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Kenny Easwaran (easwaran)

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    Briggs, Rachael A., Cariani, Fabrizio, Easwaran, Kenny and Fitelson, Branden. 2014. Individual Coherence and Group Coherence.” in Essays in Collective Epistemology, edited by Jennifer Lackey, pp. 215–239. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199665792.001.0001.
    Easwaran, Kenny. 2008a. Strong and Weak Expectations.” Mind 117(467): 633–641.
    Easwaran, Kenny. 2008b. Review of Azzouni (2006).” The Philosophical Review 117(2): 296–299.
    Easwaran, Kenny. 2009. Probabilistic Proofs and Transferability.” Philosophia Mathematica 17(3): 341–362.
    Easwaran, Kenny. 2011a. Bayesianism I: Introduction and Arguments in Favor.” Philosophy Compass 6(5): 312–320.
    Easwaran, Kenny. 2011b. Bayesianism II: Applications and Criticisms.” Philosophy Compass 6(5): 321–332.
    Easwaran, Kenny. 2011c. The Varieties of Conditional Probability.” in Philosophy of Statistics, edited by Prasanta S. Bandyopadhyay and Malcolm R. Forster, pp. 137–115. Handbook of the Philosophy of Science n. 7. Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
    Easwaran, Kenny. 2013. Why Countable Additivity? Thought 2(1): 53–61.
    Easwaran, Kenny. 2014a. Decision Theory without Representation Theorems.” Philosophers’ Imprint 14(27).
    Easwaran, Kenny. 2014b. Principal Values and Weak Expectations.” Mind 123(490): 517–531.
    Easwaran, Kenny. 2014c. Probability and Logic.” Philosophy Compass 9(12): 876–883.
    Easwaran, Kenny. 2014d. Regularity and Hyperreal Credences.” The Philosophical Review 123(1): 1–41.
    Easwaran, Kenny. 2015a. Rebutting and Undercutting in Mathematics.” in Philosophical Perspectives 29: Epistemology, edited by John Hawthorne, pp. 146–162. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley; Sons, Inc.
    Easwaran, Kenny. 2015b. Formal Epistemology.” The Journal of Philosophical Logic 44(6): 651–662.
    Easwaran, Kenny. 2016a. Conditional Probability.” in The Oxford Handbook of Probability and Philosophy, edited by Alan Hájek and Christopher R. Hitchcock, pp. 167–182. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199607617.001.0001.
    Easwaran, Kenny. 2016b. Review of Titelbaum (2013).” The Philosophical Review 125(1): 143–148.
    Easwaran, Kenny. 2016c. Dr. Truthlove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Bayesian Probabilities.” Noûs 50(4): 816–853, doi:10.1111/nous.12099.
    Easwaran, Kenny. 2017. The Tripartite Role of Belief: Evidence, Truth, and Action.” Res Philosophica 94(2): 189–206.
    Easwaran, Kenny, Fenton-Glynn, Luke, Hitchcock, Christopher R. and Velasco, Joel D. 2016. Updating on the Credences of Others: Disagreement, Agreement, and Synergy.” Philosophers’ Imprint 16(11).
    Easwaran, Kenny and Fitelson, Branden. 2012. An ‘Evidentialist’ Worry About Joyce’s Argument for Probabilism.” Dialectica 66(3): 425–433.
    Easwaran, Kenny and Fitelson, Branden. 2015. Accuracy, Coherence, and Evidence.” in Oxford Studies in Epistemology, volume V, edited by Tamar Szabó Gendler and John Hawthorne, pp. 61–96. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198722762.003.0003.
    Easwaran, Kenny, Hájek, Alan, Mancosu, Paolo and Oppy, Graham. 2023. Infinity.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
    Easwaran, Kenny and Monton, Bradley. 2012. Mixed Strategies, Uncountable Times, and Pascal’s Wager: A Reply to Robertson.” Analysis 72(4): 681–685.
    Easwaran, Kenny and Stern, Reuben. 2018. The Many Ways to Achieve Diachronic Unity.” in Self-Control, Decision Theory, and Rationality, edited by José-Luis Bermúdez, pp. 240–263. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, doi:10.1017/9781108329170.
    Oppy, Graham, Hájek, Alan, Easwaran, Kenny and Mancosu, Paolo. 2021. Infinity.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,

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