David Lyons (lyons-d)
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Lyons, David. 1963. “Baier’s Test for Practical Rules Re-Examined.” Philosophical Studies 14(1–2): 18–22.
Lyons, David. 1965. Forms and Limits of Utilitarianism. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198241973.001.0001.
Lyons, David. 1971a. “The Internal Morality of Law.” Proceedings of the Aristotelian Society 71: 105–119. Reprinted in Lyons (1993a, 1–12).
Lyons, David. 1971b. “Was Bentham a Utilitarian?” in Reason and Reality, edited by Godfrey N. A. Vesey, pp. 196–221. Royal Institute of Philosophy Lectures n. 5. London: MacMillan Publishing Co. Book publication 1972.
Lyons, David. 1972. “Rawls versus Utilitarianism.” The Journal of Philosophy 69(18): 535–545. Incorporated into Lyons (1975), reprinted in Richardson (1999, 1–12).
Lyons, David. 1973. “On Formal Justice.” Cornell Law Review 58(5): 833–861. Reprinted in Lyons (1993a, 13–40).
Lyons, David. 1974. “The Nature of the Contract Argument.” Cornell Law Review 59(6). Incorporated into Lyons (1975).
Lyons, David. 1975. “Nature of Soundness of the Contract and Coherence Arguments.” in Reading Rawls: Critical Studies on Rawls’ A Theory of Justice, edited by Norman Daniels, pp. 141–167. New York: Basic Books.
Lyons, David. 1978. “Mill’s Theory of Justice.” in Values and Morals: Essays in Honor of William Frankena, Charles Stevenson, and Richard Brandt, edited by Alvin I. Goldman and Jaegwon Kim, pp. 1–20. Philosophical Studies Series n. 13. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
Lyons, David. 1979. “Liberty and Harm to Others.” Canadian Journal of Philosophy 9(suppl. 1): 1–19.
Lyons, David. 1981. “Legal Formalism and Instrumentalism – A Pathological Study.” Cornell Law Review 66(5): 949–972. Reprinted in Lyons (1993a, 41–63).
Lyons, David. 1982a. “Moral Aspects of Legal Theory.” in Midwest Studies in Philosophy 7: Social and Political Philosophy, edited by Peter A. French, Theodore E. Uehling Jr., and Howard K. Wettstein, pp. 223–254. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press. Reprinted in Cohen (1983) and in Lyons (1993a, 64–101).
Lyons, David. 1982b. “Utility and Rights.” in Ethics, Economics, and the Law, edited by James Roland Pennock and John W. Chapman, pp. 107–138. Nomos, Yearbook of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy n. 24. New York: New York University Press.
Lyons, David. 1982c. “Benevolence and Justice in Mill.” in The Limits of Utilitarianism, edited by Harlan B. Miller and William H. Williams, pp. 42–70. Minneapolis, Minnesota: University of Minnesota Press.
Lyons, David. 1985a. “Derivability, Defensibility, and the Justification of Judicial Decisions.” The Monist 68: 325–346. Reprinted in Lyons (1993a, 119–140).
Lyons, David. 1985b. “Formal Justice and Judicial Precedent.” Vanderbilt Law Review 38: 495–512. Reprinted in Lyons (1993a, 102–118).
Lyons, David. 1986. “Constitutional Interpretation and Original Meaning.” Social Philosophy and Policy 4(1): 75–101. Reprinted in Coleman and Frankel Paul (1987, 75–101) and in Lyons (1993a, 141–168).
Lyons, David. 1988a. “A Preface to Constitutional Theory.” Northern Kentucky Law Review 15: 459–477. Reprinted in Lyons (1993a, 169–184).
Lyons, David. 1988b. “Ambiguity, Incoherence and Evalation in Constitutional Theory.” Philosophic Exchange 19: 5–22.
Lyons, David. 1990. “Basic Rights and Constitutional Interpretation.” Social Philosophy and Policy 16: 337–357. Reprinted in Lyons (1993a, 185–201).
Lyons, David. 1991. In the Interest of the Governed: A Study in Bentham’s Philosophy of Utility and Law. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780198239642.001.0001.
Lyons, David. 1993a. Moral Aspects of Legal Theory: Essays on Law, Justice, and Political Responsibility. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lyons, David. 1993b. “Critical Analysis and Constructive Interpretation.” in Moral Aspects of Legal Theory: Essays on Law, Justice, and Political Responsibility, pp. 202–217. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Lyons, David. 1994. Rights, Welfare, and Mill’s Moral Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
Lyons, David. 1996. “Political Responsibility and Resistance to Civil Government.” Philosophic Exchange 26: 5–25.
Lyons, David. 2013. Confronting Injustice. Moral History and Political Theory. Oxford: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/acprof:oso/9780199662555.001.0001.
Lyons, David. 2015. “The Utilitarian Justification of the State.” in The Norton Introduction to Philosophy, edited by Gideon Rosen, Alex Byrne, Joshua Cohen, and Seana Valentine Shiffrin, pp. 962–969. New York: W.W. Norton & Co. Second edition: Rosen et al. (2018).
Lyons, David. 2017. “Reparations for Slavery and Jim Crow: Its Assumptions and Implications.” in The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Race, edited by Naomi Zack, pp. 505–515. Oxford Handbooks. New York: Oxford University Press, doi:10.1093/oxfordhb/9780190236953.001.0001.
Lyons, David. 2018. “Wealth Concentration, Racial Subordination, and Political Corruption.” in Privatization, edited by Jack Knight and Melissa Schwartzberg, pp. 226–234. Nomos, Yearbook of the American Society for Political and Legal Philosophy n. 60. New York: New York University Press.
Further References
Cohen, Marshall, ed. 1983. Ronald Dworkin and Contemporary Jurisprudence. Totowa, New Jersey: Rowman & Allanheld.
Coleman, Jules L. and Frankel Paul, Ellen, eds. 1987. Philosophy and Law. Oxford: Blackwell Publishers.
Richardson, Henry S., ed. 1999. The Philosophy of John Rawls: A Collection of Essays. Vol. 3: Opponents and Implications of A Theory of Justice. New York: Garland Publishing Co.