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Jordan Taylor (taylor-jo)

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    Taylor, Jordan. 2012. Review of Nadler (2011).” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 20(3): 627–630.
    Taylor, Jordan. 2013a. Emotion and Cognitive Life in Medieval and Early Modern Philosophy.” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 21(6): 1235–1237.
    Taylor, Jordan. 2013b. Emotional Sensations and the Moral Imagination in Malebranche.” in The Discourse of Sensibility. The Knowing Body in the Enlightenment, edited by Henry Martyn Lloyd, pp. 63–84. Studies in History and Philosophy of Science n. 35. Dordrecht: Springer.
    Taylor, Jordan. 2017. Review of Descartes (2015).” British Journal for the History of Philosophy 25(6): 1242–1244.
    Taylor, Jordan and Ivry, Richard B. 2013. Implicit and Explicit Processes in Motor Learning.” in Action Science. Foundations of an Emerging Discipline, edited by Wolfgang Prinz, Miriam Beisert, and Arvid Herwig, pp. 63–88. Cambridge, Massachusetts: The MIT Press.

Further References

    Descartes, René. 2015. The Passions of the Soul and Other Later Philosophical Writings. Oxford: Oxford University Press. Edited by M. Moriarty.
    Nadler, Steven M. 2011. Consciousness Among the Cartesians.” Studia Leibnitiana 43(2): 132–144.