John O'Neill (oneill-j)
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O’Neill, John. 1968. “Situation and Temporality.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 28: 413–422. Reprinted in Stewart (1998, 315–325).
O’Neill, John. 1977. “Mind and Institution.” in Interdisciplinary Phenomenology, edited by Don Ihde and Richard M. Zaner, pp. 99–108. Selected Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy n. 6. Den Haag: Martinus Nijhoff Publishers.
O’Neill, John. 1986. “Mecum meditari: Demolishing Doubt, Building a Prayer.” in Scientific Realism and Democratic Society – The Philosophy of Philip Kitcher, edited by Wenceslao J. González, pp. 105–118. Poznań Studies in the Philosophy of the Sciences and the Humanities n. 101. Amsterdam: Rodopi.
O’Neill, John. 1992. “The Varieties of Intrinsic Value.” The Monist 75(2): 119–137.
O’Neill, John. 1994. “Preferences, Virtues, and Institutions.” Analyse & Kritik 16(2): 202–216.
O’Neill, John. 1995. “Essences and Markets.” The Monist 78(3): 258–275.
O’Neill, John, ed. 1996. Freud and the Passions. University Park, Pennsylvania: Pennsylvania State University Press.
O’Neill, John. 1998a. “Practical Reason and Mathematical Argument.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 29(2): 195–205.
O’Neill, John. 1998b. “Self-Love, Self-Interest and the Rational Economic Agent.” Analyse & Kritik 20(2): 184–204.
O’Neill, John. 2000. “Descartes’ Theater of Dis-Belief.” Communication and Cognition 33(1–2): 9–21.
O’Neill, John. 2001. “Meta-Ethics.” in A Companion to Environmental Philosophy, edited by Dale Jamieson, pp. 163–176. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
O’Neill, John. 2003. “Unified Science as Political Philosophy: Positivism, Pluralism and Liberalism.” Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 34(3): 575–596.
O’Neill, John. 2006. “Citizenship, Well-Being and Sustainability: Epicurus or Aristotle?” Analyse & Kritik 28(2): 158–172.
O’Neill, John. 2007. “Pluralism and Economic Institutions.” in Otto Neurath’s Economics in Context, edited by Elisabeth Nemeth, Stefan W. Schmitz, and Thomas E. Uebel, pp. 77–100. Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook n. 13. Dordrecht: Springer.
O’Neill, John and Uebel, Thomas E. 2004. “Horkheimer and Neurath: Restarting a Disrupted Debate.” European Journal of Philosophy 12(1): 75–105.
O’Neill, John and Uebel, Thomas E. 2008. “Logical Empiricism as Critical Theory? The Debate Continues.” Analyse & Kritik 30(2): 379–398.
Further References
Stewart, Jon, ed. 1998. The Debate between Sartre and Merleau-Ponty. Northwestern University Studies in Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy. Evanston, Illinois: Northwestern University Press.