David Armstrong (armstrong-d)
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Articles of Dialectica, Naturalismus und menschliche Natur, Metalinguistic Monstrosity and Displaced Communication, Constitutivism about Instrumental Desire and Introspective Belief, The Mental States First Theory of Promising, A Puzzle About Parsimony, Che cos’è la Metafisica della ScienzaZitiert in den folgenden Artikeln
Susan Stebbing on Well-Foundedness, The Dual Detector Argument against the Modal Theory, Color Constancy Illuminated, Categorial Metaphysics and the Reality of the Inference Problem, Quo Vadis, Metaphysics of Relations?, Converse Predicates and the Interpretation of Second Order Quantification, Converse Relations and the Sparse-Abundant Distinction, The Primitivist Response to the Inference Problem, Dispositions and Token Identity, Spacetime Functionalism, Constitutivism about Instrumental Desire and Introspective Belief, David Armstrong on the Metaphysics of Mathematics, Robinson's Regress Argument from Vagueness to Dualism, Consciousness, Revelation, and Confusion, In Defence of Facts: Grounding, Essential Properties and the Unity ProblemBeiträge zu Philosophie.ch
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Armstrong, David. 2009. “Papyrology.” in The Oxford Handbook of Hellenic Studies, edited by George R. Boys-Stones, Barbara Graziosi, and Phiroze Vasunia, pp. 763–772. Oxford Handbooks. New York: Oxford University Press.
Armstrong, David. 2016. “Utility and Affection in Epicurean Friendship: Philodemus On the Gods 3, On Property Management, and Horace Sermones 2.6.” in Hope, Joy, and Affection in the Classical World, edited by Ruth R. Caston and Robert A. Kaster, pp. 182–208. Oxford: Oxford University Press.