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Ignacio Jané (jane)

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    Jané, Ignacio. 1993. A Critical Appraisal of Second-Order Logic.” History and Philosophy of Logic 14: 67–86. Reprinted in Shapiro (1996).
    Jané, Ignacio. 1997. Theoremhood and Logical Consequence.” Theoria (San Sebastian), Secunda época 12(1): 139–160.
    Jané, Ignacio. 2001. Reflections on Skolem’s Relativity of Set-Theoretical Concepts.” Philosophia Mathematica 9(2): 129–153.
    Jané, Ignacio. 2003. Remarks on Second-Order Consequence.” Theoria (San Sebastian), Secunda época 18(47): 179–187.
    Jané, Ignacio. 2005. Higher-Order Logic Reconsidered.” in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Mathematics and Logic, edited by Stewart Shapiro, pp. 781–810. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/0195148770.001.0001.
    Jané, Ignacio. 2006. What is Tarski’s Common Concept of Consequence? The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 12: 1–42.
    Jané, Ignacio. 2010. Idealist and Realist Elements in Cantor’s Approach to Set Theory.” Philosophia Mathematica 18(2): 193–226.
    Jané, Ignacio and Uzquiano, Gabriel. 2004. Well- and Non-Well-Founded Fregean Extensions.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 33: 437–465. Reprinted in Cook (2007, 303–329).

Further References

    Cook, Roy T., ed. 2007. The Arché Papers on the Mathematics of Abstraction. The University of Western Ontario Series in Philosophy of Science n. 71. Dordrecht: Springer, doi:10.1007/978-1-4020-4265-2.
    Shapiro, Stewart. 1996. The Limits of Logic: Second-Order Logic and the Löwenheim-Skolem Theorem. Brookfield, Vermont: Aldershot.