Ishani Maitra (maitra-i)
Cited in the following articles
Lying, Tell-Tale Signs, and Intending to DeceiveContributions to
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Maitra, Ishani. 2002. “Leibniz’s Account of Error.” International Journal of Philosophical Studies 10(1): 63–73.
Maitra, Ishani. 2004. “Silence and Responsibility.” in Philosophical Perspectives 18: Ethics, edited by Dean W. Zimmerman and John Hawthorne, pp. 189–208. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Maitra, Ishani. 2007. “How and Why to be a Moderate Contextualist.” in Context-Sensitivity and Semantic Minimalism. New Essays on Semantics and Pragmatics, pp. 112–132. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Maitra, Ishani. 2009. “Silencing Speech.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 39(2): 309–338.
Maitra, Ishani. 2010. “The Nature of Epistemic Injustice [critical Notice of Fricker (2007)].” Philosophical Books 51(4): 195–211.
Maitra, Ishani. 2011. “Assertion, Norms, and Games.” in Assertion: New Philosophical Essays, edited by Jessica A. Brown and Herman Cappelen, pp. 277–295. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199573004.001.0001.
Maitra, Ishani. 2012. “Subordinating Speech.” in Speech and Harm: Controversies over Free Speech, edited by Ishani Maitra and Mary Kate McGowan, pp. 94–120. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199236282.001.0001.
Maitra, Ishani. 2016. “Feminism.” in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophical Methodology, edited by Herman Cappelen, Tamar Szabó Gendler, and John Hawthorne, pp. 690–708. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199668779.001.0001.
Maitra, Ishani. 2017. “Speech and Silencing.” in The Routledge Companion to Feminist Philosophy, edited by Ann Garry, Serene J. Khader, and Alison Stone, pp. 279–291. Routledge Philosophy Companions. London: Routledge.
Maitra, Ishani. 2018a. “New Words for Old Wrongs.” Episteme 15(3): 345–362.
Maitra, Ishani. 2018b. “Lying, Acting, and Asserting.” in Lying: Language, Knowledge, Ethics, and Politics, edited by Eliot Michaelson and Andreas Stokke, pp. 65–83. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198743965.003.0004.
Maitra, Ishani and McGowan, Mary Kate, eds. 2012a. Speech and Harm: Controversies over Free Speech. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199236282.001.0001.
Maitra, Ishani and McGowan, Mary Kate. 2012b. “Introduction and Overview.” in Speech and Harm: Controversies over Free Speech, edited by Ishani Maitra and Mary Kate McGowan, pp. 1–23. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199236282.001.0001.
Maitra, Ishani and McGowan, Mary Kate. 2021. “Language and Free Speech.” in The Routledge Handbook of Social and Political Philosophy of Language, edited by Justin Khoo and Rachel Katharine Sterken, pp. 317–330. Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy. London: Routledge, doi:10.4324/9781003164869.
Maitra, Ishani and Weatherson, Brian. 2010. “Assertion, Knowledge, and Action.” Philosophical Studies 149(1): 99–118.
Further References
Fricker, Miranda. 2007. Epistemic Injustice. Power and the Ethics of Knowing. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198237907.001.0001.