and Incompetence: Linguistic
Considerations.” in The Epistemic
Dimensions of Ignorance, edited by Rik Peels and Martijn Blaauw, pp. 57–80. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press, doi:10.1017/9780511820076.
Brogaard, Berit. 2017a. “Moral Contextualism and Epistemic Contextualism:
Similarities and Differences.” in The Routledge Handbook of Epistemic
Contextualism, edited by Jonathan Jenkins Ichikawa, pp. 361–374. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. London:
Brogaard, Berit. 2017b. “In Search of Mentons: Panpsychism, Physicalism and the
Missing Link.” in Panpsychism. Contemporary
Perspectives, edited by Godehard Brüntrup and Ludwig Jaskolla, pp. 130–152. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199359943.001.0001.
Brogaard, Berit. 2017c. “Time and Tense.” in A Companion to the Philosophy of Language,
edited by Bob Hale, Crispin Wright, and Alexander Miller, 2nd ed., pp. 765–786. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Chichester:
Wiley-Blackwell. First edition: Hale and Wright (1997),
Brogaard, Berit. 2017d.
“Foundationalism.” in The Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of
Memory, edited by Sven Bernecker and Kourken Michaelian, pp. 296–309. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. London:
Brogaard, Berit. 2017e. “Synesthetic Binding and the Reactivation Model of
Memory.” in Sensory Blending. On
Synaesthesia and Related Phenomena, edited by Ophelia Deroy, pp. 126–150. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780199688289.001.0001.
Brogaard, Berit. 2017f. “Virtue Epistemology in the Zombie Apocalypse: Hungry
Judges, Heavy Clipboards, and Group Polarization.” in
Epistemic Situationism, edited by Abrol Fairweather and Mark Alfano, pp. 62–76. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780199688234.001.0001.
Brogaard, Berit. 2017g. “A Semantic Framework for Aesthetic
Expressions.” in Semantics of
Aesthetic Judgements, edited by James O. Young, pp. 121–139. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198714590.001.0001.
Brogaard, Berit. 2017h.
“Seeing Things.” in Philosophical Perspectives 31: Philosophy of
Mind, edited by John Hawthorne and Jason Turner, pp. 55–72. Hoboken, New Jersey: John
Wiley; Sons, Inc., doi:10.1111/phpe.12101.
Brogaard, Berit. 2018a. Seeing and Saying. The Language of Perception and the
Representational View of Experience. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780190495251.001.0001.
Brogaard, Berit. 2018b. “Knowledge-How and Perceptual Learning.” in
The Philosophy of Knowledge: A History, Volume
4: Knowledge in Contemporary Philosophy, edited by Stephen
Cade Hetherington and Markos Valaris, pp. 139–154. London: Bloomsbury
Academic, doi:10.5040/9781474258814.
Brogaard, Berit. 2019a. “Bias-Driven Attention, Cognitive Penetration and
Epistemic Downgrading.” in The
Philosophy of Perception. Proceedings of the 40th International
Wittgenstein Symposium, edited by Christoph Limbeck-Lilienau and Friedrich Stadler, pp. 199–216. Publications of the Austrian Ludwig Wittgenstein Society
(new series) n. 26. Berlin: de Gruyter, doi:10.1515/9783110657920.
Brogaard, Berit. 2019b. “Dual-Process Theory and Intellectual Virtue: A Role for
Self-Confidence.” in The
Routledge Handbook of Virtue Epistemology, edited by Heather
Battaly, pp. 446–461. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. London:
Routledge, doi:10.4324/9781315712550.
Brogaard, Berit. 2019c. “Love in Contemporary Psychology and
Neuroscience.” in The Routledge
Handbook of Love in Philosophy, edited by Adrienne M. Martin, pp. 465–478. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. London:
Routledge, doi:10.4324/9781315645209.
Brogaard, Berit. 2019d.
“Supernatural.” in A
Companion to Atheism and Philosophy, edited by Graham Oppy, pp. 250–261. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Hoboken, New
Jersey: Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1002/9781119119302.
Brogaard, Berit. 2020. Hatred:
Understanding Our Most Dangerous Emotion. New York: Oxford
University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780190084448.001.0001.
Brogaard, Berit. 2021. “Colour Synaesthesia and Its Philosophical
Implications.” in The Routledge
Handbook of Philosophy of Colour, edited by Derek Henry
Brown and Fiona Macpherson, pp. 210–225. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. London:
Routledge, doi:10.4324/9781351048521.
Brogaard, Berit and Chomanski, Bartek. 2015. “Cognitive Penetrability and High-Level Properties in
Perception: Unrelated Phenomena?” Pacific
Philosophical Quarterly 96(4): 469–486, doi:10.1111/papq.12111.
Brogaard, Berit and Chudnoff, Elijah. 2016. “Against
Emotional Dogmatism.” in Philosophical Issues 26: Knowledge and Mind,
edited by Christoph Kelp and Jack C.
Lyons, pp. 59–77. Malden, Massachusetts:
Brogaard, Berit and Chudnoff, Elijah. 2018. “Multisensory Consciousness and
Synesthesia.” in The Routledge
Handbook of Consciousness, edited by Rocco J. Gennaro, pp. 322–336. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. London:
Brogaard, Berit and Chudnoff, Elijah. 2020. “Consciousness and Knowledge.” in The Oxford Handbook of the Philosophy of
Consciousness, edited by Uriah Kriegel, pp. 586–609. Oxford
Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Brogaard, Berit and Gatzia, Dimitria Electra. 2018. “The Real Epistemic Significance of Perceptual
Learning.” Inquiry 61(5–6): 543–558, doi:10.1080/0020174X.2017.1368172.
Brogaard, Berit and Marlow, Kristian. 2013. “Is the Relativity of Simultaneity a Temporal
Illusion?” Analysis 73(4): 635–642.
Brogaard, Berit, Marlow, Kristian and Rice, Kevin. 2014. “The Long-Term Potentiation Model for Grapheme-Color
Binding in Synesthesia.” in Sensory Integration and the Unity of
Consciousness, edited by David J. Bennett and Christopher S. Hill, pp. 37–72. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The
MIT Press, doi:10.7551/mitpress/9780262027786.001.0001.
Brogaard, Berit and Salerno, Joseph [Joe]. 2002. “Fitch’s Paradox of Knowability.” in
The Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research
Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Brogaard, Berit and Salerno, Joseph [Joe]. 2004. “Fitch’s Paradox of Knowability.” in
The Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research
Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Brogaard, Berit and Salerno, Joseph [Joe]. 2005. “Anti-realism, Theism and the Conditional
Fallacy.” Noûs 39(1): 123–139.
Brogaard, Berit and Salerno, Joseph [Joe]. 2006. “Knowability and a Modal Closure Principle.”
American Philosophical Quarterly 43(3): 261–270.
Brogaard, Berit and Salerno, Joseph [Joe]. 2007a. “Why Counterpossibles are Non-Trivial.”
The Reasoner 1(1): 5–6.
Brogaard, Berit and Salerno, Joseph [Joe]. 2007b. “A Counterfactual Account of Essence.”
The Reasoner 1(4): 4–5.
Brogaard, Berit and Salerno, Joseph [Joe]. 2008a. “Fitch’s Paradox of Knowability.” in
The Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research
Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Brogaard, Berit and Salerno, Joseph [Joe]. 2008b. “Counteractuals and Contexts.”
Analysis 68(1): 39–46.
Brogaard, Berit and Salerno, Joseph [Joe]. 2013a. “Remarks on Counterpossibles.”
Synthese 190(4): 639–660.
Brogaard, Berit and Salerno, Joseph [Joe]. 2013b. “Fitch’s Paradox of Knowability.” in
The Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research
Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Brogaard, Berit and Salerno, Joseph [Joe]. 2019. “Fitch’s Paradox of Knowability.” in
The Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research
Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Brogaard, Berit and Smith, Barry, eds. 2001. Proceedings of the 23rd International Wittgenstein
Symposium: Rationality and Irrationality. Schriftenreihe der Österreichischen Ludwig
Wittgenstein Gesellschaft n. 29. Wien:
Gatzia, Dimitria Electra and Brogaard, Berit, eds. 2020. The Epistemology of Non-Visual Perception.
Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780190648916.001.0001.
Kentridge, Robert W. and Brogaard, Berit. 2017. “The Functional Roles of Attention.” in
Current Controversies in Philosophy of
Perception, edited by Bence Nanay, pp. 139–147. Current Controversies in Philosophy. New York:
Pismenny, Arina and Brogaard, Berit, eds. 2022a. The Moral Psychology of Love. Lanham,
Maryland: Rowman & Littlefield, doi:10.5771/9781538151013.
Pismenny, Arina and Brogaard, Berit. 2022b. “Vices of Friendship.” in The Moral Psychology of Love, edited by Arina
Pismenny and Berit Brogaard, pp. 231–254. Lanham, Maryland: Rowman
& Littlefield, doi:10.5771/9781538151013.
Smith, Barry and Brogaard, Berit. 2000. “A Unified Theory of Truth and Reference.”
Logique et Analyse 43(169–170): 49–93.
Smith, Barry and Brogaard, Berit. 2002. “Quantum
Mereotopology.” Annals of Mathematics and Artificial
Intelligence 35(1–2): 153–175.
Smith, Barry and Brogaard, Berit. 2006. “Sechzehn
Tage – Wann beginnt ein menschliches Leben?” in
Untersuchungen zur Ontologie, edited by Guido
Imaguire and Christina Schneider, pp. 3–40. München:
Philosophia Verlag, doi:10.2307/j.ctv2nrzhwg.
Sosa, Ernest, Villanueva, Enrique and Brogaard, Berit, eds. 2012.
Philosophical Issues 22: Action Theory. Malden,
Massachusetts: Wiley-Blackwell.
Further References
Cappelen, Herman and Hawthorne, John. 2009. Relativism and Monadic Truth. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199560554.001.0001.
Deroy, Ophelia. 2014. “The Unity Assumption and the Many Unities of
Consciousness.” in Sensory
Integration and the Unity of Consciousness, edited by David
J. Bennett and Christopher S. Hill, pp. 105–124. Cambridge, Massachusetts:
The MIT Press, doi:10.7551/mitpress/9780262027786.001.0001.
Dever, Josh. 2015. “Eternalism, Temporalism, Neutralism [on Brogaard
(2012a)].” Inquiry 58(6): 608–618.
Hawthorne, John. 2015. “Comments on Brogaard (2012a).”
Inquiry 58(6): 619–626.
Torrengo, Giuliano. 2013. “Propositions and the Metaphysics of Time.”
Disputatio 5(37): 315–321.
Tsompanidis, Vasilis. 2013. “On Two Arguments for Temporally Neutral
Propositions.” Disputatio 5(37): 329–337.
Zeman, Dan. 2013. “Temporalism and Composite Tense Operators.”
Disputatio 5(37): 323–328.