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Alison Simmons (simmons-a)

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    Simmons, Alison. 1996. Review of Cottingham (1994).” The Philosophical Review 105(4): 536–538.
    Simmons, Alison. 1998. The Sensory Act: Descartes and the Jesuits on the Efficient Cause of Sensation.” in Meeting of the Minds. The Relations between Medieval and Classical Modern European Philosophy. Actes of the International Colloquium held at Boston College, June 14-16, 1996, organized by the Société Internationale pour l’Etude de la Philosophie médiévale, edited by Stephen F. Brown, pp. 63–76. Rencontres de Philosophie Médiévale n. 7. Turnhout: Brepols Publishers.
    Simmons, Alison. 1999. Are Cartesian Sensations Representational? Noûs 33(3): 347–369.
    Simmons, Alison. 2001a. Sensible Ends: Latent Teleology in Descartes’ Account of Sensation.” Journal of the History of Philosophy 39(1): 49–75.
    Simmons, Alison. 2001b. Changing the Cartesian Mind. Leibniz on Sensation, Representation and Consciousness.” The Philosophical Review 110(1): 31–75.
    Simmons, Alison. 2003a. Spatial Perception from a Cartesian Point of View.” Philosophical Topics 31(1–2): 395–423.
    Simmons, Alison. 2003b. Descartes on the Cognitive Structure of Sensory Experience.” Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 67(3): 549–579.
    Simmons, Alison. 2008. Guarding the Body: A Cartesian Phenomenology of Perception.” in Contemporary Perspectives on Early Modern Philosophy: Essays in Honor of Vere Chappell, edited by Paul Hoffman, David Owen, and Gideon Yaffe, pp. 81–114. Peterborough, Ontario: Broadview Press.
    Simmons, Alison. 2011a. Leibnizian Consciousness Reconsidered.” Studia Leibnitiana 43(2): 196–215.
    Simmons, Alison. 2011b. Re-Humanizing Descartes.” Philosophic Exchange 41: 53–71.
    Simmons, Alison. 2012. Cartesian Consciousness Reconsidered.” Philosophers' imprint 12(2).
    Simmons, Alison. 2014. Sensory Perception of Bodies: Meditation 6.5.” in The Cambridge Companion to Descartes’ Meditations, edited by David Cunning, pp. 258–276. Cambridge Companions to Philosophy. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
    Simmons, Alison. 2015. Perception in Early Modern Philosophy.” in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy of Perception, edited by Mohan Matthen, pp. 81–99. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199600472.001.0001.
    Simmons, Alison. 2017. Mind-Body Union and the Limits of Cartesian Metaphysics.” Philosophers' imprint 17(14).

Further References

    Cottingham, John G., ed. 1994. Reason, Will, and Sensation: Studies in Descartes’s Metaphysics. Oxford: Oxford University Press.