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Hélène Leblanc (leblanc-he)

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Inbegriff, philExpo22 - une semaine de philosophie en Suisse

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    Agostini, Siegrid and Leblanc, Hélène, eds. 2015. Le fondement de la science. Les dix premières années de la philosophie cartésienne (1609-1628). Paris: ClioEdu edizioni.
    Bacigalupo, Giuliano and Leblanc, Hélène, eds. 2019. Anton Marty and Contemporary Philosophy. History of Analytic Philosophy. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
    Leblanc, Hélène. 2017. Grammaire générale et Grammatica speculativa: The Historical Roots of the Marty-Husserl Debate on General Grammar.” in Mind and Language – On the Philosophy of Anton Marty, edited by Guillaume Fréchette and Hamid Taieb, pp. 325–344. Phenomenology & Mind n. 19. Berlin: de Gruyter.
    Leblanc, Hélène. 2021a. Théories sémiotiques à l’âge classique. Paris: Librairie philosophique Jean Vrin.
    Leblanc, Hélène. 2021b. Sign and Language in Anton Marty: Before and After Brentano.” in Philosophy of Language in the Brentano School. Reassessing the Brentanian Legacy, edited by Arnaud Dewalque, Charlotte Gauvry, and Sébastien Richard, pp. 119–140. London: Palgrave Macmillan.