Alan Hájek (hajek-a)
My contributions to
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Bartha, Paul, Barker, John A. and Hájek, Alan. 2014. “Satan, Saint Peter and Saint Petersburg.”
Synthese 191(4): 629–660.
Byrne, Alex and Hájek, Alan. 1997. “David Hume, David Lewis, and Decision
Theory.” Mind 105.
Chalmers, David J. and Hájek, Alan. 2007. “Ramsey + Moore
= God.” Analysis 67(2): 170–172, doi:10.1111/j.1467-8284.2007.00670.x.
Colyvan, Mark and Hájek, Alan. 2016. “Making Ado without Expectations.”
Mind 125(499): 829–857.
Easwaran, Kenny, Hájek, Alan, Mancosu, Paolo and Oppy, Graham. 2023.
“Infinity.” in The
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California:
The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language;
Fitelson, Branden and Hájek, Alan. 2017. “Declarations of Independence.”
Synthese 194(10): 3979–3995.
Hájek, Alan. 1989. “Probabilities of Conditionals – Revisited.”
The Journal of Philosophical Logic 18(4): 423–428.
Hájek, Alan. 1994. “Triviality on the Cheap?” in Probability and Conditionals: Belief Revision and
Rational Decision, edited by Ellery Eells and Brian Skyrms, pp. 113–140. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Hájek, Alan. 1996. “The Fearless and Moderate Revision: Extending Lewis’
Triviality Results.” in Logica
’95: Proceedings of the 9th International Symposium, edited
by Timothy Childers, Petr Kolář, and Vladimı́r Svoboda, pp. 171–178. Praha:
Filosofia. Nakladetelstvı́ Filosofického
ústavu AV ČR.
Hájek, Alan. 1997. “The Illogic of Pascal’s Wager.” in
Logica ’96: Proceedings of the 10th
International Symposium, edited by Timothy Childers, Petr Kolář, and Vladimı́r Svoboda, pp. 239–249. Praha:
Filosofia. Nakladetelstvı́ Filosofického
ústavu AV ČR.
Hájek, Alan. 1998a.
“Agnosticism Meets Bayesianism.”
Analysis 58(3): 199–206.
Hájek, Alan. 1998b. “Pascal’s Wager.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study
of Language; Information,
Hájek, Alan. 2001a. “Probability, Logic, and Probability Logic.”
in The Blackwell Guide to Philosophical
Logic, edited by Lou F. Goble, pp. 362–384. Blackwell Philosophy
Guides. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, doi:10.1002/9781405164801.
Hájek, Alan. 2001b. “Pascal’s Wager.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study
of Language; Information,
Hájek, Alan. 2002. “Interpretations of Probability.” in
The Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research
Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Hájek, Alan. 2003a. “What
Conditional Probability Could Not Be.” Synthese
137(3): 273–323.
Hájek, Alan. 2003b. “Interpretations of Probability.” in
The Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research
Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Hájek, Alan. 2004. “Pascal’s Wager.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study
of Language; Information,
Hájek, Alan. 2005. “Scotching
Dutch Books?” in Philosophical Perspectives 19:
Epistemology, edited by John Hawthorne, pp. 139–151. Oxford: Blackwell
Hájek, Alan. 2007. “Interpretations of Probability.” in
The Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research
Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Hájek, Alan. 2008a. “Are
Miracles Chimerical?” in Oxford
Studies in Philosophy of Religion, volume I, edited by
Jonathan L. Kvanvig, pp. 82–104. Oxford:
Oxford University Press.
Hájek, Alan. 2008b.
“Probability – A Philosophical Overview.” in
Proof and Other Dilemmas: Mathematics and
Philosophy, edited by Bonnie Gold and Roger A. Simons, pp. 323–340. Washington, D.C.:
Mathematical Association of America.
Hájek, Alan. 2008c. “Pascal’s Wager.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study
of Language; Information,
Hájek, Alan. 2009a. “Arguments For – or Against – Probabilism?”
in Degrees of Belief, edited by
Franz Huber and Christoph Schmidt-Petri, pp. 229–252. Synthese
Library n. 342. Dordrecht: Springer.
Hájek, Alan. 2009b. “Two Interpretations of Two Stoic
Conditionals.” in Ancient and
Medieval Philosophy, edited by Uwe Meixner and Albert Newen, pp. 206–221. Logical Analysis and History of Philosophy n. 12.
Paderborn: Mentis Verlag.
Hájek, Alan. 2009c. “Interpretations of Probability.” in
The Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research
Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Hájek, Alan. 2011a. “Interpretations of Probability.” in
The Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research
Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Hájek, Alan. 2011b.
“Conditional Probability.” in Philosophy of Statistics, edited by Prasanta
S. Bandyopadhyay and Malcolm R. Forster, pp. 99–136. Handbook of the Philosophy of Science n. 7.
Amsterdam: Elsevier Science Publishers B.V.
Hájek, Alan. 2012a. “Is
Strict Coherence Coherent?” Dialectica 66(3):
Hájek, Alan. 2012b. “Pascal’s Wager.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study
of Language; Information,
Hájek, Alan. 2014a.
“Unexpected Expectations.” Mind
123(490): 533–567.
Hájek, Alan. 2014b. “A Chancy
‘Magic Trick’ .” in Chance and Temporal Asymmetry, edited by
Alastair Wilson, pp. 100–111. Oxford:
Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199673421.001.0001.
Hájek, Alan. 2014c. “Philosophical Heuristics and Philosophical
Creativity.” in The Philosophy of
Creativity. New Essays, edited by Elliot Samuel Paul and Scott Bary Kaufman, pp. 288–318. Oxford: Oxford University
Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199836963.001.0001.
Hájek, Alan. 2015a. “Pascal’s Ultimate Gamble.” in The Norton Introduction to Philosophy, edited
by Gideon Rosen, Alex Byrne, Joshua Cohen, and Seana Valentine Shiffrin, pp. 65–75. New York: W.W. Norton
& Co. Reprinted in Rosen et al. (2018, 74–83).
Hájek, Alan. 2015b. “On the Plurality of Lewis’s Triviality
Results.” in A Companion to David
Lewis, edited by Barry C. Loewer and Jonathan Schaffer, pp. 425–445. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Hoboken, New
Jersey: John Wiley; Sons, Inc., doi:10.1002/9781118398593.
Hájek, Alan. 2016a.
“Deliberation Welcomes Prediction.”
Episteme 13(4): 507–528.
Hájek, Alan. 2016b. “Philosophical Heuristics and Philosophical
Methodology.” in The Oxford
Handbook of Philosophical Methodology, edited by Herman
Cappelen, Tamar Szabó Gendler, and John Hawthorne, pp. 348–373. Oxford
Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199668779.001.0001.
Hájek, Alan. 2017. “Pascal’s Wager.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study
of Language; Information,
Hájek, Alan. 2019. “Interpretations of Probability.” in
The Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research
Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Hájek, Alan. 2021a.
“Hysteresis Hypotheses.” in Conditionals, Paradox, and Probability. Themes from the
Philosophy of Dorothy Edgington, edited by Lee Walters and John Hawthorne, pp. 227–238. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780198712732.001.0001.
Hájek, Alan. 2021b. “Risky
Business.” in Philosophical Perspectives 35:
Epistemology, edited by John Hawthorne and Jason Turner, pp. 189–205. Hoboken, New Jersey: John
Wiley; Sons, Inc., doi:10.1111/phpe.12147.
Hájek, Alan. 2022. “Pascal’s Wager.” in The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy.
Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study
of Language; Information,
Hájek, Alan. 2023. “Interpretations of Probability.” in
The Stanford Encyclopedia of
Philosophy. Stanford, California: The Metaphysics Research
Lab, Center for the Study of Language; Information,
Hájek, Alan and Hall, Ned. 1994. “The Hypothesis of the Conditional Construal of
Conditional Probability.” in Probability and Conditionals: Belief Revision and
Rational Decision, edited by Ellery Eells and Brian Skyrms, pp. 75–111. Cambridge: Cambridge
University Press.
Hájek, Alan and Hall, Ned. 2002. “Induction and Probability.” in The Blackwell Guide to the Philosophy of
Science, edited by Peter K. Machamer and Michael Silberstein, pp. 149–172. Blackwell
Philosophy Guides. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers, doi:10.1002/9780470756614.
Hájek, Alan and Harper, William L. 1996. “Full Belief and Probability: Comments on Van
Fraassen.” Dialogue. Revue canadienne de philosophie /
Canadian Philosophical Review 35.
Hájek, Alan and Hartmann, Stephan. 2010. “Bayesian
Epistemology.” in A Companion to
Epistemology, edited by Jonathan Dancy, Ernest Sosa, and Matthias Steup, 2nd ed., pp. 93–104. Blackwell Companions to Philosophy. Chichester:
Wiley-Blackwell, doi:10.1002/9781444315080.
Hájek, Alan and Hitchcock, Christopher R., eds. 2016a.
The Oxford Handbook of Probability and
Philosophy. Oxford Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford
University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199607617.001.0001.
Hájek, Alan and Hitchcock, Christopher R. 2016b. “Probability for Everyone – Even
Philosophers.” in The Oxford
Handbook of Probability and Philosophy, edited by Alan Hájek and Christopher R. Hitchcock, pp. 5–31. Oxford
Handbooks. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780199607617.001.0001.
Hájek, Alan and Joyce, James M. 2008.
“Confirmation.” in The Routledge Companion to Philosophy of
Science, edited by Stathis Psillos and Martin Curd, pp. 115–128. Routledge Philosophy
Companions. London: Routledge.
Hájek, Alan and Lin, Hanti. 2017. “A
Tale of Two Epistemologies?” Res Philosophica
94(2): 207–232.
Hájek, Alan and Nover, Harris. 2008. “Complex
Expectations.” Mind 117(467): 643–664.
Hájek, Alan and Pettit, Philip. 2004. “Desire
Beyond Belief.” Australasian Journal of
Philosophy 82(1): 77–92. Reprinted in Jackson and Priest (2004,
Hájek, Alan and Smithson, Michael. 2012. “Rationality and Indeterminate
Probabilities.” Synthese 187(1): 33–48.
Oppy, Graham, Hájek, Alan, Easwaran, Kenny and Mancosu, Paolo. 2021.
“Infinity.” in The
Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy. Stanford, California:
The Metaphysics Research Lab, Center for the Study of Language;
Further References
Jackson, Frank and Priest, Graham, eds. 2004. Lewisian Themes: The Philosophy of David
Lewis. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oso/9780199274550.001.0001.
Rosen, Gideon, Byrne, Alex, Cohen, Joshua and Shiffrin, Seana Valentine, eds. 2018. The Norton Introduction to Philosophy. 2nd
ed. New York: W.W. Norton & Co.