In questa pagina troverete un'anteprima delle varie realtà filosofiche in Ticino. Tra le più importanti, abbiamo l'Università della Svizzera Italiana (USI), la Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana (SUPSI), le associazioni Ratio, Orizzonti Filosofici e Il Colore dei Margini.
Abbiamo cercato di compilare un elenco dei licei ticinesi dove viene insegnata la filosofia, cercato di comprendere il sistema educativo della Svizzera italiana, e ci piacerebbe raccogliere testimonianze di liceali e studenti di filosofia e delle opportunità professionali legate alla filosofia.
Ovviamente, la nostra offerta e le informazioni fornite rimangono molto limitate e incomplete - ogni aiuto è benvenuto.
profili institutionali
articoli in italiano
Philosophy in Switzerland
One of our categorisations of events, institutions and activities is roughly geographical, which is a difficult thing to do. We have the following "theme-tags" (not to be confused with the cities...):
- "Basel": BS, BL
- "Bern", includes SO
- "Fribourg",
- "Genève"
- "Lausanne", includes VS
- "Zentralschweiz": LU, UR SZ, OW, NW
- “Neuchâtel”, includes JU
- "Ostschweiz": SG, SH, AR, AI, GL, GR, TH
- "Zürich", includes AR, ZG
Other Categorisation: by Type of Institution
Links are to the German pages, but corresponding overview pages also exist in French, Italien and English.
- Universities
- Research Groups
- Student Associations
- High-Schools
- Teacher Education Institutions
- Philosophical Societies
- Philosophical Associations
- Cafés Philo
- Philosophical Festivals
- Extra-University Continuing Education
- Philosophical Counseling
- Philosophical Places (Libraries, Museums etc.),
Other Categorisation: by Type of Activity
Links are to the German pages, but corresponding overview pages also exist in French, Italian and English.
- Learning philosophy
- Studying philosophy
- Teaching philosophy at university
- Teaching philosophy in high-schools
- Learning teaching philosophy
- BA Studies
- MA Studies
- Doing a PhD
- Philosophical Research
- Philosophy with Children
Other Categorisation: by Group of Persons
Links are to the German pages, but corresponding overview pages also exist in French, Italian and English.
- High-School Students
- University Students (BA and MA)
- PhD Students
- Postdocs in Philosophy
- Swiss Philosophy Academics