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Ulrich Blau (blau-u)

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    Blau, Jong and Blau, Ulrich. 1995. Epistemische Paradoxien, Teil 1.” Dialectica 49(2–4): 169–194.
    Blau, Jong and Blau, Ulrich. 1996. Epistemische Paradoxien, Teil 2.” Dialectica 50(3): 167–182.
    Blau, Ulrich. 1977. Die dreiwertige Logik der Sprache. Ihre Syntax, Semantik und Anwendung in der Sprachanalyse. Berlin: de Gruyter, doi:10.1515/9783110838794.
    Blau, Ulrich. 1983a. Three-Valued Analysis of Precise, Vague, and Presupposing Quantifiers.” in Approaching Vagueness, edited by Thomas T. Ballmer and Manfred Pinkal, pp. 79–129. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co.
    Blau, Ulrich. 1983b. Vom Henker, vom Lügner und von ihrem Ende.” Erkenntnis 19(1–3): 27–44. Reprinted in Hempel, Putnam and Essler (1983, 27–44).
    Blau, Ulrich. 1985a. Die Logik der Unbestimmtheiten und Paradoxien. Universität München: Selbstverlag.
    Blau, Ulrich. 1985b. Die Logik der Unbestimmtheiten und Paradoxien.” Erkenntnis 22(1–3): 369–459. Reprinted in Essler, Putnam and Stegmüller (1985, 369–459).
    Blau, Ulrich. 1998. Ein platonistisches Argument für Cantors Kontinuumshypothese.” Dialectica 52(3): 175–202.
    Blau, Ulrich. 2004. The Significance of the Largest and Smallest Numbers for the Oldest Paradoxes.” in One Hundred Years of Russell’s Paradox. Mathematics, Logic, Philosophy, edited by Godehard Link, pp. 311–348. de Gruyter Series in Logic and Its Applications n. 6. Berlin: de Gruyter.
    Blau, Ulrich. 2014. Oldest Paradoxes, Future Mathematics and Mysticism.” Erkenntnis 79(suppl., 7): 1289–1313.

Further References

    Essler, Wilhelm K., Putnam, Hilary and Stegmüller, Wolfgang, eds. 1985. Methodology, Epistemology, and Philosophy of Science. Essays in Honour of Carl G. Hempel on the Occasion of His 80th Birthday, January 8th 1985. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co.
    Hempel, Carl Gustav, Putnam, Hilary and Essler, Wilhelm K., eds. 1983. Methodology, Epistemology, and Philosophy of Science. Essays in Honour of Wolfgang Stegmüller on the Occasion of His 60th Birthday, June 3rd 1983. Dordrecht: D. Reidel Publishing Co., doi:10.1007/978-94-015-7676-5.